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by Autism Action Network

A two-year investigation of the records of the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has shown that the feds have compensated many, many cases of vaccine injury where autism was one of the injuries. The results of the investigation will be published in a major law journal tomorrow. The study authors will reveal their findings in a press conference tomorrow in Washington DC.

The press conference will be streamed live on UStream  on Tuesday, May 10th at Noon EDT. Channel: We need as many members of Congress and their staffs to see the press conference. Please click on the Take Action link to send an email to your Senators and Representative asking them to watch the press conference. If you know who your Representatives are please call their offices and politely ask them to watch.

Directors of the Elizabeth Birt Center for Autism Law and Advocacy (EBCALA), parents and vaccine-injured children will hold a press conference on the steps of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims (717 Madison Place, NW in Washington, DC) on Tuesday, May 10 at 12:00 PM to unveil an investigation linking vaccine injury to autism.

For over 20 years, the federal government has publicly denied a vaccine-autism link, while at the same time its Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) has been awarding damages for vaccine injury to children with brain damage, seizures and autism. This investigation, based on public, verifiable government data, breaks new ground in the controversial vaccine-autism debate. 

The investigation found that a substantial number of children compensated for vaccine injury also have autism. The government has asserted that it “does not track” autism among the vaccine-injured.

Based on this preliminary investigation, the evidence suggests that autism is at least three times more prevalent among vaccine-injured children than among children in the general population. 

The federal government has called autism a “national health emergency,” conservatively affecting 1 in 110 children and costing the country billions of dollars each year. Because almost all children in the United States are required by law to receive between 30-45 vaccines in order to attend public school, it is crucial that the VICP decide cases with justice and transparency. EBCALA and the families of the vaccine-injured call on Congress to investigate the VICP, the only forum in which parents may bring claims of vaccine injury on behalf of their children.

Read the full article here:

UPDATE: It looks like this is going to get major media coverage tomorrow. Fox News is already covering this story, as they know something “big” is up tomorrow. They continue to report the party line that there is no research linking autism to vaccines by “mainstream” doctors and scientists (who makes that determination??), but in the interview below with one of the parents who will be at the press conference tomorrow, we see that the cracks in the government position are getting larger.

Watch the latest video at

See also: Infant Mortality Rates Increase in US as Number of Vaccines Increase

saying no to vaccines sm Hypocritical pediatricians push for stricter chemical laws at the same time they inject babies with toxic vaccines

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