by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
Reignite Democracy Australia [1], which was started by journalist Monica Smit, an outspoken critic on authoritarian lockdowns in Australia who was just released from jail on bond last week, has started a group called “Nurses Speak Out [2]” where gagged nurses are speaking out about the truth of what is currently going on inside of hospitals with people suffering from vaccine injuries.
They are posting these stories on their Telegram channel [3] as well.
This is an Anonymous whistleblowing channel for Nurses & Healthcare workers in Australia. We will share verified experiences from frontline workers who see firsthand the damage caused by COVID-19 vaccinations.
These submissions have been vetted by a collective of health professionals. Some details may be omitted, your identity will be protected. AHPRA has gagged, coerced and threatened anyone who comes forward – let’s save some lives.
This channel is dedicated to all frontline workers around the world. This is Australia. This is for you.
Here are some of their stories that have just been published.
I’m a community RN on the —— , Qld.
I am seeing and caring for adversely affected clients who have had the vaccines and are quite literally dying. Our palliative care is increasing at an exponential rate, people are getting diagnosed with terminal conditions and dying quickly. We (community nurses) are seeing 2-3 palliative clients per day each, this is a massive increase from 1-2 each per week. Other palliative clients who haven’t been vaxxed, then their families talk them into the vax, die more quickly than expected.
Have noted that those who are vaxxed that their clinically ‘weak’ areas are being exacerbated. Appears to be at 3, 5 then 12 week patterned intervals. Not one of them associate with the C19vax.
Had one man in his 70’s in very stable remission with leukemia for years. Within 3 weeks of having ‘the vaccine’ his white cell count dropped so he had neutropenia. He suddenly developed in 24 hours bilateral cellulitis to both legs up to thighs. 9 weeks later, he is dead.
Those with rheumatoid arthritis who have been jabbed experiencing related consistency of flare ups. Getting all sorts of skin infections for no obvious reasoning. They’re having constant medication reviews and increasing analgesia.
3 x clients with healing venous ulcers, all 3 had the jab, 3 weeks later all developed septicemia all with hard to treat bacteria.
Those with cardiac conditions who were clinically stable on medication for years, suddenly no longer stable. Arrhythmias, unstable blood pressure, syncope, falls, increased hospitalisations.
Cancers: seeing massive increase in skin cancers. They’re growing very quickly and aggressively.
Cognition: clients who have been vaxxed and predisposed to some memory issues, increasing episodic bouts of confusion with accompanying amnesia and increasing STML.
Of my nursing colleagues who have been vaxxed, noticing increasing sick leave being taken.
Community RNTriage Admin, Emergency Department.
I work in Emergency Department as an admin clerk at triage and I can tell you the reason I will not be having this vaccine is that every third or fourth patient is coming in with an adverse reaction.
Some complaining that their heart is beating so hard and is squeezing out of their chest, I’ve seen vision changes, numbness , skin problems , cellulitis young men and women diagnosed with pericarditis myocarditis, clots , tumors even my colleagues have had Bell’s palsy there is so much more.
What amazes me with all this is that no one can see it! Young patients being told it’s just anxiety 😥, nurses at triage rolling their eyes saying things like “can’t they just stay home and take a panadol” !
Then to top it all off our double jabbed nurses at triage test positive to Covid and are admitted and are sick but they are saying “at least I’m vaccinated I could have been a lot worse”, there are 5 unvaccinated clerks at the front desk at triage and we have worked through this pandemic but now we are a danger to the other other staff
UNBELIEVABLE! So we now have received the letter saying no jab no job we’ve got till the 30th 😟 Also would like to add the influx of nursing home patients that are coming in is ridiculous, falls vertigo generally declining quickly after jab, I’m not a medical person but I can see what’s going on it’s very sad 😞
I am a Physiotherapist with 40 years of Private Practice experience – Some of the clients I see I have been seeing them and their families for different things for decades.
On Thursday I had four of the jabbed ones in. They all had the same set of symptoms.
Their original injury that I treated them for occasionally — maybe once every few years over the last few decades has returned with a vengeance and is excruciatingly painful. Additionally all four of them had pain all over in ankles, wrists, knees, hips, backs all over… and they all had a severe headache.
They are not relating this to the jab.
I have been seeing this new presentation of pain over the last couple of weeks.
However, on Thursday with them all coming in on the same day with the same symptoms I now KNOW it is a pattern of pain for the jabbed.
This evening I went out with a Nurse friend who is jabbed and she has the same thing happening to her. Neck, arm and wrist pain, swollen feet and foot pain, and she kept saying she felt old, and her body was breaking down… She is 15 years younger than me and could barely walk home from dinner.
These people are my friends and long term clients — it is difficult to watch them suffer.
(Response to #0003)
Private Practice PhysiotherapistsHi,
We’re also a group of private practice physios of similar vintage and have seen this pattern of presentation in the jabbed ones.
Headaches feature prominently. In addition, we’ve noticed discoloured feet (purple-red), swollen joints (one young patient with Crohn’s disease resorted to a walking stick), swollen and tight calves, recurrence of old injuries as well as new joint aches snd pains.
When dry needling, our acupuncture needles are now “swimming” in tissue because there’s just so much generalised inflammation of the muscles. Patients are reluctant to report these symptoms because they’re doctors have told them “the shots are safe”!
Student Nurse, Rural.
I’m a student nurse working in a rural hospital.
