VK Paul, Member of NITI Aayog along with Bill Gates

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

This week I was contacted by a long-time Health Impact News subscriber in India, Yohan Tengra, who is part of the Awaken India Movement website.

Mr. Tengra has spent 2 years researching just who controls the Public Health System in India, and their massive conflicts of interest.

I am happy to give exposure to this explosive report to our international audience, which documents how the rich and powerful in India have worked together with Bill Gates and other Globalists through Big Pharma to enslave the people of India through the Public Health Foundation of India.

India’s Covid-19 Task Force & “Experts” Exposed : Conflicts of Interest in Our Public Health System

Written, Researched & Compiled by: Yohan Tengra


Who is India’s Anthony Fauci? The mainstream media does not even know the names of the members who sit in India’s National task force, but in this article I, Yohan Tengra, have exposed not just the names of those who are sitting in this task force, but also how they are financially connected to the pharmaceutical industry and vaccine mafia.

This task force has been responsible for the aggressive push to lockdown, mandatory mask requirements, forced testing of asymptomatics, dropping ivermectin and hcq from the national protocol, suppressing vaccine adverse events, and a lot more!

Along with the task force, I have also exposed how India’s prominent public health personalities, who regularly appear in the media and TV, like Srinath Reddy, NK Arora, VK Paul, Gagandeep Kang, Vijayraghavan, Balram Bhargava, Randeep Guleria, are connected to the Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Wellcome Trust, USAID, the World Bank, and other aspects of the global deep state.

Other topics covered in this piece :
– How task force members get the science on Covid-19 totally wrong, which proves that their conflicts influence their recommendations
– India’s illegal HPV vaccine trials, ICMRs role in it, and how a similar incident repeated with the Covaxin Phase 3 trials
– How Gates foundations baby PHFI gets funding from the vaccine mafia, and holds deep influence in controlling India’s health policies
– How this research is the basis on which a legal notice has been sent to the Health Minister, calling for prosecution and removal of all the people who are exposed to have conflicts of interest
– When the accused have been confronted about conflicts of interest in the past, how have they responded?
– How the accused have lied on record about not having conflicts of interest

This piece is the culmination of my research into India’s medical deep state that I’ve been conducting since the last 2 years. Journalists reading this, who regularly bring these cast of characters on to discuss the medical aspects of the covid-19 pandemic must confront them with hard questions and facts which are explored in this article.


If you are new to the arena of researching global conspiracies, and don’t understand what the New World Order/Great Reset/ Agenda 2030 Sustainable development really is, and/or don’t understand the players/forces behind it and how they work, I’d recommend you first view/read the material I’ve posted below, before proceeding with the article, so that you can get full value out of it.

1) Documentary series & articles exposing Bill Gates and his role in hijacking the public health system, among other areas: https://www.corbettreport.com/gates/




2) Bill Gates’ Influence & Activities in India





2) Documentary series which explores the forces behind the New World Order (like the Rockefellers which you will see referenced below a lot), their eugenics origins and agenda of wanting to reduce the number of “inferior” people in the world, Agenda 2030 Sustainable development, the Climate Change Scam, and other related subjects : https://www.corbettreport.com/bigoil/

3) Exposing the role of organizations like USAID in advancing the globalist agenda – https://www.corbettreport.com/beware-americans-bearing-gifts-ngos-as-trojan-horses/

4) Real role and purpose of the World Bank – https://www.corbettreport.com/so-what-does-the-world-bank-do-exactly/

5) Wellcome Trust Exposed – https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/foundations-investments-influence-covid-research/



6) The Global Fund for AIDS, TB & Malaria Exposed – https://www.coreysdigs.com/downloads/is-u-s-aids-90b-taxpayer-dollars-a-global-slush-fund-chpt-2-the-global-fund-bookshop/

7) How India’s billionaires (who will be referenced below) are connected to the global deep state – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1YuQZ0CTWk (Hindi)

8) Agenda 21/2030 explained in an Indian context – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QO6dyBIlSU (English)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJ-wtKm04DU&t=1530s (Hindi)

9) How the Rockefeller Foundation, USAID, Ford Foundation, and others were behind pushing covert eugenics operations in India, in the name of family planning and population control – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlPAL7sHU8w


10) How all major political parties in India are connected to the global deep state – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBPUv7j8gKU&t=468s

Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI)

Former PM Manmohan Singh with the Founding Chairperson of PHFI, Rajat Gupta

PHFI, a public private partnership started by Ex Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Rajat Gupta, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation & Srinath Reddy, has received millions of dollars of funding from pharmaceutical companies, vaccine manufacturers, & dubious philanthropic organizations, which use philanthropy as a front to push hidden agendas which profit vested interests. It was started with initial funding of 65cr given by the Gates Foundation, and 65cr given by the Indian Government, along with a later grant of 35 crores.

