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Michael Belkin’s Comments at the CDC Forum on the Proposed Meningitis Vaccine


Image from TheRefusers.com [1]

Health Impact News Editor Comments: Earlier this week we published the story [2] by Dr. Mercola and Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center about the new proposed meningitis vaccine for infants under the age of 9 months. Dr. Mercola and Barbara do a good job highlighting the dangers of this vaccine, and how parents and others can voice their opinions in CDC sponsored public events.

One of those events was in Seattle earlier this week, and Michael Belkin was present to voice his concerns. Michael Belkin had an infant daughter die after being vaccinated, and is a contributing author to the book published earlier this year, Vaccine Epidemic [3]. He is also a songwriter, singer, and guitarist for the band The Refusers [4], producing such songs as Stole my Baby Away, Vaccination Choice is a Human Right, and their latest song First Do No Harm. You can listen to their music here [5]. Below is a sample:

Meningitis vaccine debated at CDC forum

by Michael Belkin [6]

I attended this meeting, which was sponsored by the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). The meeting leaders claimed that they really wanted to know what people thought about adding a routine recommendation for another vaccine.

This proposal would expand the meningococcal vaccine to an earlier age, starting at 9 months (from the current 5 year old starting point), which would prevent only about 75 out of 250 current disease cases/year. To do this, all 4,000,000 kids born in the US every year would be targeted to routinely receive the meningococcal vaccine (12,000 children vaccinated per day to prevent 0.2 disease cases/day).

The numbers don’t add up. The CDC doctor who gave the presentation (Dr. Thomas Clark) was almost apologetic about the concept of giving so many kids a vaccine against such a rare (but serious) disease. The vaccine is not effective against the B strain, which is the most common strain in this early age group. Therefore it would only prevent 75 out of 250 disease cases. The vaccine is also expensive. The cost/benefit ratio is uneconomic. Furthermore, the vaccine is only effective for 5 years – meaning kids would need to get a booster shot later on, at an older age when the disease risk is greater.

My comments stressed the point that the Merck Manual defines a vaccine adverse reaction as encephalitis, which  can also develop as meningitis — the same thing this vaccine is supposed to prevent. I gave specific examples from the FDA Vaccine Adverse Reporting System (VAERS) of rapid-onset encephalitis and meningitis after vaccination. My point was that this vaccine will probably create many more serious neurological adverse reactions in those who receive it than the very few disease cases it is supposed to prevent.

In the break-out discussion groups and private conversations, I told the meeting leader and Glen Nowak from the CDC that (after attending numerous CDC, ACIP, FDA, IOM and Congressional meetings) I had concluded that vaccine safety would never improve in the current drug industry-dominated vaccine regulatory structure.

I said go back to Atlanta and tell the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices that vaccination choice must be allowed. I said it is our right to refuse a vaccine (as defined in the American Medical Association position on informed consent) and that vaccination choice must not be revoked. That was a consensus theme in my discussion group, even among public health officials and medical professionals at my table. Everyone seemed to be against involuntary vaccination.

In that sense, this was an encouraging meeting. I hope the ACIP (which has never turned down a FDA vaccine licensure decision like this) weighs the evidence and refrains from making a routine use recommendation for meningococcal vaccine for 9 month olds. The vaccine would still be available for parents who choose to get it. The rest of us would escape another intrusive vaccine mandate (which would be doses #73 and #74 of 17 vaccines).

Read the Full Blog Post here: http://therefusers.com/refusers-newsroom/meningitis-vaccine-debated-at-cdc-forum-seattle-times/ [6]


Vaccine Epidemic
How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health, and Our Children
by Louise Kuo Habakus and Mary Holland J.D.


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