I’ve had several people walk into the hospital with flaring pains all over their body, on my last shift there were 9 patients who whispered to me that they were sure that their condition was caused by the COVID vaccine they got but they were afraid to tell the registered nurse for fear of being ostracised. They got the jab because everyone else was getting it rather then making the decision for medical treatment.
I have seen many nurses and doctors laughing about these people in the break room. Calling these patients Anti-vaxers and wishing they could kick them out for the real patients in need. I told my student supervisor and the nurses stopped talking about it when I was on break but I have the feeling they still had those conversations behind my back.
RN. Aged Care, NSW.
I am (was) a Registered Nurse in Aged Care in NSW.
I was terminated from my job there over a week ago now for declining the jab.The facility had a covid clinic where the masses received Pfizer.
On the day as they had left over stock the staff were then offered jabs which many of them didn’t feel comfortable but got because the management where there on the day saying things like “come on just get it, don’t be ridiculous, if you can’t trust the science what can you trust” one staff member declined twice, the third time she was pushed into getting it (all on the same day) I seen this as pure bullying and coercion, she submitted and got the jab.
The next day a resident died (nobody batted an eyelid) within three days post jab another two residents died.
Over the course of the next three weeks we lost in total 6 residents all who had significantly declined overall and not to mention a lot of other residents declining overall and becoming unwell.
The second jab clinic, within the first week, we had five people end up in hospital who then died, shortness of breath, heart issues, others the residence getting rashes not being able to lift their arm up, acting as delirious state, within the next week after that another 5 residents died.
In total within the 3 months roll out of the jab, we had 14 deaths of vaccinated residents.
In a nursing home with 90 residents most of the staff are commenting on how unheard of this amount of death was but when questioned in relation to the jab many were in denial stating it couldn’t be from that.
Over the course of three months watching the staff who had been injected so many staff off on sick leave a few staff members ended up in the hospital one for heart reasons the other one had blistering rashes all over her body she ended up being admitted twice, mass reports of headaches lasting days to weeks, dizziness, just generally reporting to not feeling right since having it. The fear in the eyes of the staff is something I will never forget. Other staff feeling completely deflated as they could lose there jobs and had to submit to the jab, In which some after were crying to me at how much they just felt defeated. I have many things to say in relation to this, I could write a novel.
I know just within the week and a half of not being there they are struggling to fill shifts, which sadly impacts on everyone, residents and staff the only people it doesn’t effect is the management.
I love being a nurse but I just can’t do it in this current situation it no longer aligns with what I believe health to be. It is a sad and devastating time.
RN, Emergency Department. NSW.
I am a Registered Nurse from NSW,
I have a young colleague, also a nurse who did not want the vaccine.
Due to the mandate she got the shots. After her first shot she had searing pain down her arm. Unrelenting pain. After her second shot, she was bedridden for an entire week. She could not sit up straight. She was so sick, unable to move and constant chest pain.
After the week of being bedridden she returned to work with chest pain. She finally has been admitted to hospital with myocarditis.
She is early 20’s. Before the vaccines she was healthy with nil health issues. Now she has cardiac issues and may need medication for the rest of her life.Each day we are seeing the emergency department full of patients with stroke, Pulmonary embolisms, cardiac arrhythmias, Myocarditis, endocarditis. The increase of strokes is exponentially growing. Patient after patient with PE’s, cardiac issues. Most in previously healthy patients. Doctors are denying connections to the vaccines.
RN, 40years. Palliative Care.
AHPRA Verified ✅Hi,
I am an RN of 40 years, presently my work is in Palliative care where I have worked for 8.5 years permanently in ——-.
I am seeing patients developing increased effects from Palliative radiation, which is commonly prescribed for reducing various conditions arising from cancers. Our patients are deteriorating more quickly with increasing weaknesses, breathlessness (?PEs) facial droops (Palsy or stroke), neuropathys in hands or feet.
The cancers some only recently diagnosed, seem to have metastisised very rapidly. This needs to be looked into carefully. We as nurses are commenting those going for radiation are very much at risk; a death sentence which hastens their deterioration towards death. As Palliative patients, their downturns are passed as expected, while we see them as alarming.
I have many colleagues took the jab out of sheer fear of losing their job and incomes. Also one other colleague after she recieved her 1st pfizer jab was off work with encephalitis and remains very unwell having diffuculty with headaches and dizzy spells.
I am ordered to leave from September 30th, a job I am passionate about and feel have been valued. While now 61 years old I hoped to continue my work for 5 more years and feeling very sad to be forced to leave.
I think the radiation perhaps is accentuating the vaccinations, namely the graphene components.
EN. Brisbane, QLD.
Hi, Enrolled Nurse from Brisbane…
I work in Private health, so don’t often get to see initial reason for presentation to emergency, as they are usually transferred from public to us later.
I nursed a man in his 60’s recently that got vaxed…he had a knee replacement 3 months prior (fully healed).
Came in to hospital again due to severe bleeding and needing surgery… post-surgery his knee haemorrhaged quite badly… then got a vacc dressing…ended up nursing him again in a Rehab ward a week later… told me it happened after vaccination but surgeon didn’t report it or link it with vaccine.
Another older lady presented as very disordered after vaccination.. couldn’t walk properly, ended up 2 assist with a FASF… on Lyrica 150 BD for nerve pain… frequently complained of headaches and chronic ear ache.. ended up going home after a long rehab stint..
I won’t be getting the jab so will probably be unemployed in the next month or so… One of our Doctors is very over the draconian crap..his words.. he is fully vaxed and furious we are still wearing masks.
Remedial Massage Therapist, QLD.