This so called PPP has received funding over the years from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Rockefeller Foundation, World Bank, PATH, Diamond Jubilee Trust of the Queen of England, USAID, Wellcome Trust, Abbott, Mckinsey, Eli Lily, Glaxosmithkline, Bayer, NIH, & Google!

Check under “Intimation of Quarterly Receipt of Foreign Contributions” Section

Despite receiving nearly 100 crores from taxpayer money, & having top government bureaucrats sitting on the PHFI governing board, PHFI did not submit itself to the RTI Act, 2005 for the first 6 years of its existence. When it was taken up to the Central Information Commission by a person named Kishan Lal in 2012, the CIC Chief Shailesh Gandhi ruled that it was a public authority under the RTI Act, and hence it must submit itself to the RTI act.


When Journalist Kapil Bajaj filed an RTI to know the composition of the PHFI board when it was created (2006), the President of PHFI, Srinath Reddy, actually sent him an evidently forged document, which is a punishable offense under the RTI Act. The document is dated 2006, but the designations of some of the members on the board are clearly written many years after 2006. You can find a copy of this document here :


In the year 2013-2014, PHFI lost 82 crores to a bank FD scam, which included the taxpayer money it received from the Government of India, and the organization also found itself ensnared in another controversy when a complaint was made against it to the CBI for lobbying and conflict of interest in getting one of its courses accredited from Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute. Despite having lost so much of our taxpayer money, it has still not submitted itself to a CAG audit, and did not take action against those under whos watch the funds were embezzled.

A summary of this can be found in an article written by journalist Kapil Bajaj here – https://dragada.com/kbforyou/2018/02/17/phfis-rs-100-crore-scam-and-ensnaring-of-sree-chitra-tirunal-institute-in-a-corrupt-deal-impostors-club-hurtles-from-fraud-to-fraud-updated/

PHFI has claimed since inception that top Government bureaucrats have sat on its board, including Secretaries of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Director Generals of ICMR, and Director General of Health Services, MOHFW. However, whenever RTI’s have been sent by activists to these Government Departments, they always mention that no permission or order has been issued to allow these government servants to sit on the PHFI board.

It is not clear as to whether Government bureaucrats sitting in the PHFI board are getting paid by PHFI (RTI’s have been filed to uncover this), but the President, Srinath Reddy, who used to work in AIIMS before he became PHFI president, is reportedly drawing in a salary of 1 crore per annum from the PHFI! If it is revealed in the future that Government bureaucrats on the PHFI board are getting salaries from the funders of PHFI (i.e. pharmaceutical companies, vaccine manufacturers, & fraud philanthropists like Gates, Rockefellers,etc) then that would amount to a serious conflict of interest of such government representatives.

PHFI was mainly created with the motive to start public health universities in India, create a public health cadre in India, and suggest health related policies to the Government. PHFI has created many Indian Institutes of Public Health (IIPH’s) all over the country. Land from many states has been allotted to PHFI and grants from various state governments have also been given, but after PHFI lost so much money to the FD scam, it has not been able to build many of the universities that it was originally supposed to, and a lot of its universities are currently running on rented premises.

Many government members as well as heads of billionaire business houses, fake philanthropic bodies & pharmaceutical companies have sat on the PHFI Governing Body in the past, and some continue to sit on the Governing body of PHFI. Those who are sitting in the PHFI board as of March 2020 have been highlighted below in bold letters. Members who are sitting on the PHFI Governing Body as well as Executive committee for the year ending March 2021 have still not been published on the website, despite many months having passed. List of members is referenced below:

