Brian Shilhavy
Health Impact News Editor
The current measles outbreak and measles vaccines are a hot topic of debate raging in both the mainstream and alternative media. However, it would appear that the mainstream media’s reporting on this issue is leaving out some very important facts that for some reason they do not seem to want to report.
Given the severity of the issue and the current rhetoric, which includes some in the mainstream media calling for criminal prosecution and incarceration of parents who refuse the measles vaccine, it is very important that all the facts involving the measles vaccine are revealed to the public.
Unfortunately, one topic in the discussion about measles vaccines that the mainstream media is completely ignoring is the fact that whistleblowers have come forward to reveal massive fraud connected with the current measles vaccine.
Merck’s Alleged MMR Vaccine Fraud According to Whistleblowers
First, as we have mentioned several times in our coverage of this issue, there is currently no “measles vaccine” available. If one desires to get a “measles shot,” or if one is mandated by law to do so, there is currently only one vaccine available, and it is a combination of three vaccines: mumps, measles, rubella. One company owns the rights to this vaccine: Merck.
What the mainstream media is not currently reporting, however, is that Merck has been involved in a long federal lawsuit with allegations of fraud over the mumps portion of the MMR vaccine, in a case filed back in 2010 by two whistleblowers, virologists who worked for Merck. Merck has apparently tried hard to get this case thrown out of court, and keep this news out of the media, but late in 2014 a federal judge finally ruled that the case is to move forward.
We had to obtain this news from legal websites (such as this one) providing news to attorneys, as we could find no mention of it in the mainstream news. The memorandum issued by judge in district court explaining his ruling is found here.
Since this case has been languishing in the courts for going on 5 years now, there are older reports in both the mainstream and alternative media that exist. Here is a report Forbes wrote on it back in 2012. Some quotes:
Anyone who falls on either side of the debate about vaccines’ alleged potential to cause harm is sure to have heard the big news this week — the unsealing of a whistleblower suit against Merck, filed back in 2010 by two former employees accusing the drugmaker of overstating the effectiveness of its mumps, measles, and rubella vaccine.
The scientists claim Merck defrauded the U.S. government by causing it to purchase an estimated four million doses of mislabeled and misbranded MMR vaccine per year for at least a decade, and helped ignite two recent mumps outbreaks that the allegedly ineffective vaccine was intended to prevent in the first place.
“As the single largest purchaser of childhood vaccines (accounting for more than 50 percent of all vaccine purchasers), the United States is by far the largest financial victim of Merck’s fraud. But the ultimate victims here are the millions of children who every year are being injected with a mumps vaccine that is not providing them with an adequate level of protection against mumps. And while this is a disease the CDC targeted to eradicate by now, the failure in Merck’s vaccine has allowed this disease to linger with significant outbreaks continuing to occur,” the suit alleges. (Source – emphasis added.)
The Wall Street Journal also covered the story back in 2012, but according to a report by Dr. Mercola, the Wall Street Journal’s “elite” network of CFOs from the world’s top corporations met 3 days later (including executives from Merck), and the story was removed from their website.
Here is some more information about the lawsuit provided by the Courthouse News Service back in 2012:
Merck is the only manufacturer licensed by the FDA to sell the mumps vaccine in United States, and if it could not show that the vaccine was 95 percent effective, it risked losing its lucrative monopoly, according to the complaint.
That’s why Merck found it critically important to keep claiming such a high efficacy rate, the complaint states.
And, Chatom claims, that’s why Merck went to great lengths, including “manipulating its test procedures and falsifying the test results,” to prop up the bogus figure, though it knew that the attenuated virus from which it created the vaccine had been altered over the years during the manufacturing process, and that the quality of the vaccine had degraded as a result.
Starting in the late 1990s, Merck set out on its sham testing program with the objective of “report[ing] efficacy of 95 percent or higher regardless of the vaccine’s true efficacy,” the complaint states.
Chatom says Merck initially called its testing program Protocol 007.
Under Protocol 007, Merck did not test the vaccine’s ability to protect children against a “wild-type” mumps virus, which is “the type of real-life virus against which vaccines are generally tested,” the complaint states.
Instead, Chatom says, Merck tested children’s blood using its own attenuated strain of the virus.
“This was the same mumps strain with which the children were vaccinated,” the complaint states.
