by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
The federal government Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services just concluded their first meeting of 2017 on September 8th.
The Commission is supposed to meet quarterly, but missed their first two meetings this year (2017).
Health Impact News sources have told us that the probable reason the Commission missed their March and June 2017 meetings was likely due to a lack of a quorum, as several member’s terms had expired, and new members of the Commission possibly had not yet been appointed under the Trump administration.
These quarterly meetings include a report from the Department of Justice (DOJ) on cases settled for vaccine injuries and deaths as mandated by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP).
The NVICP was started as a result of a law passed in 1986 that gave pharmaceutical companies total legal immunity from being sued due to injuries and deaths resulting from vaccines.
Drug manufacturers in the vaccine market can now create as many new vaccines as they desire, with no risk of being sued if their product causes injury or death.
This has resulted in a huge increase of vaccines entering the market, and the U.S. government, through the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), is the largest purchaser of these vaccines, spending in excess of $4 billion taxpayer dollars each year to purchase these vaccines.
If you or a family member is injured or dies from vaccines, you must sue the federal government in this special vaccine court. Many cases are litigated for years before a settlement is reached.
As far as we know, Health Impact News is the only media source that publishes these reports each quarter. Past reports can be found here.
Since this was the first meeting of the ACCV this year, the current report covers cases settled for vaccine injuries and deaths from 11/16/16 through 8/15/17.
332 cases were listed in the report (see below) from this time period, specifying the vaccine, the injury or death, and the amount of time the case was pending before settlement.
275 of the 332 cases were for injuries due to the flu vaccine, and there were 5 deaths, 4 of them related to the flu vaccine.
The flu vaccine is clearly the most dangerous vaccine in the U.S., and yet it is sold in stores and can be routinely obtained as easily as over-the-counter medicines with no consultation with a physician.
Read the full report.
Pro-Vaccine Medical Doctor and Scientist Speaks Out on Fraud of the Flu Vaccine
In the video above, Dr. Mark Geier explains the fraud behind the flu vaccine. Dr. Geier is NOT anti-vaccine. He is an M.D. and has a Ph.D. in genetics. He spent 10 years working at the National Institute of Health, and was a professor at Johns Hopkins University as a geneticist. He is also the author of over 150 peer-reviewed publications.
He worked on vaccine safety and efficacy for more than 30 years. He was one of four scientists that worked to replace the DTP vaccine, a vaccine that caused every child to become sick with a high fever at the time of vaccination, with the DTaP vaccine, which is a more purified vaccine and causes illness due to fever in only 3% of those vaccinated.
In the video above, he explains that the flu shot causes Guillain-Barré Syndrome, and that the flu shot is not very effective in preventing the flu.
He also explains that the CDC does not follow the law for vaccines in requiring long-term safety testing for the influenza vaccine like they do with other vaccines, as it is impossible to test a vaccine that changes every year.
So the flu vaccine is basically an experimental vaccine that they want to give out to 300 million people every year. There are also no studies showing the safety of giving the flu vaccine to the same person every single year.
However, Dr. Geier points out that the CDC is in the business of distributing flu vaccines, because they represent 300 million doses per year, whereas all the childhood vaccines together only number 20 million.
Dr. Geier goes on to explain that flu is “the wrong thing to vaccinate against” because you have to keep re-vaccinating against it every year, unlike childhood infectious diseases, such as smallpox, that are only vaccinated for once.
Dr. Geier points out how ridiculous it is spend billions of dollars on a vaccine that might, at its best, save about 50 lives a year, when there are far more serious problems causing death that are more worthy of that kind of expenditure.
Doctors Who are Not Vaccine Extremists Question Vaccines, Especially the Flu Shot
As can clearly be seen by the government’s own vaccine statistics, vaccines are both dangerous and deadly. There are many doctors across the U.S. who understand this, and do not adhere to the extremist vaccine positions, that ALL vaccines are good, for ALL people, ALL the time, by force if necessary.
The vaccine debate is not a debate between extremist positions, but a debate that in reality looks at the merit of each vaccine, and the impact of the vaccine schedule with so many vaccines being given together. For more information, see:
Medical Doctors Opposed to Forced Vaccinations – Should Their Views be Silenced?
Public Largely Unaware of the Vaccine Court: Most Cases Never Litigated
In November of 2014 the Government Accounting Office (GAO) issued the first report on America’s “Vaccine Court,” known as the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP), in almost 15 years.
As I noted above, Congress gave the pharmaceutical companies immunity against lawsuits for injuries or deaths resulting in vaccines in 1986. Prior to this time, there were so many lawsuits pending against pharmaceutical companies for injuries and deaths due to vaccines, that the pharmaceutical industry basically blackmailed congress and told them that if they did not grant them legal immunity against the liabilities of vaccines, that they would quit making them. These vaccine products cannot survive in a free market, they are so bad.
The November 2014 GAO report criticized the government for not making the public more aware that the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program exists, and that there are funds available for vaccine injuries. Therefore, the settlements represented by vaccine injuries and deaths included in the DOJ report probably represent a small fraction of the actual vaccine injuries and deaths occurring in America today.
Autism Vaccine Injuries Not Allowed: Too Many
One of medical conditions resulting from vaccine injuries you will not find in the quarterly DOJ reports is autism. When the Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund was set up in 1988, autism was the most prevalent vaccine injury brought before the vaccine court, mostly from the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine.
It soon became apparent that the trust fund, funded through taxes the public pays on vaccines, would not be sufficient to litigate all the claims for autism as a vaccine injury. By March 1, 2010, 13,330 cases had been filed in the special vaccine court, with 5,617 representing autism cases. Of those 13,330 cases filed up to March 1, 2010, only 2,409 were compensated. The rest were dismissed, but there were 5,933 cases still pending, and most of those were claims for vaccine-induced autism, mostly due to either the MMR vaccine, or vaccines containing thimerosal (mercury).
So how did the federal government and the vaccine court handle this?
Simple. They took 3 “test cases” that they said represented all of them, and litigated against those claims. Their own appointed judges then ruled in each case that vaccines were not the cause of their autism. Then they told everyone else that their autism could not have been caused by vaccines, and that they would pay no damages for all those hundreds of thousands of children suffering with autism. This was all part of what is called The Omnibus Autism Proceeding.
So if you have a child today injured by vaccines and suffering with autism, you cannot sue the federal government in vaccine court, as their official position is that vaccines do not cause autism.
Vaccine Autism Connection: Scandal “Bigger Than Watergate”
The film VAXXED has caused quite a controversy in film festivals and theaters around the U.S. the past 2 years. It documents fraud within the CDC over the MMR vaccine and autism cover-up. It documents the story of the CDC scientist whistleblower Dr. William Thompson, and producer Del Bigtree claims this story is “bigger than Watergate.” The film is showing to packed theaters across the country, as the public is hungry for this kind of information that the mainstream media censors.

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Leaving a lucrative career as a nephrologist (kidney doctor), Dr. Suzanne Humphries is now free to actually help cure people.
In this autobiography she explains why good doctors are constrained within the current corrupt medical system from practicing real, ethical medicine.
One of the sane voices when it comes to examining the science behind modern-day vaccines, no pro-vaccine extremist doctors have ever dared to debate her in public.
Medical Doctors Opposed to Forced Vaccinations – Should Their Views be Silenced?
One of the biggest myths being propagated in the compliant mainstream media today is that doctors are either pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine, and that the anti-vaccine doctors are all “quacks.”
However, nothing could be further from the truth in the vaccine debate. Doctors are not unified at all on their positions regarding “the science” of vaccines, nor are they unified in the position of removing informed consent to a medical procedure like vaccines.
The two most extreme positions are those doctors who are 100% against vaccines and do not administer them at all, and those doctors that believe that ALL vaccines are safe and effective for ALL people, ALL the time, by force if necessary.
Very few doctors fall into either of these two extremist positions, and yet it is the extreme pro-vaccine position that is presented by the U.S. Government and mainstream media as being the dominant position of the medical field.
In between these two extreme views, however, is where the vast majority of doctors practicing today would probably categorize their position. Many doctors who consider themselves “pro-vaccine,” for example, do not believe that every single vaccine is appropriate for every single individual.
Many doctors recommend a “delayed” vaccine schedule for some patients, and not always the recommended one-size-fits-all CDC childhood schedule. Other doctors choose to recommend vaccines based on the actual science and merit of each vaccine, recommending some, while determining that others are not worth the risk for children, such as the suspect seasonal flu shot.
These doctors who do not hold extreme positions would be opposed to government-mandated vaccinations and the removal of all parental exemptions.
In this article, I am going to summarize the many doctors today who do not take the most extremist pro-vaccine position, which is probably not held by very many doctors at all, in spite of what the pharmaceutical industry, the federal government, and the mainstream media would like the public to believe.