K Srinath Reddy (President of PHFI since 2006)
– S Ramadorai (Former Vice Chairman ,TCS )
 Mr Lav Agarwal, Joint Secretary of MOHFW
– JVR Prasada Rao (UN Secretary General Special Envoy for AIDS)
– Balram Bhargava (DG – ICMR)
– Prof Dr. Sunil Kumar (DGHS, MOHFW)
– David Fleming (Ex Director of Global Health Strategies at the Gates Foundation)
– Rajat Gupta (Former Partner, Mckinsey & Co., sat on the boards of Gates Foundation & Rockefeller Foundation in the past)
– Dr Sanjay Tyagi (Ex Director General of Health Services, MOHFW)
– Dr. Soumya Swaminathan (Ex Director General, ICMR)
– Prof K Vijayraghavan (Ex Secretary, Department of Biotechnology)
– Prasanna Hota (Ex Secretary MOHFW)
– Nirmal Ganguly (Ex DG, ICMR)
– Ranjit Pandit (Ex Senior Director, Mckinsey)
– K Sujatha Rao (Former Secretary, MOHFW)
– RK Srivastava (Ex DGHS, MOHFW)
– Y Venugopal Reddy (Former Governor of RBI)
– Vishwa Katoch (Ex Director General ICMR)
– TKA Nair (Former Advisor to PMO)
– RA Mashelkar (Chairman Reliance Innovation Council, CSIR Chief)
– Rati Godrej (Industrialist)
– Mr KRS Jamwal (Executive Director of TATA Industries)
– Harpal Singh (Fortis)
– Uday Khemka (SUN Group)
– Amartya Sen (Married into the Rothschild Family)
– Dr. Montek Singh Ahluwallia (Former Deputy Chair of Planning Commission)
– Timothy Evans (Ex Director for Health, Nutrition, & Population, World Bank)
– Shiv Nadar (HCL)
– Mr Bhanu Pratap Sharma (Ex Secretary, MOHFW)
– Dr Jagdish Prasad (Ex DGHS, MOHFW)
– Ashok Alexander (Former Director BMGF)
– Narayan Murthy (Infosys, member of Gates’ Giving Pledge)
– Rohini Nilekani (Member of Gates’ Giving Pledge, partner with Gates & Rockefeller Foundation in many projects)
– A K Shivakumar (UNICEF)
– Gary Darmstatd (Ex Director of Gates Foundation)
– Anand Mahindra (Mahindra Group)
– Mukesh Ambani (Reliance)
– Prashant Vasu
– David Lynn (Director, Wellcome Trust)
– Mr Gautam Kumra (Director at Mckinsey)
– PK Pradhan (Ex secretary MOHFW)

https://phfi.org/about/financial-information/ – Check Progress Reports Section

Members from PHFI which have been influencing all Covid-19 & Covid-19 vaccine related policies in India

Prof. K Srinath Reddy President, President of PHFI

PM Narendra Modi & PHFI President Srinath Reddy Greeting Each Other

He continues to provide technical expertise during Covid-19. Prof. Reddy is a member of the following national and international committees:

1) National COVID Technical Taskforce convened by ICMR. https://www.icmr.gov.in/pdf/covid/rrt/ICMR_COVID_Response_Teams_08072021_v12.pdf

2) Founding Board Member of IHME (Institute of Health Metrics & Evaluation), alongside Tedros Ghebreyesus (IHME – an organization to which the Gates Foundation gave a massive founding grant, and huge subsequent funding) http://www.healthdata.org/about/IHME-founding-board-members

3) Professional Organization Representative in NTAGI https://main.mohfw.gov.in/sites/default/files/MoM%20NTAGI%202020.pdf

4) Honorary Advisor on Health to the Governments of Odisha and Andhra Pradesh with Cabinet Rank in both states.

5) Member of Leadership Council of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network https://www.unsdsn.org/leadership-council

6) Chair/Member of Several WHO Panels

7) Physician to 2 prime ministers of India

– Chaired High Level Expert Group on Universal Health Coverage, setup by Planning Commission & funded by Rockefeller foundation http://uhc-india.org/reports/executive_summary.pdf)

8) Queen Elizabeth Medal Recipient

9) Part of Post-COVID strategy paper for the health system, by the National Security Council Secretariat.

10) Part of the Executive Group of the Steering Committee of WHOs SOLIDARITY Trial https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33264556/

11) Member, Group of Experts for COVID-19 Response under the CM of Punjab

12) Technical Expert, Government of Haryana https://phfi.org/member/profksrinathreddy/

13) Speaker at events hosted by Nudge & the Rockefeller Foundation http://www.pharmabiz.com/NewsDetails.aspx?aid=141833&sid=2

14) Member of Lancet Covid-19 Commission’s India Regional Task Force, who’s founding donor is the Rockefeller Foundation https://covid19commission.org/regional-task-force-india

15) His father was a politician from the Congress Party

  • Subhash Salunke, Director of IIPH Bhubhaneshwar (Indian Institute of Public Health started by PHFI) and Senior Advisor, PHFI

1) Technical COVID Support to Government of Odisha

2) Technical support to Government of Maharashtra

3) The technical team at the Indian Institute of Public Health, Bhubaneswar is assisting efforts of the Government of Odisha

  • Prof Sanjay Zodpey, Director of IIPH Delhi

1) Prof. Sanjay Zodpey, is a part of the National Task Force for COVID-19 at ICMR of the Epidemiology and Surveillance research group.

2) He is the Technical Advisor for COVID-19 related activities for Nagpur Division. He is suggesting appropriate measures to be taken to contain the pandemic in the Division.

3) He is a member of the working group which is working on execution of specific tasks related to population based studies and prophylaxis studies to generate evidences of AYUSH interventions in dealing with the COVID 19 crisis, which will be initiated by Ministry of AYUSH and will be implemented by RCs, academic institutes and other partners in different parts of the country.

  • Prof GVS Murthy, Director of IIPH Hyderabad

1) Technical Support to the Government of Telangana

  • Dr Jayaram, Registrar at IIPH Hyderabad

1) Technical Support to the Government of Telangana. The technical team at the Indian Institute of Public Health, Hyderabad is assisting efforts of the Government of Odisha. The students are activitely engaged and have been recruited as epidemiologists at the district level.

Dr. Dileep Malavankar, Director of IIPH Gujarat

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, then chief minister of Gujarat, at the bhoomi pooja of PHFI’s Indian Institute of Public Health-Gandhinagar campus in 2007.

1) The technical team at IIPHG led by Dr Dileep Mavalankar is supporting efforts of the Government of Gujarat.

  • Dr Sandra Albert, Director of IIPH Shillong

1) Member of the Working group on Epidemiology Survey and Documentation constituted by the Interdisciplinary AYUSH Research and Development Task Force on Covid-19. Notification No. A.17020/1/2020-E.1 of Ministry of AYUSH

2) Prof Sandra Albert is a member of the State Level Medical Expert Committee constituted by the Government of Meghalaya

3) Technical team members at IIPH Shillong Dr Rajiv Sarkar, Badondor Shylla and Uniqueky Mawrie are members of the technical support group of the State response team for COVID-19, Government of Meghalaya.

  • Dr Giridhara Babu, Head – Life Course Epidemiology, PHFI, IIPH – Bangalore Campus

1) Member, Lancet Covid -19 Commission India Task Force

2) Member Karnataka State Government State Vision Group

3) Co-Chair, BBMP Task force on COVID-19 Public Health Response, Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike, Bengaluru.

4) National level: Member of Epidemiology, Surveillance, & Research group constituted by ICMR National Task Force for COVID-I9

5) Member, Karnataka State Government Technial Analysis Committe: COVID19

6) Member, Karnataka State Government Expert Committee for COVID19

7) Member, Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike, Expert Committee for COVID19

8) Consultation to state Governments of Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab & Telengana

9) Member of Lancet Covid-19 Commission’s India Regional Task Force, who’s founding donor is the Rockefeller Foundation https://covid19commission.org/regional-task-force-india

  • JVR Prasada Rao

1) Member of National Covid-19 Task Force

2) UN Secretary General Special Envoy for AIDS

3) Ex Governing Board Member of PHFI

Source for all of the above : https://phfi.org/covid19/technical-support-to-central-and-state-governments/

To read up on more controversies and problems that have plagued PHFI, do read the following articles :

– https://www.moneylife.in/article/with-phfi-falsification-is-the-truth/28389.html

– https://www.moneylife.in/article/phfi-more-wool-over-public-eyes-part-2/28401.html

– https://dragada.com/kbforyou/2014/03/24/public-health-fraud-of-india-phfi-heres-why-manmohan-singh-deserves-the-fate-of-his-crony-rajat-gupta/

– https://dragada.com/kbforyou/2018/05/09/phfi-fails-to-respond-to-govt-notice-on-my-complaint-instead-sends-me-legal-notice-for-defamation/

My video with Kapil Bajaj exposing PHFI in great detail :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=412Us3uVnug – English

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qA0xfREIsEU&t=1655s – Hindi

Illegal HPV Vaccine Trials – History Repeats?

Many years ago, a parliamentary standing committee in India produced a scathing report regarding illegal trials which were conducted by the NGO PATH, that were funded by the Gates Foundation. There were serious lapses in the trial which amounted to a gross violation of the human rights of the subjects involved.

Back then, it accused the ICMR of gross misconduct and conflict of interest. Here is an excerpt from the report :

It was unwise on the part of ICMR to go in the PPP mode with PATH, as such an involvement gives rise to grave Conflict of Interest. The Committee takes a serious view of the role of ICMR in the entire episode and is constrained to observe that ICMR should have been more responsible in the matter. The Committee strongly recommends that the Ministry may review the activities of ICMR functionaries involved in PATH project.

The Committee from its examination has found that DHR/ICMR have completely failed to perform their mandated role and responsibility as the apex body for medical research in the Country. Rather, in their over-enthusiasm to act as a willing facilitator to the machinations of PATH they have even transgressed into the domain of other bodies/ agencies which deserves the strongest condemnation and strictest action against them”


The Supreme Court of India also ruled in 2018 that this parliamentary committee report could be used as evidence in court.


Years later, today PATH and the Gates Foundation are still freely operating in the country, and going around funding various public and private projects. No action was taken against the ICMR employees who got into a PPP with PATH, as recommended by the standing committee.

What the standing committee failed to notice at the time is that the ICMR and other Government departments, got into a so called PPP with the pharmaceutical companies, industrialists & fraudulent philanthropic organizations that use philanthrophy as a front to push their hidden agendas. This arrangement is known as PHFI.

Back then, the conflict of interest of ICMR was only limited to the trials that were being conducted. Today, the conflict of interest of the ICMR is enormous, as ICMR Director Balaram Bhargava, and past Directors such as Soumya Swaminathan and Vishwa Mohan Katoch sat on the board of PHFI along with leaders from pharmaceutical companies, the Gates Foundation, industrialists, etc. On behalf of these vested interests, the ICMR is controlling the entire response to the Covid-19 pandemic today, as it setup the task force which directly recommends the Central Government about what measures to take in response to the pandemic.

This issue has come up in the past as well, and was reported in the Indian mainstream media. You can read up on that here :


The ICMR also got into a deal with Bharat Biotech, and gets 5% royalty on the sale of the vaccine. The ICMR has inked other deals along with the Gates Foundation as well. These conflicts of interest need to be cut-off, as they are not just influencing the outcome of a clinical trial, but the fine detail of all 135 crore peoples lives today! ICMR guidelines are followed like a religious book all over our country today.

Years later, it seems like history repeats! This time with the phase 3 trial of Covaxin in Bhopal.

Multiple news reports have also highlighted the irregularities in the clinical trial phase of the Covaxin in India, particularly in Bhopal. In an article titled “India’s COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Participants Claim They Were Misled” published on an online portal IndiaSpend
on 12.02.2021, it is reported that individuals were lured to participate in the trial after paying Rs. 750. Death of one person who took the vaccine was also reported. The persons who took the vaccine said that they were not informed that they were part of the clinical trial. The report states asunder:

“A truck came to this locality in December and announced
on a loudspeaker that anyone who wanted the COVID-19
vaccine and wanted Rs 750 for taking the vaccine, could
go to the nearby People’s University Hospital and take it.
I needed the money,” said Parihar. Nearly a dozen people
interviewed by IndiaSpend in Gareeb Nagar and Oriya
Basti in north Bhopal recounted this same sequence of

“After reports of irregularities in the trials, this reporter
visited Bhopal to investigate the allegations made by
people living in low-income areas of the city. Many said
they did not know they were part of a clinical trial and
instead believed they had been given the actual COVID-
19 vaccine
. For most, the money was the reason they had
agreed to take the jab. Many of them said they were
illiterate and could not read the forms they had signed.

Residents also alleged that they had not been informed
about the potential side-effects, or that they could be
compensated for serious fallouts such as death or
Although Bharat Biotech has issued a press
statement claiming that all reported adverse events have
been duly recorded, many in the trial did not have mobile
phones on which their health conditions could be inquired
about. They said they had not been contacted by any
other means, either.”


