13 Year Old Boy Becomes Paralyzed from Neck Down After Gardasil HPV Vaccine

The film VAXXED continues to be shown in new cities across the U.S., with the film crew also traveling to these cities to sponsor Q&A sessions after the filming. Producer Del Bigtree states that the story of the CDC whistleblower and cover-up told in the film is “Bigger than Watergate.”

The film crew also often films parents of vaccine damaged or vaccine killed children who turn out to view the film and tell their own stories.

The story in the video here is about Colton Berrett, who received the Gardasil HPV vaccine at 13 years old, and soon afterwards became paralyzed from the neck down. After many months of recovery, he still needs a breathing apparatus and still suffers some paralysis.

His mother states in the interview that they are still seeing the same pediatrician, who reported the vaccine to VAERS, and no longer gives the vaccine to boys, and cautions girls as well.

Colton has regained his speech, and also speaks during the interview.