Part 1 of 2.
I am a Remedial Massage Therapist operating out of Wellness Clinic in an exclusive seaside town in —— Qld, Australia.
Over the past 12months the majority of my regular clients have received both shots of either AZ or Pzizer and I have observed and felt the changes in their bodies. I will also add that not only have the changes happened in their bodies but also their personalities.
Over the past 2 months I have also listened to them telling me of their sudden medical issues that are happening to them. This has been so disturbing for me that I am closing my business and am taking the time to heal myself both physically and mentally.
Their bodies over the past 12months have changed. They have no movement, elasticity anymore. It is like they are turning to lead. I have 3 clients, all retirees and golfers who now have tears in their supraspinatus. This is on their left hand side from swinging the golf club.
(1) One client, male retiree who has been rushed to hospital 4 times last week unable to urine or make bowel release. The Doctors have told him that he has kidney stones. Hmmm… He also had a large burning and itchy rash all over his back. He said it was that painful he had his wife put metho on his back to ease the pain as nothing else was working.
(2) One retired lady advised me that she had a cyst forming behind her knee and when she would have a shower it would burst and the blood that came out was uncontrollable. This happened twice within a couple of weeks. She went to the Doctors he said it was a bakers cyst. She returned saw another Doctor who said it was a BCC. The third time she came to me her leg is now swollen all the way and she is in a lot of pain.
(3) Another lady, a Doctor herself advised that she had an electrical like pain run across her back. She couldn’t quite explain it. Never had anything like it before and now has a sore neck and headaches. I felt her neck and there was a pulsing feeling at the rear. She couldn’t feel it. I went back to that site 2 more times and I could feel it. She couldn’t.
Part 2 of 2.
… (4) A retired lady told me she had burning and itching skin on her chest and that she was in a lot of pain. I asked her if I could see it. It covers a large area between her breasts and underneath her bra line. She said it is getting worse each day. It was very red and raw.
(5) Another regular client has markings all through her lower back on the left side. She was unaware. I took a pic and showed her. She said that she had been putting an electric heat pack in that location at night to warm her up. She went to the Doctors and the skin clinic and they didn’t know what it was. She came back to see me 5 weeks later and the markings are still there.
I have attached the pics (redacted) for you to view. and the list goes on..I have regularly massaged these clients over the past 2-3 years and I find it extremely troubling. These haven’t happened straight after their shots but over the 3, 4 , 5 months following so they are not connecting it to their shots. I am unable to say anything to them as their once friendly personalities have also changed. They are more aggressive and talk at you, not to you and will defend these shots.
The man I mentioned above even said to me that he will be getting the booster shot if and when it comes out next year. When you hear from your clients all day, every client, not 1 or 2 then this is a concern for all people who have had this shot. They are not the same people, on any level anymore. Like I mentioned above this has traumatised me to the point that I am now unable to continue my passion for the foreseeable future and I am now focusing on healing me, physically, mentally and spiritually. Take care everyone and be safe.
Radiographer, Private Practice, Rural.
I work as a Sonographer for a private rural practice. We mostly see outpatients but the occasional patient via ED.
I work three days a week and I would say I see at least one patient per shift with an injury directly related to the vaccine. Some examples:
89 yo F haemathrosis to left shoulder at injection site one week post vaccine.
No blood thinners. Healthy72 yo F (mother in law)
Very healthy, fit. No medical problems.
Profoundly deaf in both ears over a period of days. Had vax 10 months ago. No cause found.56 yr old M
Testicular ultrasound showed epididymis one week post vax.Lots of unexplained abdominal pain, headaches, shoulder pain and inability to use arm at injection site.
Hope that’s helpful.
Regards. ——RN, 39years.
I am an RN with almost 40years experience.
We looked after one of the first AZ blood clot patients
Male, 45yo. 8 days post his 1st AZ shot he complained of dreadful stomach pains. Went to ED.
Scans showed a massive blood clot in his bowel.
It took 3-4 days before they could operate, as his Coags were all over the place.The clot was finally removed along with almost 2 metres of necrotic bowel.
When out of ICU, he came to our ward. A beautiful man, who was black and blue all over with bruising. He was on an anti-coagulant drip, with a drug I’d never heard of (still can’t remember the name).
He was transferred to our Haematology ward, and unsure what happened to him.
Admitted a pt yesterday, who had been in ED for 10 hrs. Quite casually he told me that he couldn’t believe the numbers of young guys coming in with side effects from the vaccine. I asked him how he knew this, and he said he could hear the conversations.
I asked re the side effects and he said chest pains, breathing problems!Nursed a female pt, fully vaxxed, with pancreatic issues, but she’s had increasing weakness in her legs?? All Neuro tests are NAD. She can no longer weight bear, and has been told it’s because she’d been in ICU and was deconditioned???
I’m not so sure….Will no doubt lose my job end of October, as no jab for me!😥😥
RN. Emergency Department, Melbourne, VIC.
I am an Emergency Department RN based in Melbourne’s east and have similar experiences to the other whistleblowers.
We have young, healthy men in their 20’s-30’s coming in every single day due to chest pain after the vaccine. Pathology is usually fairly normal (Trops and d-Dimer) and doctors write it off as either psychological or unrelated to the vaccine. Even when they admit it’s probably vaccine related, it is never reported. Ever.
I have looked after a young, healthy female who felt coerced in to getting it due to her job in healthcare, who suffered from severe headaches ever since, and nothing seemed to help. She was sent home basically left to hope that it resolves eventually. Doctors did not report it.
