Booming Face Mask Business in U.S. Creating Instant Millionaires Using Government Funds to Buy Masks from China

Why are state governors and health authorities all of a sudden mandating the wearing of face masks?

The excuse is that these mandates are needed because of the “spike” in new cases and increased hospitalizations due to COVID.

But for even the casually inquisitive mind who starts to ask simple questions to try and figure out the rationale for this, it becomes very obvious that there is something else motivating these new edicts, because:

1. They were NOT mandated during the height of the so-called crisis, and are only in recent days being mandated.

2. When these mandates are given, the basis for them is almost entirely on an appeal to authority, with no science being offered to rationalize the mandates.

3. The mandates do not even specify what kind of mask one needs to supposedly protect oneself and stop the spread of COVID, so that means pretty much anything that loosely resembles a mask is OK to comply with these mandates.

For the citizens of this country who an “appeal to authority” is not reason enough to do something the government tells us to do, and therefore looks at the facts to see if there is any justification for these mandates, the obvious question is: What is the REAL reason behind these new mandates to wear masks?

There are multiple potential reasons, but one reason is based on solid evidence: it is a financial windfall, and everyone wants to get in on it.

The main problem is that when the Plandemic crisis first hit, there were not enough masks available to mandate them. So the government did not.

They used the excuse, of course, that they wanted to reserve the existing face masks for the front line medical workers, which is just further proof that the public’s safety and well-being was not their primary concern.

And we shouldn’t believe it is now, either.

Most of the face masks are from China, and it took some time to ramp up production and get them approved, so that they have only started becoming more widely available in recent weeks, about the same time that governors and health officials started mandating them.


ProPublica just published a report that shows how easy it is to create an instant business to take advantage of this mandated market that has been created by Big Pharma and local governments and health officials. The title of their report is: You Can Make Millions Selling Masks to the Government in Three Easy Steps.