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The Truth About the Flu that You will NOT Hear from your Doctor or in the Media

By David Burd
Age of Autism

Let me start with the Big Lies.  An organization called Families Fighting Flu has for months been running radio ads citing 1,200 U.S. children die from the flu each year, but even the CDC admits on its Fluview website less than 100 American kids (under age 16) died last flu season from “flu-associated”  illness, with most already having severely compromised chronic health conditions (Yet, even 100 pediatric flu-associated pediatric deaths indicts U.S. flu protocols as next door Canada last year had but six pediatric flu-associated deaths, all associated with severe prior health conditions).

The second Big Lie run for over 15 years was the CDC publicizing 36,000 Americans died each year from the flu, but last Spring CDC finally admitted their annual flu-associated deaths were vastly overestimated so now it’s down around an annual 3,000+ flu-associated  deaths.  Thus, CDC admits it has been off by a factor of twelve (12) for 15 years, yet mainstream media gives them a free pass and also ignores mortality is associated  with flu, almost never a direct cause.

American’s mass media and Health Leaders are currently, touting virtually everybody get flu shots, including 6-month old babies getting two doses, the first at 6 months, the second four weeks later.  But, “down under” Australia and New Zealand are at the end of their flu season, with their populace very leery of taking flu shots (“jabs” in their parlance) after last year’s mass-poisoning by the jabs to Aussie children.  Their flu-associated morbidity/mortality numbers reveal (again) without equivocation the uselessness (and toxicity) of toxin-laden flu shots – and, as usual, are simply ignored by U.S. leaders sticking with their obsession of injecting toxins into human flesh.

Hold onto your hat, here’s flu truth with their flu season essentially over:  Australia totals 14 “flu-associated” deaths,” New Zealand totals zero.  There have been no recorded pediatric deaths in Australia and obviously none in New Zealand.  Using their combined population of 27 million the flu-associated mortality rate comes to one death per two million people.

Meanwhile, if CDC’s lowest annual flu-associated death toll of 3,000 is used, the U.S. mortality rate will be close to 20 per two million people, a rate twenty times that of medically-comparable countries such as Australia and New Zealand.  AND, along with their common folks declining flu jabs, the Aussie medical professionals  by a large majority also refuse the flu jab they are pressured (but not required) to take.

Moreover, this gigantic mortality disparity has gone on for many years, and still Americans are kept ignorant, and brainwashed every year to “get your flu shot” that by any objective measure not only is a complete failure in preventing flu, but in my view actually initiates illness, too many times finally resulting in iatrogenic-based mortality (i.e. a medical treatments actually causing morbidity or mortality).

Equally damning are U.S. CDC and NIH Leaders’ attitudes ignoring the vast health benefits of nutrition and adequate Vitamin D (depleted in the darkest Fall and Winter months) despite an abundance of studies that show virtually nobody with robust Vitamin D levels comes down with Winter flu and associated colds.

David Burd  began his career as the first generation of “rocket scientists,” from Northwestern University in 1965, with a degree in Mechanical Engineering and Astronautical Sciences, with mankind soon bound for the moon.  His most recent work includes fifteen years consulting in patent related surgical application of energy, springing from being a patent examiner at the US Patent Office in Surgery Art.

Read the Full Article Here: www.ageofautism.com/2011/10/flu-truth-elsewhere-hidden-by-media-us-health-leaders.html [1]

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