Politicians and Politics do Not Rule the World: Corporations, Financial Institutions and Bankers do and They are Implementing a New World Order

Boris Johnson was recently removed from office in the UK, Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has just fled the country in disgrace, and in the U.S. the corporate media has turned against U.S. President Joe Biden, now that his son’s penis is probably the most downloaded image on the Internet among photos of his pedophilia ways, and Biden’s days in office seem to be coming to an end, possibly sooner rather than later.

But anyone who still believes that these high-ranking politicians have any real power over national or international affairs, and that by replacing them with other politicians will solve economic or social problems, is not living in reality in terms of who controls the affairs of this world.

Money, or financial power, rules the world, and since the start of the industrial age that began after WW II, that group of people at the top who occupy the leadership of banks, financial institutions and large corporations has dramatically shrunk, and the time has come for them to make their ultimate move, to take over the world’s financial system and implement a New World Order where any resemblance to individual liberty and principles of democracy are completely swept away for totalitarianism and tyranny.

In the U.S., for example, these Corporate Globalists have their own separate legal system that prevents them from facing justice, their top banks employ as many software engineers to spy on their employees as Google and Microsoft employ, and they have gotten away with rigging the markets illegally for so long now, that they are now in the process of doing away with Wall Street altogether and implementing a new national stock exchange called MEMX, where people will work remotely instead of on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange in New York City.

Technology, and I am defining “technology” here as the advent of the PC (personal computer) and public use of the Internet (which was developed by the military) in the 1980s and early 1990s, is by and large what has allowed them to gain so much power, but that technology may also be their Achilles heal and downfall – but that is a topic for another day and another article.

Most of the public is aware of the World Economic Forum (WEF) where many of these Globalists gather, but Brandon Smith has published an article today exposing another organization that is less well known, and possibly even more influential, the “Council For Inclusive Capitalism.”

This is not an organization that you want to be ignorant about, if you want to fight Globalism and their plans for a New World Order.