Are we about to see massive deaths among seniors in assisting living care centers from the COVID vaccine?

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Reports of casualties worldwide among seniors and assisted living center staff from the experimental COVID vaccines started surfacing today.

The Jerusalem Post reported that a 75-year-old man died from a heart attack two hours after receiving the Pfizer experimental vaccine, although as usual they want to assure the public that his death had nothing to do with the vaccine.

A 75-year-old man from Beit She’an died of a heart attack about two hours after being vaccinated against the novel coronavirus on Monday morning, the Health Ministry reported.

Health Ministry director-general Chezy Levy has launched an investigation into the incident. “We share in the grief of the family,” he said in a statement.

According to reports, the man was inoculated at around 8:30 a.m. at a Clalit Health Services clinic. He stayed at the facility, as is customary, for a short period of time to ensure he had no side effects. When he felt well, the clinic released him.
The initial findings do not show a link between the man’s death and his vaccination, Levy said. (Full article.)

In Germany, is reporting that eight nursing home workers in Stralsund accidently received five times the normal dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine, sending half of them to the hospital with Covid-19 symptoms.

But the drug company says such mega-doses are perfectly safe anyway.

Eight nursing home workers in Stralsund received five times the normal dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine, sending half of them to the hospital with Covid-19 symptoms – but the company insists the megadose is safe.

A group of care home employees in the northeastern town of Stralsund was accidentally dosed with five times the prescribed amount of Pfizer-BioNTech’s newly approved Covid-19 vaccine on Sunday – the first day Germany began vaccinating healthcare workers and nursing home residents against the virus.

Eight employees received five times the 30-microgram (mcg) dose of the jab, which was recently christened Comirnaty. Four of those were hospitalized as a “precautionary measure” after experiencing flu-like (and Covid-19-like) symptoms, Vorpommern-Rügen district administrator Stefan Kerth revealed on Monday.

“I deeply regret this incident,” Kerth told reporters, expressing “hope” that “those affected suffer no serious side effects.”

While the prescribed dose for Comirnaty is just 30mcg, a spokeswoman for BioNTech insisted researchers had experimented with “increased dosages” during clinical trials and found doses of as much as 100mcg were tolerated without “serious consequences.”

However, five times the normal dose would be 150mcg, half again as much as a 100mcg overdose, and it’s not clear if any of the clinical trials had tested such high doses. (Full article.)

In California, Governor Newsom’s office announced today that the State was utilizing free Pfizer experimental COVID vaccines from CVS and Walgreens to inject residents in assisted living, residential care and other long-term care facilities.

SACRAMENTO – Governor Gavin Newsom today announced that California has opted in to the federal COVID-19 Pharmacy Partnership. At no cost to the state or local government, CVS and Walgreens will administer the Pfizer vaccine to residents and staff in long-term care facilities.

Starting today, CVS and Walgreens will start with nursing homes, which will take an estimated 3-4 weeks, and then vaccinate staff and residents in assisted living, residential care and other long-term care facilities.

“Vaccinating those most vulnerable among us is critical to fighting this virus,” said Governor Newsom. “By leveraging CVS and Walgreens resources, we can effectively deploy vaccines to residents and staff at our long-term care facilities, which are at higher risk of Covid transmission – and do it at no cost to the state or local government.”

The program will enable counties to leverage CVS and Walgreens pharmacy staff to administer the vaccine more broadly with pharmacy staff going directly to care facilities. Skilled Nursing Facilities will receive vaccine from staff from CVS and Walgreens. Approximately 499 nursing homes will be provided vaccine by CVS and 357 by Walgreens.

The vaccines will be administered by pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and nurses. Pharmacy technicians are participating under a recent waiver by the Board of Pharmacy that requires appropriate supervision under California law and specialized training. (Full Press Release here.)

One has to wonder if these assisted living care residents understand that this COVID vaccine is NOT FDA approved, and that the FDA issued an emergency use authorization illegally, since effective therapeutics for COVID treatment are available and already approved by the FDA, and that they can legally refuse to take the experimental COVID vaccine?

Tens of thousands of doctors have testified to treating patients successfully using these older drugs, and many of these doctors are warning their patients and people around the world to NOT get the COVID experimental vaccines.

The drugs many of these medical doctors are using successfully are Hydroxychloroquine, and Ivermectin. (It is being reported that South Africa has just banned the importation of Ivermectin.)

Another reason why the FDA’s authorization of the experimental Pfizer COVID vaccine is illegal, is that the clinical trials used to justify its emergency use authorization, used the faulty PCR COVID test to determine if the clinical trial patients had COVID19 or not.

Dr. Sin Hang Lee, a world-renowned expert on DNA sequencing-based diagnostics, filed an ADMINISTRATIVE STAY OF ACTION with the FDA prior to the FDA issuing emergency use authorization to Pfizer and Moderna, stating that their testing was faulty, and that more reliable testing was needed before these vaccines were used in the public. See:

“Stay of Action” Filed Against FDA to STOP Approval of COVID Vaccine for Using Faulty PCR Tests in Trials

The FDA ignored this Stay of Action.

See Also:

Doctors Around the World Issue Dire WARNING: DO NOT GET THE COVID VACCINE!!

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This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

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