Could Magnetic Hydrogel Explain the COVID Vax Magnet Phenomenon?

Could advances in magnetic hydrogel be the reason for the bizarre COVID vax magnet phenomenon?

This sensation is becoming very well documented, with numerous COVID vaxxed people worldwide demonstrating on video that a magnet will stick on their arm at the injection site, but nowhere else on their body. has released another compilation, this time a 47-minute version with people of all ages and cultures showing what happens.

It represents overwhelming evidence that this is a real occurrence, despite what desperate debunkers and vaccine apologists claim, although vaccine apologists isn’t a good term for them, since this chemical cocktail injection is a non-vaccine.

In some videos, people take the very same magnet off their arm and stick it right back on their fridge where it stays. Metallic nanoparticles is a good guess to explain what could be happening.

This article will look specifically at advances in magnetic hydrogel and whether that could explain the phenomenon.