That “subverted” the purpose of the testing regime, “which was to measure the vaccine’s ability to provide protection against a disease-causing mumps virus that a child would actually face in real life. The end result of this deviation … was that Merck’s test overstated the vaccine’s effectiveness,” Chatom claims.
Merck also added animal antibodies to blood samples to achieve more favorable test results, though it knew that the human immune system would never produce such antibodies, and that the antibodies created a laboratory testing scenario that “did not in any way correspond to, correlate with, or represent real life … virus neutralization in vaccinated people,” according to the complaint.
Chatom claims that the falsification of test results occurred “with the knowledge, authority and approval of Merck’s senior management.” (Source.)
CDC Whistleblower: CDC Concealed Data on MMR Vaccine Linking it to Autism

Profile of William W. Thompson at Google Scholar
In one the biggest stories in the past ten years that the mainstream media did not cover in 2014, was the story of Dr. William Thompson, a senior epidemiologist at the CDC who co-authored and published research on the MMR vaccine for the CDC back in 2004, and his decision to become a whistleblower and reveal data that was concealed by the CDC linking the MMR vaccine to autism among African American boys. His telephone conversations with Dr. Brian Hooker were recorded, and released to the public:
Dr. Hooker was recently interviewed by Dr. Gary Null on his national radio broadcast in January of 2015, and Dr. Null writes:
In the Obama era, when whistleblowers are persecuted more than ever before, it is an act of great courage for a person to come forth and reveal government malfeasance, corruption, and criminal behavior. Therefore, it was a shocking surprise last year when a senior epidemiologist at the CDC, Dr. William Thompson, acted upon his moral conscience and released thousands of pages of CDC documents with research data to Congress that unveil the agencies long history of fraudulent studies and medical cover-ups that hid the serious failures and health risks of vaccines.
Dr. Thompson is a distinguished scientist who has worked at the CDC since 1998. Prof. Brian Hooker, a specialist in molecular and cellular systems, and the first person to be contacted by Dr. Thompson, stated during a recent broadcast that the released documents are not simply a smoking gun. Rather it is a “wildfire.” Dr. Thompson is currently cooperating with members of a Congressional subcommittee.
Thousands of American parents with vaccine damaged children, suffering from permanent neurological impairment and autism, await a trial that will finally bring to justice many of the nation’s top health officials.
Is this big news? It most certainly is, perhaps the biggest news story regarding vaccines in over ten years, but you will not find any mention of this in the mainstream media. Why?
Conclusion: Do not Trust the Mainstream Media for the Truth on Vaccines
Instead of reporting the news on MMR fraud claims made by whistlelowers, what you will find in the mainstream media are TV doctors, reporters, and news anchors vilifying parents who refuse to accept the claims made by medical authorities regarding a vaccine associated with alleged massive fraud and conflict of interest.
Vaccines cannot survive in a free market based on their own merit, therefore the U.S. Government buys most of the vaccines manufactured in the United States.

The CDC currently spends over $4 billion purchasing vaccines from drug makers, and wants to increase that amount by over a half billion for 2015. Source.
The CDC is the largest purchaser of vaccines, spending over $4 BILLION a year of tax-payer funds on the purchase of vaccines from pharmaceutical companies, some of which have the largest criminal court settlements in our nation’s history. (See: Pulling Back the Curtain on the Organized Crime Ring That Is the Pharmaceutical Drug Cartel.)
The CDC has a very obvious conflict of interest in producing vaccine data, and has been caught in the past inflating statistics to promote vaccine sales. (See: CDC Inflates Flu Death Stats to Sell More Flu Vaccines.)
Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services under President Obama, admitted in an interview with Reader’s Digest that the government puts pressure on the mainstream media to NOT give equal weight to those who question the “science” of vaccines:
RD:What can be done about public mistrust of vaccines?
KS:There are groups out there that insist that vaccines are responsible for a variety of problems despite all scientific evidence to the contrary. We have reached out to media outlets to try to get them to not give the views of these people equal weight in their reporting to what science has shown and continues to show about the safety of vaccines. (Source.)
It is time for the public to look elsewhere for their news on this topic, as the mainstream media is obviously not giving the public all the data on vaccines.
See Also:
Obama Grants Immunity to CDC Whistleblower on Measles Vaccine Link to Autism
Vaccine Epidemic
by Louise Kuo Habakus and Mary Holland J.D.
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