URGENT: New Documentary Proves Climate Engineering by Controlling the Weather (NOT “Global Warming”) is Destroying Life and the Planet: Immediate Danger FAR Greater than COVID-19

As the world has been dominated for the past year by the fake threat that the Globalists want us to believe COVID-19 presents, a much greater risk to human health and the very life that exists on this planet has been covered up, until now.

In a very well documented and brilliantly produced explosive new film just released, The Dimming, by Dane Wigington of GeoengineeringWatch.org, conclusive evidence is presented to show that the planet earth is not being destroyed by global warming as defined by the Globalists, but it is being destroyed by the Globalists themselves through their weather modification efforts to dim the sun by spraying nanoparticles into the atmosphere and then using microwave transmissions such as 5G to weaponize the weather.

The horrendous forest fires on the west coast late last year, the nuclearized winter storm that recently hit Texas, and one that is currently hitting Denver as this is being written, are all related to the Globalists militarized weather modification programs.

These climate engineering programs that are spraying dangerous nanoparticles into our atmosphere every day, and then activated by EMF radiation like 5G, are causing far more sickness and disease than any virus can, including producing “flu-like” symptoms.

Dane Wigington reveals in this film that the U.S. government and private military contractors have had weather modification patents going back over 100 years into the past.

He states:

“Climate engineering is the crown jewel of the military industrial complex.

Climate engineering has been used to destabilize and topple nations all over the globe facilitating military occupations.”

“Global warming” is obviously real, as we see its effects all around us, but the cause of this planet melt-down is one of the biggest cover-ups in maybe the history of the human race.

Those funding and profiting from the myth that global warming is a man-made problem that government and Wall Street now need to come in and “fix” are familiar names, such as Bill Gates.

How do we stop this insanity before the planet can no longer sustain life, which might be only a few years away?

That’s the focus of this film, The Dimming. First, make sure you watch this film yourself so you can be educated on this topic. Next, share it far and wide so people can understand what is happening in the skies above us, that is destroying our health, and destroying our planet.

This is a FAR greater issue than even the COVID issue.

And while the roll-out of the COVID DNA changing vaccines is the most imminent threat to humanity, and will continue to be our main focus here at Health Impact News for the foreseeable future, for those of us who successfully resist getting injected with the experimental “vaccines” and their human operating system, we still have this threat of climate engineering we have to deal with.

Because if we don’t deal with it, we will all die very soon as the planet dies. This will probably be the most important film produced in 2021.