Click on the image to see video clips of the most recent Congressional hearing on the rising rates of autism.
Health Impact News Editor Comments: While I may not agree with Dr. Jay Gordon on the effectiveness of certain vaccines, if every pediatrician in America understood parental rights like he does, we would have a lot fewer vaccine injuries and deaths, and the pharmaceutical companies would be held to a much higher standard than it is today.
Are Vaccines Safe for Babies and Pregnant Women?
by Alicia Silverstone
The Kind Life
Dr. Jay Gordon, a UCLA pediatrician and author of numerous books, has a very thorough presentation you can get for $8.99. I wish it were free (although it’s not expensive and it’s an excellent use of your money) because I want the world to watch it, but what I can tell you is, it’s an excellent resource to turn to, because it explains each vaccine typically recommended for children and discusses all of the questions you may have.
Dr. Jay Gordon’s Take on Vaccines
Here’s a statement from Dr. Jay Gordon on vaccines. This info is meant to answer your questions in detail. He goes through each vaccine and really explains all about each one. I’m excited he’s sharing his expertise with all of us kind lifers, and I encourage you to check out Dr. Jay Gordon’s webinar on vaccines if you want more info:
“First, vaccines are a really personal issue and one of my biggest problems is that 99% of pediatricians don’t feel that parents should even participate in the decision about how or when, let alone if a baby should get all, some or none of the shots at any given office visit. The whole process is inherently flawed because we give immunizations pretending to know a lot more about the immune system than we really know.
We also have combined six different vaccines with more than 20 separate antigens to be given at the two-, four-, and six-month check ups. The science behind these combinations is lacking and the challenge ‘You can’t prove it’s dangerous to give these shots at the same time,’ completely reverses the real obligation of the manufacturers and vaccine researchers to prove that the vaccines and combinations are safe.”
Jay N. Gordon, MD, FAAP
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, UCLA Medical School
Former Senior Fellow in Pediatric Nutrition, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Institute
Vaccinations? A Parent’s Guide to Decision Making
Some quotes:
“Every parent has a right to participate fully is the discussion of vaccinations.”
“The schedule of vaccines is, in my opinion, unscientific and just a little bit ugly.”
“So we give babies Hepatitis B in the first hours of life – a great public health measure and an illogical personal one for most people.”
“Advocate for individualized care for your child. Find a pediatrician who understands that you will be participating in discussions and choices about vaccinations and all other care for your child.”
Vaccine Epidemic
by Louise Kuo Habakus and Mary Holland J.D.
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