by John Nickerson


STAMFORD — A vaccination scandal that ousted a well-liked veterinarian from his West Avenue pet hospital inside PetSmart is now threatening to strip the experienced animal doctor of his license to practice in the state.

An ardent advocate for pets at his practice, Dr. John Robb says he will fight the state to retain his license even though he readily admits to giving thousands of dogs and cats smaller vaccination doses than recommended by vaccine manufactures used to ward off a host of diseases, including rabies.

Earlier this month, the corporation that operates and licenses 820 animal hospitals in the United States officially took the hospital away from Robb because they said he was not practicing veterinarian medicine up to their standards. Since early December, Robb has been barred from entering the PetSmart store and his former hospital and was even arrested for trespassing outside the store on Dec. 20. Robb says he will sue to get the hospital back and continues to stage protests calling on pet owners to not over-vaccinate their pets.

Robb, 55, a devout Christian who earned his doctorate of veterinary medicine at the top-tier University of California at Davis, insists he gave dogs less than 50 pounds half doses of vaccine because the fuller doses would make many of the dogs sick and possibly kill them.

Robb says that the Banfield requirement of its franchise holders to provide full doses of vaccines is hurting pets, and as someone who has taken an oath to do no harm it would not be ethical for him to continue with the practice.

Read the full article here:

Vaccine Epidemic
by Louise Kuo Habakus and Mary Holland J.D.

Vaccine Epidemic bookcover Outbreaks of Measles in Vaccinated Children Intensifying

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