CENSORED Side Effects of Ivermectin: NOT Safe for Pregnant Women

During the COVID Plandemic, sales of ivermectin soared by 829% as it was called a "miracle drug" in preventing people from becoming sick or dying from COVID. Dr. Pierre Kory M.D., president of the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), was ivermectin's leading proponent who referred to it as a "miracle drug" that had a long history of safe usage, primarily as an anti-parasite drug. But was the public, primarily through the Alternative Media, given the whole story on the safety protocol of ivermectin? Before going any further in this article, I want to address the main objection that most will have by simply reading the title of this article, which is that studies were fabricated during COVID to discredit ivermectin so that the much more dangerous drug, remdesivir, could be given emergency use authorization to treat COVID patients. The evidence of ivermectin as an "anti-fertility" drug that is not recommended for pregnant women, however, long precedes 2020 and the year of the COVID scam. For example, in 2015 the FDA required that Merck include a warning about administering ivermectin to pregnant women classifying it as a pregnancy category C drug: “Animal reproduction studies have shown an adverse effect on the foetus and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in humans....” Why was this information about the evidence that ivermectin is not safe for pregnant women withheld from the public by the COVID whistleblower doctors?

Studies Show Fertility Rates Plummet Worldwide Following COVID-19 Vaccines

A presentation recently made by Dr. Christof Plothe, a German Doctor of Osteopathy who is also a member of the World Council for Health, reveals the most startling evidence yet that COVID vaccines are causing massive cases of infertility, not just among women, but men also. Combined with the record volume of deaths and disabilities among the COVID-19 vaccinated, the future implications of what this vaccine has done to the human population and labor pool, is almost unfathomable. This information is NOT being reported in the corporate media, and to reference it is to be labeled as someone providing "disinformation" by most. The presentation was made on the Iron Will Report. I have embedded the video in the article, and included show notes.

Soaring Infertility Rates Linked to Vaccines

A plague is spreading silently across the globe. The young generation in America, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Japan, Australia – in virtually every western country -- is afflicted by rapidly increasing rates of infertility. This spring, the United States reported its lowest birth rate in 30 years, despite an economic boom. Finland’s birth rate plummeted to a low not seen in 150 years. Russian President Vladimir Putin recently introduced a string of reforms aimed at stemming the country’s “deep demographic declines.” The government of Denmark introduced an ad campaign to encourage couples to “Do it for Denmark” and conceive on vacations, and Poland produced a campaign urging its citizens to “breed like rabbits.” The “population bomb” we were all endlessly warned about by environmentalists failed to blow, and instead, demographers have been trying to raise the alarm about the population implosion crisis unfolding across the West -- the graying of societies facing an unprecedented aging demographic in which there will be too few young to support the old. Most often, they blame social factors: young women embracing careers instead of motherhood, men shunning marriage and fatherhood, rising consumerism or couples choosing to delay raising a family until the economy settles. But there is another phenomenon that is rarely mentioned – the growing numbers of young people who are not childless by choice but who are incapable of bearing children. So, earlier this month, when an unprecedented study was released that looked at a database of more than eight million American women and singled out a whopping 25 percent increase in childlessness associated with one particular vaccine that young women have been taking for only a decade -- in tandem with a marked decline in fecundity -- you would have thought there would be significant interest from public health, the medical profession and the media, wouldn’t you?

Doctors in India Demand Public Transparency on Dangers of New Vaccines

According to a recent article published in the Hindustan Times, Indian doctors have once again questioned the safety and efficiency of new vaccinations that have recently been added to the national immunization schedule. The team made it abundantly clear that, in their professional opinion, all vaccinations should be fully investigated and critically assessed for their suitability, safety, protective efficacy and affordability before they are introduced into any vaccination schedule. Health Impact News believes that they are absolutely correct, and given the number of children who have been adversely affected by vaccinations, many parents would probably also agree.

Polio Vaccines Laced with Sterilizing Hormone Discovered in Kenya – WHO is Controlling Population?

According to recent news reports, the Kenyan Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) has decided to boycott the current polio vaccine program because they believe that the vaccine manufactured by the Sum Institute of India may contain estradiol, a derivative of the estrogen hormone, which is believed to cause infertility. One of the professionals raising concerns about the vaccine is obstetrician, gynecologist and member of the Kenyan Catholic Doctors Association, Dr. Wahome Ngare, who says that he believes that the polio vaccine should be tested thoroughly before administration. Dr. Ngare’s concerns may be justified because last year he and his team discovered that the tetanus vaccines, also introduced by WHO, were laced with the sterilizing hormone HcG. However, this is not the first time estrogen or its components have been found in vaccinations; therefore, we have to consider if this is affecting infertility around the world. In 2004, an article titled Cancer-Causing Vaccines, Polio, AIDS and Monkey Business, written by Alan Cantwell, M.D., raised worldwide concerns when he claimed that polio vaccines, aimed at a total of 74 million African children, had been found to be contaminated with a range of female sex hormones that could lead to sterility.

Are GMO Foods, Vaccines, and Big Pharma Producing an Infertile Generation?

The U.S. fertility rates are at all-time record lows. Are we watching the leading edge of a slowly moving tidal wave of infertility? I wasn’t sure what is really happening with human fertility until I took a hard look at the data and the science. I now believe that there is strong reason to be concerned about the emerging trend of infertility. What is causing the current generation of child-bearing aged adults to become infertile?

Vaccines Can Cause Infertility

I have been investigating whether there is a proven link between vaccines and infertility. What I have uncovered will shock many readers because I have discovered that innocent women and girls in developing countries have been deliberately experimented on, with the use of infertility vaccines, for many years. They are not the only victims. Recently several vaccines used worldwide have also been found to cause infertility, including the HPV vaccines and many of the swine flu vaccines. I believe it is high time that we took back the control of our own lives and researched all vaccinations thoroughly before we agree to be vaccinated. Ultimately, it is each person’s decision whether or not they should be vaccinated, and the only way that we can make an informed choice about vaccinations is to be fully informed of the facts before agreeing to be vaccinated. I have proven, by referencing documents, articles and scientific papers, that a series of vaccines are being developed that are known to cause infertility. These vaccines have been and still are being administered to innocent people without their knowledge or consent. Surely, this practice is not only unethical, it is criminal.