The Religion of the Technocrats is Failing, as is Their Technology

As I noted in my article about the demise of self-driving vehicles, the faith in artificial intelligence is crashing down to reality, as investors in the technology find out the hard way that computers just cannot do all the things that the techno-prophecies have claimed.

This was exposed in a recently published Bloomberg article quite eloquently by publishing quotes from Anthony Levandowski, the engineer who created the model for self-driving vehicle research and was, for more than a decade, “the field’s biggest star.” So strong was his belief in artificial intelligence, that he literally started a new religion worshiping it called “The Way of the Future” Church.

But after several years of waiting for the AI messiah to arrive and start replacing humans, his faith was shattered.

Fast forward now 5 years later where AI cannot even figure out how to make a left turn in normal traffic, and these AI believers are quickly abandoning the faith, and starting to understand the limitations of computers.