Another patient came in with multiple blood blisters, and petechiae on his arms. He was diagnosed with ITP which is a known adverse effect of the Pfizer vaccine. His platelets were literally completely wiped out. Doctors did not think it was linked to the vaccine he had 3 days earlier, and so it was not reported.
If science was being respected, people would be followed up properly, and the cause of the chest pain for example would be getting investigated, but it isnt.
None of these things were discovered during the purportedly thorough and complete clinical trials. None of the patients were made aware of the possibility of these effects, which means they could not give proper informed consent.
Now they want to force us to take it or lose our job? Who knows what other problems will be uncovered in the future?
No risk/reward analysis is being done in regards to age demographics. Many experts are saying young adults have greater risk from the vaccine than the virus. No formal studies have been done that I’m aware of, but I suspect that is true. And it is definitely true for children. The government now wants to vax all children despite their risk of harm from covid being almost zero, and the risk from the vax being comparatively high.
Medical treatment is supposed to have a favourable risk/benefit analysis, and it absolutely does not in this case.
The medical field is about to lose staff who are capable of thinking for themselves and standing up for themselves, and healthcare for patients will be much worse because of it.
RN. Brisbane Hospital, QLD.
AHPRA Verified ✅Hi there,
I am a nurse at one of the major hospitals in Brisbane. Had my first Pfizer shot back in April – suffering pericarditis, numbness and tingling in both arms, ceased menstruation, elevated insulin levels.
Will not get second.
No Covid at our hospital. Have seen many adverse reactions from Covid vaccine. Mainly block clots, strokes, heart problems.
AIN. Aged Care, NSW.
AHPRA Verified ✅I work as an AIN (Assistant in Nursing) in aged care in rural NSW.
One of my colleagues in her mid 30s went home sick the day after her second Pfizer shot. She went white and nauseaus and faint. This was in March and she has not been back to work since (its September now). After ages of going to Doctors etc she was diagnosed with myocarditis, she says she can hardly do anything. She was fine and healthy before, slim, physically active and on a good diet. Whenever the other staff talk about it, the narrative goes: oh she must have had something else before that, surely it’s not from the vaccine.
Two residents died within 2-3 weeks after first Astra-Zeneca shots, however were overall in bad condition before.
Residents are not allowed to leave the facility and nobody is allowed to see them except on compassionate grounds (basically if someone becomes really unwell). This causes some of the people to be really mentally unwell. There has not been one Covid Case in our town for the whole course of the pandemic since 2020.
We are told we have a “choice” to either get the flu and covid shot or we can’t work here. Another colleague had 40 years experience in emergency nursing and refused the flu shot, she was subjected to sitting at the door doing covid checks for about six months (even when there was no flu season) until she gave up and resigned. She had never had a flu shot for her entire career.
RN. Clinical Call Handler, COVID Vaccine Adverse Events, VIC.
AHPRA Verified ✅Hi,
I am a registered nurse in Melbourne with almost 33 years experience.
I currently have a role as a clinical call handler for people that are experiencing side effects from covid vaccines.
The adverse events that have been reported to me are extremely concerning in both the types of reactions and the frequency of them.
Apart from the usual expected side effects of over, pain etc for 1 to 2 days, some of the reactions that have been reported to me multiple times include
*Delayed anaphylactic reactions involving respiratory distress, facial and tongue swelling, usually a rash, but not always , with onset occurring usually around 2 days after vaccine, but has been up to 4 days post vaccine.
* Chest heaviness, stabbing chest pains, palpitations and shortness of breath is reported to me several times a day every day usually in young people (male and female) post Pfizer 1st and 2nd dose.
* Heart palpitations are very commonly reported across all age groups( usually Pfizer)
* ongoing shortness of breath for 6 plus weeks post vaccination with no explanation
* unusual rashes that appear days to weeks after vaccination
* unexplained bruising that appear days to weeks after vaccination with both Pfizer and AZ ( commonly reported extensive bruising on legs)
* swollen, painful varicose veins
* persistent headaches for weeks after vaccination, sometimes severe but usually just annoyingly persistent
* heavy vaginal bleeding in post menopausal women ( mid to late 50’s) and menstrual disruption/ irregularities in younger women
* Blood noses post Pfizer is extremely common
* Burning pain in limbs, in several cases the pain is so severe that the person is unable to walk.
* numbness and tingling in arms and legs is very commonly reported up to 6 weeks post vaccination with both Pfizer and AZ
* leg / foot pain and swelling( symptoms strongly suggestive of DVT however I don’t get to follow up)
* severe vertigo and tinnitus ( Pfizer)
* numbness down one side of face (this is surprisingly common)
* uncontrollable muscle twitching/ spasms
* extreme lethargy that persists for months after vaccine.
* Exacerbation of old injuries such as previously broken or sprained joints flare up or old scars become red and inflamed again.
* older Australians that have had Astrazeneca vaccine and have been ok but then had flu vaccine and have been extremely unwell since. I do believe there is a correlation between the 2 given within weeks of each other that is causing significant health decline in older people.
* people that have had stable auto immune disease but then once vaccinated their symptoms are markedly exacerbated or others with no previous history of immune disorders, I suspect develop an immune disorder post vaccine
I am certain that these vaccines are causing immune, neurological and blood clotting disorders resulting in significant harm to an unacceptably large amount of people.
There is more specific cases that I am aware of but for anominity I will not disclose them here. I am aware of ICU admissions post Pfizer vaccination in 3 different people as well as deaths of elderly nursing home residents within 24 hours of vaccination.
