Elon Musk Wants Americans to Vote because “Your” Life Depends upon it, or “His” Life Depends on it?
I am writing this on November 5th, election day, with the declared winner of the (s)election still not announced, and by the time most of you read this on November 6th, there may still be no winner declared yet. But yesterday, Elon Musk went on the Joe Rogan show where he stated: "Vote like your life depends upon it!" And, of course, both he and Joe Rogan jumped on the Donald Trump bandwagon with such apocalyptic warnings. But Musk revealed something else in this interview that was very interesting. I have read in the past that Elon Musk loves to play the online game called "Diablo", which is a Spanish word that means "Devil", and that sometimes he plays for many hours. However, Musk revealed that not only does he play this online game, but that he is in the Top 20 WORLDWIDE for the highest scores in this game, with only one other American in the top 20. I'm not an expert in gaming, since I do not game because I have no time for such activities, but I know how popular online gaming has become in the past few years worldwide. The top gamers in the world earn $millions in gaming. I suspect that this is NOT a hobby for most of these serious gamers, but that it is basically a full-time job, one that can be very profitable, at least for a select few who are among the top players worldwide. So if someone can claim that they are in the Top 20 of a game that millions of online gamers play worldwide, what does that say about that person and the amount of time he spends online gaming? I would assume that pretty much everyone reading this article knows of people who are addicted to online gaming just as much as some people are addicted to gambling. What kind of people are they, if you know them, or know of them? Are they the type of people who are corporate CEOs, rich doctors, rich lawyers, etc.?