Chad Rattray – popular hot dog vendor in Downtown Spokane, WA – Photo Courtesy of KXLY 4
Health Impact News Editor Comments
More deaths among otherwise healthy people are being reported all across the United States among children and adults who received this year’s flu vaccination. Here are a couple of the latest deaths being reported in local media stations:
Popular downtown hot dog vendor dies of flu
by Nicholas Deshais
The Spokesman-Review
Chad Rattray wasn’t just Cheddar Chad or the dog guy. Mainly, he was Chad.
Nearly everyone who bought a hot dog from Rattray out front of the Bank of America building in downtown Spokane was on a first-name basis with him.
Rattray died suddenly Monday of complications related to the flu. He was 37 years old and had finished his training to be a Spokane Transit Authority bus driver within the last week.
Rattray was generally healthy and had a flu shot this year.
Chad was saving up for Graduate School, and had traveled to Sudan extensively, being an expert on the people who lived there.

5-year-old Kiera Driscoll – Photo courtesy of Fox5Vegas.com
5-year-old Kiera Driscoll
A fourth child in Clark County has died as a result of the flu, according to officials.
According to the Clark County Coroner’s Office, 5-year-old Kiera Driscoll died from cardiac arrest due to influenza A.
Kiera’s father, Patrick, said his daughter developed a cough and fever Sunday. On Monday, she was taken to a clinic, and prescribed steroids and a nebulizer. She collapsed later that day, and his wife performed CPR on Kiera until paramedics arrived. Kiera later died.
Patrick Driscoll said that Kiera had been vaccinated against the flu. He said doctors confirmed that Kiera had contracted the same strain for which she had been vaccinated.
Other Healthy People Vaccinated for the Flu Who Have Died
Here are some other deaths to reportedly otherwise healthy people after they received the flu shot this season:
26-year-old Katherine McQuestion
Do you know of other flu deaths this season among people who received the flu vaccine? If so, please share in the comments below, so we can develop a list of reported flu deaths among those vaccinated.
The annual flu vaccine is the most dangerous vaccine in America, by far, when examining government reports on settlements awarded to people injured or killed by vaccines. See:
Government Pays Compensation to 80 Flu Vaccine Injuries and Deaths
Is the Science Behind Flu Vaccines Exempt from Scrutiny?
Is not one death from the flu in a healthy individual after receiving the flu vaccination worthy of an investigation into the safety of flu vaccines, and the supposed science behind them? When multiple deaths occur, when health officials call it “rare” after healthy individuals die from the flu after receiving the flu shot, does that not qualify as an “epidemic?” More people have now died from the flu after the flu shot in the United States than from Ebola.
One doctor who has sounded the alarm on the supposed science behind the annual flu vaccine is Dr. Mark Geier:
In this video, Dr. Mark Geier explains the fraud behind the flu vaccine. Dr. Geier is NOT anti-vaccine. He is an MD and has a PhD in genetics. He spent 10 years working at the National Institute of Health, and was a professor at Johns Hopkins University as a geneticist. He is also the author of over 150 peer-reviewed publications.
He worked on vaccine safety and efficacy for more than 30 years. He was one of four scientists who worked to replace the DTP vaccine, a vaccine that caused every child to become sick with a high fever at the time of vaccination, with the DTaP vaccine, which is an attenuated vaccine and causes illness due to fever in only 3% of those vaccinated.
In the video above, he explains that the flu shot causes Guillain-Barré Syndrome, and that the flu shot is not very effective in preventing the flu. He also explains that the CDC does not follow the law for vaccines in requiring long-term safety testing for the influenza vaccine like they do with other vaccines, as it is impossible to test a vaccine that changes every year. So the flu vaccine is basically an experimental vaccine that they want to give out to 300 million people every year. There are also no studies showing the safety of giving the flu vaccine to the same person every single year. However, Dr. Geier points out that the CDC is in the business of distributing flu vaccines, because they represent 300 million doses per year, whereas all the childhood vaccines together only number 20 million.
Dr. Geier goes on to explain that flu is “the wrong thing to vaccinate against” because you have to keep re-vaccinating against it every year, unlike childhood infectious diseases, such as smallpox, that are only vaccinated for once. Dr. Geier points out how ridiculous it is spend billions of dollars on a vaccine that might, at its best, save about 50 lives a year, when there are far more serious problems causing death that are more worthy of that kind of expenditure.
Do you know of other flu deaths this season among people who received the flu vaccine? If so, please share in the comments below, so we can develop a list of reported flu deaths among those vaccinated.
Flu and Flu Vaccines:
What’s Coming Through That Needle – DVD
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