by Meryl Nass, MD
Anthrax Vaccine

Four cases of Bell’s (facial) palsy occurred in subjects in the Pfizer vaccine clinical trial of its mRNA vaccine, none in placebo recipients.  FDA’s briefing document mentioned 3 cases, but 4 were discussed at the VRBPAC advisory meeting on December 10.

The briefing document claimed, “This observed frequency of reported Bell’s palsy is consistent with the expected background rate in the general population.” (page 43)

Three cases of Bell’s palsy occurred in subjects who received Moderna’s mRNA vaccine, and one in a plecebo recipient.

One case of Transverse Myelitis occurred in a subject in the Astra-Zeneca Covid vaccine trial.  This is a rare and usually devastating complication.

According to the Mayo Clinic, transverse myelitis:

can cause pain, muscle weakness, paralysis, sensory problems, or bladder and bowel dysfunction… Other conditions, such as a stroke of the spinal cord, are often confused with transverse myelitis.”

FDA has failed to warn Americans now being vaccinated about the possibility of Bell’s Palsy in its “fact sheet” for the Pfizer vaccine, which is the only printed information patients receive when they are vaccinated.

However, Bell’s Palsy is known to be a serious neuro-immune reaction to vaccination.

How do I know?

Because both Bell’s palsy and transverse myelitis were listed on the package insert (the label) for anthrax vaccine, which you can read right here.

Luckily, the label was reproduced in the National Academy of Sciences’ report on anthrax vaccine, because it is hard to find online… since FDA removed the warnings from a later version of the label.

So far, there is no label for any Covid vaccine, since none have been given a license.

Read the full article at Anthrax Vaccine.

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This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

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