I am both concerned and frustrated that the medical profession is either unaware that these side effects are happening, or in many cases, not prepared to admit that they are in fact a result of the covid vaccines, (often medically gaslighting and putting down to anxiety), leaving these poor affected people desperately seeking help and answers, that in most cases, they probably won’t get either. I have tried to raise this issue on more than one occasion, but it falls on deaf ears.
RN/Critical Care Nurse. Rural, NSW.
Love your idea by the way! It’s too hard for us to speak out and keep our jobs 😔
I watched many of my fellow colleagues suffer side effects. I was one of them too! When you talk about it so many stories come out and quite a few of us have ongoing issues to this day.
Within my workplace in a rural Emergency department I find myself as a team leader at times. I have been overwhelmed with patients post vaccination suffering side effect. Some short term such as chest pain amongst 20 -40yr olds to abdominal pain. Then the more serious long term stokes, heart attacks, guillian barre and pulmonary embolism.
For those nurses around me that have not had their vaccination yet, they are terrified!! For us that have had a reaction…..never again!Very little are reported and knowing how a proper clinical trial is conducted for my many years at university…this roll out is terribly wrong!
I understand COVID can make you quite sick (even if I have never seen it in my nursing career) but I believe this vaccination is no better! We need to go back to the drawing board and admit defeat instead of pushing forward.
The politics running this with no medical knowledge should be ashamed!
RN. Palliative Care Ward, Melbourne. VIC. AHPRA Verified ✅
.I’m a RN working on a Palliative Care ward in a major Melbourne hospital.
We never had Covid patient as they stay on the acute wards, obviously we need to protect our non-Covid patients.However we have had a number of patients coming to our ward and subsequently dying with sudden onset of unusual symptoms. Of course no connection has been made to the jab what so ever.
One male 70-something had his second AZ jab and a few days later suddenly collapsed with seizures. He was brought into hospital, ICU, had a number of CT’s, MRI’s and other investigations done, was intubated for a number of weeks. Everytime he was extubated, he was having seizures despite being on high doses of anticonvulsant (anti-seizer medication). The medical team decided he might have Autoimmune encephalitis (=autoimmune brain inflammation) eventhough the EEG and blouds did not confirm this conclusively.
(1). A man in that age group suddenly having an autoimmune disease? Eventually the decision was made to palliate him, which is when he was transferred to our ward. He somehow stabilised on our ward but was bedbound and definetly not like himself. Now here’s the twist. All along in his medical history the diagnoses was documented as “autoimmune encephalitis vs. vaccine injurie post AZ”. At one stage during the weekly meeting I actualy asked if he was going to be a Coroners case, since it’s unclear what his cause of death would be.
I was looked at realy strange, my concern was dismissed, I was told no it’s clear that he suffers from Autoimmune Encephalitis. After that the above comment was removed and his diagnoses remained Autoimmune encephalitis. To me this was a trigger to start looking at each patients history deeper.
(2). Female 65 years old and healthy was transferred to us after she’d suddenly collapsed at home for unknown reasons. ICU, intubated, again seizures from unkown reasons. They had done all the tests available under the sun(whole body MRI, CT, EEG, Autoimmune tests, etc). Medical team unable to find a cause of her severe deterioration. Decision was made to palliate. Transferred to us and then died after a couple of weeks. At least this one was a Coroners, as the cause of death was unclear.
A number of other patients were transferred to us, mostly with some sort of seizure that led to a collapse, or Stroke that led to more strokes and collapses. Sometimes one has to dig a bit to find info of recent vaccination with Covid vaccine!
I am genuenly concerned for every single person that had or will have the jab! Please don’t take it!
Physiotherapist, Private Practice.
Thanks for giving us somewhere safe to speak out. I am a physio in private practice and previously contracted to aged care.
I have seen several deaths in aged care facilities in 12-24hours following the vaccination in people who were previously stable. Each time the entire file has been completely removed from the system and any notes by staff related to vaccine were deleted prior to the file being returned.
I actually retained proof of this from the first time I saw it happen as I could not believe what I had seen happen given how strict they are on no modification of record keeping being made in ANY other circumstance. This was not normal protocol when a death occurred in the facilities.
In private practice I have seen and heard of many side effects – similar to all those listed in the other accounts (persistent sharp headaches, increased previous injury flares, auto-immune disorder flares)
Probably the worst 2 were a patient with Parkinsons who I have been seeing for several years and had been symptomatically stable the entire time despite other health challenges. Post second vaccination they had a debilitating increase in freezing episodes and pain through their lower limbs. Their specialist denied this would have any connection to the vaccination so they did not question it any further.
Another client attended an appointment reporting they were completely bedridden for 3 weeks with extreme dizziness, lack of appetite and fatigue post initial vaccine (AZ). They were still breathless and very fatigued on the day they saw me. They are normally very well and active with no history of prior health issues. Again when they contacted the GP regarding the issues following the vaccine they were informed that what they had experienced the equivalent of “mild” symptoms of COVID and that was all to be expected with the vaccine. When I queried if they were going to return for their second dose, they reported they were so afraid as the GP had told them catching COVID would be much worse than what they were currently going through so they definitely needed to ensure they returned for their second dose. 😥😥
RN, Cardiology Ward, Major Hospital.
27/09/2021 AHPRA Verified ✅Hi,
I work on a busy cardiology ward.
Overall in the medical notes Doctors aren’t connecting the dots and not even considering the jab as a reason for the illness. Whether that is intentional or not I don’t know.
