Health Impact News Editor Comments
Oregon Senator Elizabeth Steiner Hayward is at it again. In February, Senator Hayward (who is a physician) introduced a bill to take away the right to informed consent and vaccine choice and mandate vaccines for all children statewide. The bill was vehemently opposed by her constituents in the state, and made national headlines. The bill was withdrawn as it did not have enough support in the State Legislature.
Now, she has introduced a new bill, SB895, which would require schools to publish vaccination exemption rates by disease and get parents granted exemptions in the past to either consult their doctor or watch an educational video about the decision against vaccinating. This new bill passed the Senate Education Committee this week on a 4-3 party-line vote with Democrats in favor.
Hayward’s encounter with attorney Robert Snee from Portland was captured on video during hearings on her first defeated bill, and soon went viral. Attorney Snee appropriately pointed out that Senator Hayward wants the right to choose medical procedures for herself if she disagrees with her doctor, but she does not want that right for anyone else in Oregon:
Paul Thomas, M.D., FAAP, who is a board-certified fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics and practices in Oregon, also testified against the first failed bill in front of the Senate Committee on Health Care:
But opposition from an informed constituent base that includes attorneys and physicians apparently means nothing to Dr. Elizabeth Steiner Hayward, who believes the entire state should be coerced into accepting her view. She’s seems absolutely determined to make Oregon into a medical police state.
If you would like to tell Senator Elizabeth Steiner Hayward how you feel about this bill, here is how to contact her:
Senator Elizabeth Steiner Hayward
Democrat – District 17 – NW Portland/Beaverton
Capitol Phone:Â 503-986-1717
Capitol Address:Â 900 Court St. NE, S-215, Salem, Oregon 97301
If you live in Oregon, be sure to contact your representatives also.
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Saying NO To Vaccines
By Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
You have legal options!