Brazilian President tells WHO Director “People are Dying” After COVID Shots – Pleads with WHO to Publicly NOT Recommend it for Children

A video shot from a cell phone has surfaced of what appears to be an impromptu meeting between Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and Tedros Adhanom, the director of the World Health Organization, during the recent G20 Summit in Rome.

President Bolsonaro asked why so many people who are fully vaccinated in his country are still getting COVID-19.

Tedros Adhanom gave the official response, which is that the vaccines are not even designed to stop transmission, but to prevent serious illness and death.

As to the claim that they reduce death, President Bolsonaro stated: “In Brazil, many who got the second dose are dying.”

Tedros Adhanom admitted that this can happen, and blamed it on “comorbidities and underlying conditions.”

President Bolsonaro then said something very revealing, if we are to trust the English transcription, and that is that he was lamenting the fact that these shots were being given to children, but that he was powerless to stop them, because governors and mayors have more power than him to mandate the shots to children, due to “a decision of the judicial power.”

If this is an accurate translation, then I think we are seeing a pattern here where executive branches of government are being over-ridden by the judiciary in trying to stop vaccine mandates, as that is exactly what is happening here in the U.S. where some governors are trying to stop the mandates, but the courts are over-ruling them.

President Bolsonaro complains that anything they try to say about the vaccines is labeled as “fake news” by the media.

He clearly seems distressed that these shots are being mandated for children, and states:

“The lives of the children are at stake and nothing better than to follow what Adhanom said, this determination of the WHO.”

He is apparently asking Tedros Adhanom for help in stopping the mandates for children, but I seriously doubt he will get it.

Tedros Adhanom is a known terrorist with ties to Bill Gates, the Clinton Foundation, Dr. Fauci, China, and many others.

President Jair Bolsonaro has been very outspoken criticizing the official COVID response, and he himself is apparently one of the only heads of state that has chosen to NOT get a COVID shot.

When he attended the UN General Assembly in New York this past September, he was forced to eat pizza out on the street as New York’s vaccine policy did not allow him to dine indoors without proof of vaccination.