Mass demonstrations in California against SB277. Photo by California Coalition for Vaccine Choice.
Health Impact News Editor Comments
Dr. Richard Pan of California is the author of one of the most tyrannical bills currently being proposed in the U.S. to take away the right to informed consent for a medical procedure. SB277 is a proposed California bill that would remove all personal belief exemptions to vaccines and prevent children from attending school unless they are fully vaccinated.
A hearing on SB277 was held at the State Capital on April 15, 2015. The support was overwhelming opposed to the bill, with only 53 people present supporting the bill, and 743 present opposing it:
The Senate Education committee did not take a vote on the bill that day, as several members of the committee had reservations about it. A vote was put off until April 22nd, one week later.
At the April 22 meeting, after 13 minutes of discussion, the committee passed the bill by a vote of 7 to 2.
What happened? How could the committee pass a bill with so much opposition from their constituents?
Dr. Robert Rowen wrote the following on his Facebook Page:
I will express my beliefs here. There is a money trail to most everyone on the committee to Pharma. Readers of this page have posted clear connections of most on the education committee to Pharma contributions. You need to realize that the vaccine industry is profitable to the tune of billions. Defeat of his bill would have been a huge thorn in their side for years to come, and in other states, which look at California as a bell weather state. I sincerely believe that Pharma called in their “chits” and told these senators in the last week that they needed to tow the line and return the “favor” of the generous donations (buy outs). And, not in the “light of day” as last week, when there were hundreds of opponents those who spoke out against the “draconian” measure, and religious freedom, you puppet rulers caved and bowed to their Pharma masters, not their constituents.
Dr. Rowen’s concerns are echoed by others.
Jefferey Jaxen, an investigative reporter, recently explained how Dr. Richard Pan was answering questions in public by asking industry lobbyists what he should say:
After the historic outpouring of families to halt the passing of SB-277 last Wednesday in California, information has now been made public to further put into question the bill’s credibility. After passing the Sacramento Health Committee vote, the bill was delayed as committee chair Senator Carol Liu wisely told the bill’s author Richard Pan “If I were you, I would not take a vote today.” At the conclusion of the vote, Liu asked Senator Pan point blank how he wanted to proceed. To this, Pan, appearing to have no power to make the decision, turned to lobbyist Jodi Hicks and Janus Norman for advice. It is telling that here, the authors Senator Pan and Ben Allen appear to be told what to do and how to do it. Pan is making his decisions based not on the thousands of families that showed up in protest, but from lobbyist. When Richard Pan turns to Hicks and Norman for his orders, it becomes clear that these individuals are the ones behind senate bill 277. (Full Story here.)
Tim Bolen of The Bolen Report also weighed in on the obvious ties to the pharmaceutical industry in his newsletter:
And, they went to Sacramento in droves, from all over the State, to nicely explain to their legislators, the ones they had just voted for, the problems associated with SB277. They had a RALLY on the Capitol steps.
I think those citizens honestly believed that that tactic, polite confrontation of the issue, would win the day.They thought they’d be home in time to make dinner for the kids…
They hadn’t done their homework.
They came up against Freshman Democratic Senator Richard Pan MD, who, without question, is Big Pharma’s, bought and paid for top lobbyist in California – a lobbyist with a vote on the Senate floor, and the ability to directly introduce legislation.
Pan, a man with no particular skills, except for some training to flail around a pediatrician practice stabbing children with pus filled needles, has, in his first month AUTHORED thirty three (33) bills none of which I’m sure he wrote, never even read, and certainly did not understand. You can view those bills here. Go take a quick glance. If you want more detail, click on each of the bill numbers.
Of particular interest, besides, of course his stab-everyone-repeatedly-with-Merck-products legislation, is SB 435 called “Medical home: health care delivery model…” What is really interesting about THAT is the built-in language:
“It is the intent of the Legislature to exempt from state antitrust laws and to provide immunity from federal antitrust laws, pursuant to the state action doctrine for, any activities undertaken pursuant to this act that otherwise might be constrained by those laws.”
In other words, it looks to me, Pan is setting up his sponsor with a monopoly, and protecting that sponsor, using State law, from being sued in an anti-trust action filed by the US Justice Department, or by the bill’s victims.
Wow! I wonder how many small companies, now in the business Pan is creating a monopoly for friends, will be forced out of their own business with no legal recourse? (Read the full article here.)
California: Will The Elite Finally Drive Out the Remaining Middle Class from the State?

Dr. Richard Pan is a California State Senator in District 6. Photo courtesy drrichardpan.com.
California has been a state in crisis for many years now. It has not been able to balance its budget for a long time, and people are leaving the State in droves. Without the Hollywood movie industry in the south, and the Silicon Valley billionaires in the north, the State’s entire economy would have failed many years ago.
And now with one of the worst droughts on record, and state-wide strict water rationing, what is to prevent most of the rest of California’s middle class from leaving the state, especially as they see with their own eyes special interest groups like Big Pharma taking away their freedoms as Dr. Pan and his lobbyists are so clearly doing with SB277?
Dr. Robert Rowen said this on his Facebook Page:
I’ve had numerous parents in my office telling me that they would up and leave the state if they are compelled to do something that they think is NOT in their child’s best interest – like forced vaccination. Scores publicly stated the same at the first education committee hearing on the bill.
If the people of the once great State of California have any hope of saving their state from total tyranny, the time to act is now. Every single State Legislator needs to hear from their constituents, and real threats of removing them from office have to be mounted if California has any chance.
Keep up to date on California vaccine policy by subscribing to the National Vaccine Information Center’s portal:
National Vaccine Information Center Advocacy Portal

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There is also a Facebook Group of citizens opposed to SB277:

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