I have seen young adults come onto the ward for cardiac monitoring after collapsing after the jab.
(1). A lady with an autoimmune disease came in with a pericardial effusion after her jab.
(2). One lady had chest pain for weeks after the second astrazeneca dose, she had myocarditis. She was quite sick when she was on the ward, she had fevers, and all of her face was swollen, her eyelids were that swollen she could barely open them and inside her eyes were all glassy.
(3). Another was a young guy, healthy as, post jab had severe cellulitis to one side of his face, his ear was Triple the size.
(4). Another guy in his 20s had his first pfizer and the day after was febrile, and after a TOE was diagnosed with infective endocarditis. He also developed acute kidney injury to the point of needing dialysis. All kidney scans came back normal but still his kidneys were failing. In his notes when he was in ED it was mentioned that this started post jab but then on the ward after being reviewed by multiple specialists (infectious disease, renal, cardiac) not once was the jab mentioned.
What I am finding disturbing in my area is that it’s not even being considered as a potential cause. Even though problems start after the jab.
RN, Community GP Practice, Former Vaccinator. AHPRA Verified ✅
Part 1 of 2..
I’m an RN who was working in a GP clinic and guilty of being a covid vaccinator.
I had raised concerns on a number of occassions and could no longer give it when I started to see what was happening. During this time I have seen and heard things which lead me to believe the vaccines are not safe.
I have heard many people saying they were spaced out and dizzy for days.I can’t count how many times I heard “spaced out”. Older people coming back and saying they were off balance and having falls when this hasn’t happened to them before.
Also heard people say loss of bladder control, arthritis flare ups, eczemea and skin rashes, strange blister, out of control diabetes, unhealing wounds and enhanced pain of old injuries. A man reported that he had visual problems and thought he almost went blind for a month but went to the optometrist instead of a dr and he said he had reported it to the report link provided which he said they had “pretty much dismissed it”.
I have sent a man off in the ambulance with anaphylaxis reaction, uncontrollable shaking and tingling around his mouth, unable to walk. I have had 40y old man crying half hr post vaccination saying he didnt feel right, was dizzy, headache, heart palpatations and jitters, he did not believe it was anxiety as they said.
I’ve since realised there was an older man who didnt come back for second jab and I had reported this to the report line. I remember he had walked back into the treatment room the day after his jab and he was anxious, glassy eyed, said he was sick and had been falling over that night. I did his obs and his ecg wasnt right, offered for him to go in ambulance but he declined. He missed his second appointment I wouldn’t be surprised if he died.
I have seen a man with cancer go down hill very quickly after his jab.
I have heard patients tell me there family has told them they have to get the shot or they wont pay for a ventilator. Also a pt tell me that her old neighbour told her he thinks he has killed himself getting the jab and he hasnt been the same since.Cont…
I have heard of a nurse pressured to get the jab who had diabetes under control is now on insulin. Another nurse I know didn’t want it but said she has brain fog and memory loss and sudden onset of menopause..she also admits to seeing patients at a seperate clinic she works at go down hill since getting the shots.
I have a nurse friend who has 2 family members, 1 with bells palsy and the other with myocarditis. She also knows a fit healthy 30yr old who had a heart attack.
My sisters 60yr old neighbour is in a coma after second shot. Her mother in law keeps passing out and her father in law has been showing aggression.
My brother in law also knows a guy in a coma and somebody else with blood clots in his bowel.
My sister in law had kidney stones the day after her second shot.Another thing I have noticed is personality changes in patients and people I know or have worked with where a number of them seem to become aggressive, lack empathy and logical sense.
In comparing my findings with other nurses we have all noticed similiar patterns where we agree that comorbidities seem to become worsened and mortality is being sped up.
We are very concerned and worried sick, especially that they want to give these to our children who will be at much greater risk from the jab than the virus.
We disagree with the mandates, we believe the cases of injuries and deaths to be under reported and the jabs are unsafe and unethical and should be ceased immediately.
RN, Major Hospital.
27/09/21 AHPRA Verified ✅I work on a rehab ward
I know of 3 patients who had a stroke 7-8 days post jab.
(1). 1 Pt with bell’s palsy.
(2). 1 Pt with Guillain-Barré syndrome.
(3). 1 man experienced an unresponsive episode following his 2nd jab. Diagnosed with hypo delirium and pneumonia! 3 weeks in hospital so far and at what financial cost?
Nothing documented in notes. Family told it was nothing to do with the jab.Also possibly seeing vac shedding too.
Bels palsy, shingles causing encephalitis, lots of falls.Lots of PE’s, but unsure of vac status.
Interesting that recently the federal gvt was trying to amend the NDIS Act! It would be interesting to see the statistics of new NDIS applications.
And, what happened to influenza?? Vanished?
Reported by REGISTERED NURSE from Regional NSW:
(1). 62 year old with blood clot on lung post AstraZeneca- ICU admission
(2). 35 year old with severe headaches and blood clot on brain- ICU admission 2 weeks- sent home to have MRIs every 2 weeks as followup
(3). 27 Year old Male- Pericarditis following Pfizer
(4). 19 Year old female- cardiac arrest 3 days post pfizer (deceased)
…and many others.V status not being consistently asked or documented in eMR- medical team not looking to make correlation. Medical team worried about AHPRA and their careers if they speak out.
This is not what we signed up for!
MD. RN. 46years.
27/09/2021. AHPRA Verified ✅
Part 1 of 2.Hi,
Im an RN of 46 yrs practicing as an acute peri/post operative care nurse.
