Has NATO Now Taken Over Command of the U.S. Navy?

Has a non-U.S. citizen, a military general from France, now taken over command of the U.S. Navy under NATO?

French General Philippe Lavigne was appointed to the post of Supreme Allied Commander Transformation by the North Atlantic Council on May 28, 2021.

The North Atlantic Council is the political organization that controls NATO, and its primary funding source comes from George Soros.

Less than two months after the appointment of French General Philippe Lavigne to the post of Supreme Allied Commander Transformation by the North Atlantic Council, NATO annexed the largest naval base on U.S. soil, in Norfolk, Virginia, on July 15, 2021, bringing it completely under the control of NATO, even though the base is on U.S. soil.

There was almost no media coverage of this event, but we covered this story in September last year with a story published at GlobalResearch.ca.

Today (July 20, 2022) it was announced that the USS Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group was now also under NATO control.

How many U.S. citizens are even aware that the U.S. Navy is now almost completely under the control of NATO, including our largest naval base in Norfolk, VA?

Probably almost nobody. My father is a U.S. Navy veteran who was commissioned to Norfolk in the early 1960s, and it is my own birthplace, as I was born in the Navy hospital there.

But not even he knew about this, until I told him. It is hard for me to even comprehend that my birthplace, while on U.S. soil, is no longer under U.S. control, but instead is under the command of a French General.

I think it is time for the many veterans in this country, and the hundreds of thousands of service members who are now losing their jobs because they refuse to take a toxic vaccine that might kill them, to start banding together and possibly start forming local militia groups. It might be time for a military coup, because if something like this doesn’t happen soon, the U.S. military will just be a branch of NATO and the UN.