by Michael Welch and Docs4opendebate
Global Research
With the weather getting colder, people in Canada and all around the globe are witnessing a rising incidence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Prime Minister Trudeau was quoted as saying during a speech to the people of Canada the following:
“The second wave isn’t just starting, it’s already underway.”
Children are going to school in masks, just as everyone is forced to wear masks anywhere that’s indoors in some places. As the struggle worsens, people fear the return of spring-time lock downs and all the hardship springing from it.
Provoked by daily reports by politicians, chief public health officers, and the mainstream media, people might be understandably terrified. On the other hand, there are rational voices singing from the hymn book of sober second thoughts.
These voices belong to people called doctors.
As we reported in our last show, Doctor Sucharit Bhakdi in his book, Corona, False Alarm, laid out how the evidence of the panic was unreliable, how the COVID 19 was in fact no worse than a typical flu virus, and how the lockdowns cause more difficulties than the disease itself.
There are many, many more doctors also raising their voices calling for their nations and the world to rethink their COVID strategy. They are particularly effective in Europe. These include a petition signed by 2662 doctors and medical practitioners in the Netherlands, a public conference made up of 400 doctors in Spain, a Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee made up of about 500 Doctors and scientists in Germany, and a public letter from Belgium signed by over 1500 people in the medical and scientific community.
Sadly, these people cannot get their voices in regular media.
This week, on the Global Research News Hour, we work to give these experts some space, and possibly assuage the out if control panic sweeping our society.
Our guests for the hour are two doctors with the group: Docs 4 Open Debate. For most of the program they speak about the unreliable test numbers, unreliable masks, the WHO’s role in this, and the determination to not just ignore but punish those in the profession who speak out.
Docs 4 Open Debate is a group in Belgium doctors and health professionals intent on demanding more critical analysis of the pandemic fight, relaxation of the extreme emergency measures, and freedom to express their positions on mainstream media. They crafted an open letter to this end which has so far been signed by 515 physicians and 1767 medically trained health professionals. Their site is
Read the full article at Global Research
Comment on this article at Health Impact News
This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)
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