I no longer practice. The following is an account of a close nursing colleague. She experienced: Pfizer x no1 jab- “headache from hell”.
No 2 pfizer jab- awoke in the night totally paralysed for 4-6 hrs(estimated as time unknown on waking). She could not move a muscle, cough, speak, take a deep breath or nudge her husband to call ambulance until it resolved. Only eyes would open and one point she wished she would die she felt so terrible.On return to duty when recovered much later, she reported incident in writing to hear similar affects with 6 other nurses in total at her hospital. Date 2/6/21. Still has not been interviewed face to face as normal protocol, 10 weeks later.
What is going on? We must all ask ourselves and our superiors?
The Hippocratic oath- to do no harm? Are the medicos brain dead? Is it mind control? Surely no one could need the $ that badly. That is only one example…Cont…
MD. RN. 46years.
27/09/2021. AHPRA Verified ✅
Part 1 of 2.Hi,
Im an RN of 46 yrs practicing as an acute peri/post operative care nurse.
I no longer practice. The following is an account of a close nursing colleague. She experienced: Pfizer x no1 jab- “headache from hell”.
No 2 pfizer jab- awoke in the night totally paralysed for 4-6 hrs(estimated as time unknown on waking). She could not move a muscle, cough, speak, take a deep breath or nudge her husband to call ambulance until it resolved. Only eyes would open and one point she wished she would die she felt so terrible.On return to duty when recovered much later, she reported incident in writing to hear similar affects with 6 other nurses in total at her hospital. Date 2/6/21. Still has not been interviewed face to face as normal protocol, 10 weeks later.
What is going on? We must all ask ourselves and our superiors?
The Hippocratic oath- to do no harm? Are the medicos brain dead? Is it mind control? Surely no one could need the $ that badly. That is only one example…Cont…
No 2 this is anecdotal from a jab victims daughter-in-law:
An 80 r yr old independant lady, no comorbidities in nursing home. Family expressly forbade- face to face with 2 staff members, her having the jab( I can’t call it a vaccine as it isnt). The army turned up to jab the residents. When they came to this 80 yr old, the residential nurse on duty told the army nurse the said woman was not to have the injection. She ignored the nurse and gave it (az) anyway- that was on a Thursday.On the Friday the relative came to see her mother in law, having been informed via phone of the misdeed. She found the woman in an unusually hyped up state- as if high on something- unusual for this quiet woman.
On the Saturday, the injected woman asked her nurse to return her to her room as she felt unwell. According to the relative who had been told the following, as she walked down the hallway she collapsed and died instantly. This was day 2 after first az.
The attending physician refused to sign the death certificate as he thought his now deceased patient had NOT died of a cardiac arrest as staff assumed. Deceased was sent to coroner in a large city nearby. The coroner only scanned the body, decided it was heart attack and declined to perform a full post mortem. The lady has since been cremated so no body to exume? We all know what to call such an incident!
Life should never be this cheap!
Enough is enough. This must be stopped.
We all know there is power in numbers. Everyone, seem to be impotent to act on this critical and existential crisis in the making.In fact this is threatening humanity’s very survival.
Childless Gladys should read these ‘testimonials’. She is some one else’s child too! Unwitting guilt abounds. The people responsible including medico’s, who ignore what they must be re-cognising, cannot plead ” I didn’t know” for too much longer, surely?? Bring on Nuremberg!
M. D. RN
Senior Clinical Nurse Specialist, Metropolitan Hospital, NSW.
27/09/21.Hi there,
I am a senior Nurse (CNS2) in a metropolitan hospital, NSW.My usual role is in Cardiology.
My lengthy career is ending this week, after decades in the acute sector.I have seen many patients both in ED and Cardiology with vaccine SE’s .
These are LARGELY under-recognised, and RARELY reported. I have told relatives to make their own TGA reports as reporting in the acute sector is NOT HAPPENING.Doctors are RARELY attributing the various conditions to vaccination, but when you take a history it is very easy to join the dots.
Heart attacks (all ages), acute myocarditis / pericarditis, DRASTIC deterioration in EF (ejection fraction – index of heart’s pumping strength), ie worsening in heart failure.
I understand that many are presenting with strokes, and other neurological complications.
Diabetes has been far more unstable in some, and difficult to manage, with very labile BSLs.
I have seen colleagues with gastrointestinal SE, recurrent pneumonias
Many non- injected, including myself have experienced symptoms from spike protein transmission (shedding).
GI pain (severe), headaches, migraines, sleep disturbance.
I have seen bizarre changes in pathology, huge drops in haemaglobin, and derangements in biochemistry (Na, kidney function).I had a secondment in Aged Care and after the vaccination was rolled out in Facilities, saw MANY acute deteriorations, with increases in death rates above normal
Loss of speech, loss of mobility, chest infections.My sister in law works in community aged care, and has seen MANY SE as well. Renal Failure, siezures, acute loss of mobility with resultant falls.
Many of the elderly she has cared for and knows well have had their death hastened, or had to move into residential care as they now cannot manage at home.Thanks for helping us to get our stories out there.
RN, 40 years experience, NSW.
27/09/21. AHPRA Verified ✅Hello,
I am an RN with over 40 years experience, mostly in the public sector.I am currently employed on a casual basis.
I received a letter from NSW Health last week stating I “ must have” my first “ vaccination” by the 30th September to continue to work.
