Dr. Mercola and Barbara Loe Fisher Discuss Vaccine Awareness
Vaccine Awareness Week 2017
Learn About the Need to Protect Voluntary Vaccine Decision-Making in America
This week from November 5-11, 2017 Mercola.com and the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) are co-sponsoring the Eighth Annual Vaccine Awareness Week (VAW), a week dedicated to raising awareness about vaccines and informed consent rights.
With all the uncertainty surrounding the risks and failures of vaccines, it’s critical to protect your legal right to make independent health choices and exercise voluntary informed consent to vaccination.
It is urgent that everyone stand up and fight to protect flexible medical, religious and conscientious belief vaccine exemptions and expand informed consent protections in state public health and employment laws.
During this week, Dr. Joseph Mercola will double match your donations up to $100,000 to the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a non-profit charity advocating for vaccine safety and protection of the ethical principle of informed consent to medical risk taking, including vaccine risk taking.
NVIC’s mission since 1982 has been to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and to defend your legal right to exercise informed consent to vaccination.
You can also donate directly to NVIC by CLICKING HERE to help support our mission and join the vaccine freedom of choice movement today!
Click the video below to watch an interview with Dr. Joe Mercola and Barbara Loe Fisher about what is at stake in America’s Vaccine Culture War.
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