A man gets an influenza vaccine at a hospital in Seoul, South Korea. Image Source.

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

One of the interesting side effects of the COVID Plandemic, and the rush to bring to market a new, untested COVID vaccine, is that many people around the world have become more skeptical of vaccines, and for good reason.

However, the problems associated with vaccines have been around for decades, and as we have documented frequently here at Health Impact News on our VaccineImpact.com website, the annual flu vaccine is, by far, the most dangerous vaccine in the world, causing more injuries and deaths than all other vaccines put together.

This is not a conspiracy theory, but a fact based on the sheer volume of settlements that the U.S. Government makes every year in the Vaccine Court for injuries and deaths due to the flu shot.

We publish these reports every quarter, and past reports can be found here, where you can view the data yourselves.

Every year people are harmed and killed by the flu shot, but this information is censored in the U.S.

So it is highly unlikely that the death of 25 people in South Korea just after receiving the flu shot would have even made the news at all in the years pre-COVID. Because this pretty much happens every year when the flu season starts and mass vaccination of the public for influenza begins.

With literally hundreds of millions of doses of the flu vaccine being manufactured every year, a few hundred, or even a few thousand deaths, is generally not noticeable as doctors are not trained to look for vaccine injuries, and the vaccine will never be blamed.

But with the attention of the public on the upcoming COVID vaccine and a newfound interest in actually looking into the politics and science of vaccines, all of a sudden people are starting to sit up and take notice.

South Korean’s medical association urges govt to suspend flu shot program after 25 people die following jab

by RT.com


The Korean Medical Association has called on the country’s government to halt its plan to inoculate millions of citizens after more than two dozen people died after receiving flu shots.

The vaccine initiative, billed as a strategy to potentially offset complications from Covid-19, aims to provide free flu jabs to 19 million people. But the ambitious undertaking has come under fire after 25 people died, including a 17-year-old boy and a man in his 70s, after participating in the program. The number jumped from 12 deaths reported earlier on Thursday.

The vaccination drive was suspended for three weeks after it was revealed that around five million doses, which require refrigeration, had been stored at room temperature while being transpired to a medical facility. The program resumed on October 13. None of the people who died received the recalled doses.

During a press conference on Thursday, Choi Dae-zip, president of the Korean Medical Association, requested that the flu shot campaign be put on hold until safety concerns about the vaccine could be properly addressed.

Read the full article at RT.com.

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