People Actually Trying to Stop Child Trafficking are Often Murdered – The CENSORED Linda Collins-Smith Story

In 2019 we interviewed Kathy Hall on KFNX Talk Radio out of Phoenix regarding the kidnapping of her granddaughter after her daughter was killed in Arkansas. She was close friends with Arkansas State Senator Linda Collins-Smith, who was working on her case and attempting to help her get custody of her granddaughter.

But after returning to Arkansas after a trip to Arizona, Arkansas State Senator Linda Collins-Smith was murdered.

This became a huge national story, and late last year ABC’s 20/20 ran a documentary on the Linda Collins-Smith story, spinning the story in a specific direction that they obviously wanted the public to believe. You can watch it on their website.

Kathy Hall, who was a close friend of Linda, had been interviewed by ABC during the filming of this show, but then ABC decided to exclude her testimony after her house burned down, the day before Rebecca O’Donnell, who was being held as the suspect in Senator Smith’s murder, allegedly pleaded guilty to her murder.

So go watch what the corporate media is reporting about Senator Linda Collin-Smith’s murder on ABC first, then come back to this article, where I will tell the public the “other side” of this story, as reported by her good friend, Kathy Hall, one of the last people to communicate with the Arkansas Senator just before she was killed.