If I don’t I will not be able to work for NSW Health and will be placed on unpaid leave.All of the nurses in my ward( except a pregnant one) acquiesced to the “ vaccine” even though some were
dead against it.One nurse experienced loss of sensation in both legs below the knees which eventually resolved.
Another staff member( clerical) had a mini stroke and ended up in ED.
Both these episodes were not reported as vaccine injury.Indeed, one Physician said it definitely is not vaccine related.
I will now be forced not to work as I do not want the “vaccine”.
I believe NSW Health system will be in dire straights after 30th September and beyond as very experienced staff leave.I am a Registered Nurse working for a large public hospital in Melbourne.
A significant amount of our patients have had the covid vaccine and are presenting to us as transfers from ED, presenting with chest pain, shortness of breath, neurological symptoms , headaches and fevers. These patients are being found to have confirmed mini strokes (TIA), Pulmonary Embolisms, neurological disorders, severe headaches and deranged pathology resulting particularly often in acute kidney injury.
The most concerning of these presentations is the fact that majority of these patients range from 20-70 years old. One female patient in her 30’s presented with a body temperature of 40 degrees and has since been found to have multiple bilateral PE’s.
There has been no documentation or discussion from Doctors linking these patients symptoms with their recent covid vaccination. These patients were healthy and fully functioning people pre vaccination.
We’re also having to palliate patients at a concerning rate due to acute deterioration. Most of these patients are dying from respiratory failure or suffering a massive stroke.
All nurses in my clinical area have now been vaccinated besides myself. Some have told me they were coerced into getting it by management.
I am counting down the days now until I’m fired for not wanting the vaccine.Our current staffing is awful, I hate to think how bad it will be after October 15th when unvaccinated nurses are mercilessly terminated from employment. I feel for the patients who will fall through the gaps of our already stressed healthcare system.
Registered Midwife, WA.
AHPRA Verified ✅Hello, Thank you so much for the work you are doing.
I’m a Registered Midwife in W.A. and until I resigned on Wednesday Sep 21, I had been working at the biggest hospital in the South West region. When RANZCOG and the ACM came out with their guidelines stating the c19 vax was safe for pregnancy, the directive from the hospital was to promote it hard.
At the hospital clinic I know of 2 women that received their first doses and they subsequently lost their babies;
1st dose at 34 weeks and 2 days, fetal death in utero at 36 weeks
1st dose 28+2, fetal death in utero 29 weeks I know of other women in the community under 20 weeks as reported to me by midwives that work with General Practice obstetricians;
1st dose 12+6, miscarriage 13 weeks
1st dose 17 +5, miscarriages 18 weeks
1st dose 12 weeks, miscarriage 12+2
Now, I know correlation does not mean causation, but it certainly should be investigated. Only one of the above cases have been reported. I fear many won’t be and they will be lumped into the 1:4 pregnancy loss statistic.
It’s not something that is asked (vaccine status) when women come to the hospital with a loss, so many may fall through and be missed.
I mentioned it to a doctor and they didn’t see the connection. I’m so sad to leave a job I love, but this isn’t health. This is something entirely different.
Registered Midwife, Small Rural Hospital.
28/09/21. AHPRA Verified ✅Hi,
I’m a Midwife in a small rural hospital.
We recently admitted a woman who’s baby had unfortunately died in utero and was subsequently stillborn. She was in her third trimester and she’d had her 2nd dose of Pfizer just 3 days before she stopped feeling the baby moving.
When I questioned my manager if this was going to be reported to the TGA she talked to the doctor and he said no, because there was no evidence of the two being linked.
I can’t help but wonder…what if nobody else is reporting events like this either because they all think there is no evidence?
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CDC: Teens Injected with COVID Shots have 7.5 X More Deaths, 15 X More Disabilities, 44 X More Hospitalizations than All FDA Approved Vaccines in 2021 [99]
COVID Shots Are Killing and Crippling Teens in Record Numbers – Young Children Are Next [100]
See the Full List of Tragic Deaths and Injuries Here! [101]
This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI) [103]
See Also:
Understand the Times We are Currently Living Through
The Five Child Trafficking Networks as Revealed by a Woman Who was Chosen to Succeed the “Queen Mother of Darkness” but was Rescued by Jesus Christ [105]
The Bewitching of America with the Evil Eye and the Mark of the Beast [106]
Distinguishing True Prophets from False Prophets in These Evil Modern Times [107]
Who Controls the World? by Dr. A. True Ott [108]
Exposing the Christian Zionism Cult [109]
Insider Exposes Freemasonry as the World’s Oldest Secret Religion and the Luciferian Plans for The New World Order [110]
Identifying the Luciferian Globalists Implementing the New World Order – Who are the “Jews”? [111]
The Brain Myth: Your Intellect and Thoughts Originate in Your Heart, Not Your Brain [112]
Fact Check: “Christianity” and the Christian Religion is NOT Found in the Bible – The Person Jesus Christ Is [113]
Was the U.S. Constitution Written to Protect “We the People” or “We the Globalists”? Were the Founding Fathers Godly Men or Servants of Satan? [114]
The Seal and Mark of God is Far More Important than the “Mark of the Beast” – Are You Prepared for What’s Coming? [115]
The Satanic Roots to Modern Medicine – The Mark of the Beast? [116]
Medicine: Idolatry in the Twenty First Century – 8-Year-Old Article More Relevant Today than the Day it was Written [117]
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How to Beat Internet Censorship and Create Your Own Newsfeed [119]
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In this autobiography she explains why good doctors are constrained within the current corrupt medical system from practicing real, ethical medicine.
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