by The Age of Autism

NJ, your right to a religious vaccine exemption is about to be denied. Which state is next?

It’s time to make our voices heard at our elected legislative offices with a MASSIVE call-in/ write-in campaign. Contact info and details are below.This must be done today (2/16) and tomorrow, Thursday (2/17)

  1. Call your local ASSEMBLYPERSONS: Tell them you are a constituent and to vote NO on ACR 157 an “Assembly Concurrent Resolution,” which allows the state and our health department to define the criteria acceptable for a parent’s religious exemption. This bill was fast tracked in the last month without any public debate or hearing. It must be stopped. The legislators need to represent their constituents, not the special interest lobbyists.Find Your District Number and Representative: Click Here
  2. Call/Email SPEAKER SHEILA OLIVER: She has the power to pull this resolution.

This is the message for the Assembly Speaker, Sheila Oliver, who technically decides whether the bill should be posted or not. Tell her this is an inappropriate resolution that threatens our constitutional rights. She needs calls and emails.

Suite 202/ 15-33 Halsted Street/ East Orange, NJ 07018
973-395-1166 (phone)
973.395.1724 (fax)


  • Call/Email GOVERNOR CHRISTIE: Ask him to put a stop to ACR157!OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR:
    P.O. Box 001
    Trenton NJ, 08625
    609-292-6000 (phone)
    609-292-5181 (fax)
    Or you can submit an email.


The Hearing is Scheduled for 1pm in the Assembly Chambers, so if you are able to get to Trenton, please go. (Bring a small sign to hold). Not sure what we will be permitted to do, but they need to see us.

Read the text of Assembly Concurrent Resolution (ACR 157)in html format or pdf format

Assemblyman Dr. Herb Conaway (Assembly Health Committee Chair who stonewalled our bill for 6+ years) is forcing through an Assembly Concurrent Resolution (ACR 157) for tighter guidelines on what would constitute a “valid” religious exemption.

IN OTHER WORDS… the state will attempt to define criteria under which someone could claim a religious exemption. Sound unconstitutional? INDEED! Do you believe our legislators and health department are qualified to establish religious exemption criteria, and school administrators are appropriate to judge parents’ religious tenets as they relate to their children’s vaccinations?

It seems our elected officials have forgotten the 1st Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America! “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment o f religion, or prohibiting the free exercise, thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

CALL, WRITE, E-MAIL, FAX – as many times a day as you can for as many days as you can. We deserve to the right to informed consent and demand to have our bill heard and no further resolutions passed to restrict our rights Visit Sign the Online Petition Supporting A2450!

Read the Full Article Here: