Doctors Prohibited From Speaking Out On Death of Teen Caused By Flu Shot

A 19-year old who received a flu shot during a routine physical became violently ill, suffering from vomiting and headaches, eventually slipping into a coma and then succumbing to his injuries. While his mother is claiming that the influenza vaccine is responsible for the death of her son, doctors claim they could not confirm the cause and they are now legally prohibited from speaking about his case. Mrs. Webb says this was her son's first ever flu shot. He had received it the day before he became ill as part of a routine physical.

Universal Flu Vaccine May Actually Make Flu Symptoms Worse

Studies show that the influenza vaccine is ineffective in the elderly and very young, and recent animal studies suggest that vaccinating against one strain of influenza may actually increase the risk of being infected with a related but different influenza strain. Recent research raises very important questions about the approach taken in the development of a universal flu vaccine, which targets the “stalk,” or non-mutating part of the virus. In 2009, researchers also noticed that people who had gotten a flu shot the previous year were MORE likely to succumb to the novel H1N1 strain, compared to those who had not received a flu shot the previous year. Infants born to mothers who received the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine lose their passively acquired immunity from their mothers two months sooner than those born to mothers who were naturally infected with measles. Instead of addressing the scientific evidence demonstrating vaccine risks and failures, UNICEF is focusing on public relations schemes to convince you not to pay attention to the available science.

Do Vaccines Cause Autism? The Corrupt Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

Why is there still a vaccine/autism controversy? Because families have been blocked from getting into a REAL court to prove that vaccines have caused their child's autism. The Canary Party presents a video on the corrupt Vaccine Injury Compensation Program to show how the federal government and pharmaceutical companies continue to get away with claiming that vaccines don't cause autism in the face of mounting evidence that they are doing just that in a growing number of children. This video shows how difficult it is to collect claims in the Vaccine Court, and that the U.S. government has a conflict of interest in allowing negative information about vaccines go public, since they hold many of the patents on vaccines and benefit financially.

CDC Deception: HPV First Vaccine Marketed to Prevent Cancer

With human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination rates far below targets, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is redoubling efforts to promote HPV vaccine as an ‘anti-cancer’ vaccine. Describing Gardasil or Cervarix, the two HPV vaccines, as ‘anti-cancer vaccines’ could be described as borderline fraudulent as they’ve never been proven to prevent cancer. The HPV vaccine only contains two strains of HPV associated with cancer, but there are about 15 of them known to potentially cause cancer; in most cases HPV infection does not become chronic or lead to cancer but rather naturally resolves on its own within two years. Deadly blood clots, acute respiratory failure, cardiac arrest and "sudden death due to unknown causes" have all occurred in girls after they've received the Gardasil vaccine. Routine pap smear testing is a far more rational and less dangerous strategy for cervical cancer prevention, as it can identify chronic HPV infection and may provide greater protection against development of cervical cancer than reliance on HPV vaccinations.

CDC Targets Hispanics in Campaign to Strike Fear in Pregnant Women Who Refuse the Flu Shot

A new marketing campaign has been released by the CDC which marks a new low in marketing the influenza vaccine, as they target pregnant Hispanic women. A Spanish language mini soap opera is claimed to be based on a true story of a Hispanic couple expecting their second child. "The story of Jorge and Monica is a tragic reminder of the importance of annual flu vaccination for pregnant women and their family." states the CDC. This video shows first hand the lengths the CDC will go to further brainwash the masses on a useless yearly flu shot, as it promotes the flu vaccine based purely on fear and emotion, with no basis in facts or science.

Big Pharma Wants to Convince You that Food Has no Role in Obesity – Buy Their Drugs Instead

Curing obesity has become a huge market in the U.S., so the pharmaceutical companies have decided they want to profit from it also. The AMA announced earlier this year that obesity is now a disease, and scary press releases are becoming headline news in the mainstream media, even though obesity rates have leveled off for the first time in years. All this is a cleverly designed marketing campaign to introduce their new drugs and vaccines for obesity. One vaccine in development is claiming to cure obesity with no exercise necessary. This week the Journal of the American Medical Association published an article stating that it was time to stop discussing diets, because diets don't work. The weight-loss diet market is, of course, a huge profit sector standing in the way of Big Pharma, so this should have surprised no one who is paying attention to what is really going on. The solution according to one "expert" is to control people's behavior. Do you trust medical professionals and politicians to define what is "correct behavior" in regards to weight loss, especially when they have just now said that the food you eat is not important? Could forced vaccinations and medications be on the way for those who do not comply with their standard of "correct behavior"?

Study: HPV Vaccine Linked to Premature Menopause in Young Girls

Dr. Deirdre Little, a pediatrician in Australia, was the first one to sound the alarm over the HPV vaccine causing premature menopause when she observed it in one of her 16 year old patients in 2012. Dr. Little published a paper in the British Medical Journal warning that the premature menopause of a healthy 16-year-old girl may be linked to the Gardasil vaccination. Now a new study has just been recently published in American Journal of Reproductive Immunology documenting three more cases of "Primary Ovarian Failure," where three young girls stopped having periods and showed signs of menopause. The study confirms Dr. Little's experience, and was conducted in Israel and Italy. Sadly, this study and others that are conducted outside the U.S. receive no mention in the U.S. mainstream media. While Japan's Health Ministry recently stopped recommending the HPV vaccine due to so many documented injuries, it is continued to be promoted as safe in the U.S., and the push is now on to start giving it to infants.

Witch Hunting Jenny McCarthy for Vaccine Talking

With the hiring of Jenny McCarthy to join the popular daytime talk show, The View, a multitude of articles have been published in major print and broadcast media outlets, all sharing concern about “blonde” girls expressing politically incorrect opinions about vaccine side effects. This call to muzzle vaccine talking mothers will not work, as thinking Moms and Dads continue to dig deeper and learn that good health is about more than using lots of vaccines to prevent infections. Most of the writers who wrote stories about a vaccine talking celebrity Mom joining ‘The View,” including those calling for censorship and the gutting of journalistic standards that ensure fair balance - when it comes to writing stories about vaccination - are journalists by profession. 28 of the 29 articles were written by individuals without medical degrees. Even though these writers do not have medical degrees, the U.S. Constitution guarantees them the liberty to express their views about Jenny McCarthy, Barbara Walters, ABC and vaccines, just as the media outlets publishing their opinions are protected by the First Amendment. That legal right to engage in critical thinking and to hold personal beliefs and to exercise free speech, belongs to every American - not just to those articulating talking points made or approved by citizens with M.D. or Ph.D. written after their names.

Vaccine Developers, Heroes or Villains?

Vaccination has been declared as one of the Top 10 Public Health Achievements of the Century and vaccine developers (researchers) have been heralded as the heroes of the 21st century. But are they truly protectors and defenders of our health? Or, should we be more suspicious of their intent? Board-Certified physician and internationally renowned advocate for informed vaccination choice, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny responds to these questions and more in her newest ground-breaking documentary Vaccine Researchers: Heroes or Villains?

Dr. Andrew Wakefield Exposes MMR Vaccine Fraud

In this video, Dr. Andrew Wakefield reveals that in the recent "measles outbreak" in Wales earlier this year, records now show there was only one single laboratory confirmed case of measles in March, down from three cases in February. He also shows proof that he was not the first scientist to show the link between autism and the MMR vaccine, as has been widely reported. In fact, there were so many reported cases of the MMR vaccine being linked to autism prior to 1998, that Dr. Wakefield's article published in the Lancet was "late" in reporting what was already widely known.