Mass Murderer Dr. Deborah Birx Continues the False Hydroxychloroquine Scam that has Caused MILLIONS of Deaths

Having failed to censor the Frontline Doctors’ press conferences and Summit in Washington D.C. last week, where doctors went directly to the American people to explain that they were healing 100% of their patients diagnosed with COVID with hydroxychloroquine, a safe drug that has been approved by the FDA and has been in the marketplace for over 60 years, the Trump Administration sent Dr. Deborah Birx to appear on Fox News to continue promoting the scam, and encouraging people instead to use the new drug, Remdesivir, instead of hydroxychloroquine.

Appearing from the White House, and with the Fox News broadcasters giving her free reign without any challenging questions about the thousands of studies already conducted on hydroxychloroquine over the years, as Birx continues to claim “science” did not support the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine according to their own studies.

The Fox News reporters, obviously working from a script and not doing any “investigative reporting” what-so-ever, did not even address the fact that the studies “proving” hydroxychloroquine did not work against COVID were completely fabricated, and withdrawn from two of the most prestigious medical journals currently in print.

Deborah Birx, you are GUILTY of MASS MURDER!

Birx has been part of the Bill Gates organization for decades, and the blood that has stained the hands of these criminals is crying out for justice.