It seems like ICMR has a habit of working with parties that love to break the rules of clinical trials in India and hence violate the rights of the participants who are involved. The parliamentary committee called for strict action against ICMR more than a decade ago, and since no action was taken then, this incident has repeated today. When will justice be served?

Famous Names in India’s Public Health Space

There are other people who are not directly working for PHFI, and don’t sit in the main ICMR Covid-19 task force either, but are influencing Government policies & media messaging on Covid 19 in a big way, and are connected to Bill Gates, Rockefeller Foundation, vaccine & pharmaceutical companies, etc. These include :

1) Dr. Narendra Kumar Arora

– Teaching Faculty at PHFI since 2014

– Member of National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization

– Chairperson, Operational Research Group of National Covid-19 Task Force

– Chairperson of Scientific Advisory Committee of qHPV program between India’s Dept of Biotechnology & Gates Foundation

– WHO Strategic Group Member

– Part of SAGE Group

– Adviser to Bill Gates’ Projects on Immunization

– Member, GACVS

– Adviser to National AEFI Committee in 2017

– Chairperson of National AEFI Committee from 2008-2017

– Member of Scientific Advisory Board, ICMR (2007)

– Rockefeller INCLEN fellowship, 1993

– Contributor to WHO’s Covid19 Vaccine Safety Surveillance Manual

Source for the above : http://inclentrust.org/inclen/wp-content/uploads/N-K-Arora.pdf

– His research is directly sponsored by the Gates Foundation https://main.icmr.nic.in/sites/default/files/upload_documents/Vol_III_1.pdf

– Contributor to India State level Disease Burden Initiative, funded by Gates Foundation. https://phfi.org/downloads/171110_India_Health_of_Nation_states_Report_2017.pdf

– Involved in the drafting of the revised AEFI causality assessment guidelines, which make it impossible to attribute deaths and new serious adverse events to vaccines. https://www.who.int/vaccine_safety/publications/CausalityAssessmentAEFI_EN.pdf

2) Dr. Cherry Gagandeep Kang

– Professor at CMC Vellore (Which receives a lot of grants from the Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust, Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, etc) https://www.gatesfoundation.org/about/committed-grants/2019/10/inv00119



– Head of Wellcome Trust Research Lab at CMC https://www.cmcwtrl.in/gagandeep-kang.php

– Member of Global Health Scientific Advisory Committee in the Gates Foundation

– Vice chair of the board of CEPI (body created & funded by Bill Gates, World Economic Forum, Wellcome Trust, etc) https://cepi.net/about/whoweare/

– First Indian to be elected as fellow of the Royal Society https://www.facebook.com/gatesfoundation/posts/congratulations-to-dr-gagan-for-being-the-first-indian-woman-to-become-a-fellow-/10157701125213072/

– Core Member, NTAGI https://main.mohfw.gov.in/sites/default/files/MoM%20NTAGI%202020.pdf

– Developed an oral rotavirus vaccine, that was sold by Bharat Biotech, who’s MD was funded by Bill Gates. https://www.bharatbiotech.com/images/press/Rotavirus-Vaccine-Developed-in-India-Demonstrates-Strong-Efficacy-(ENGLISH)-May-14-2013.pdf

– Adviser, WHO GACVS https://www.who.int/vaccine_safety/committee/current_members_GACVS.pdf

– Chair, WHO SEAR Regional Immunization Technical Advisory https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/335831/SEA-Immun-119-eng.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

– Most if not all of her research directly funded by the Gates Foundation https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3656-564X Check funding section

– Conducted a panel discussion with Dr. Santosh Matthew, Country lead for Public Policy and Finance at the Gates Foundation India https://ciihive.in/Flyer/PUBHEALTH2.pdf

– Involved in the drafting of the revised AEFI causality assessment guidelines, which make it impossible to attribute deaths and new serious adverse events to vaccines. https://www.who.int/vaccine_safety/publications/CausalityAssessmentAEFI_EN.pdf

3) K Vijayraghavan

– Principal Scientific Advisor to Government of India :
Gates said Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is also a “partner with the government, particularly with the department of biotechnology, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the office of the principal scientific advisor provide advice and help about getting these tools going”. https://www.livemint.com/news/india/india-is-capable-of-producing-covid-19-vaccine-for-the-entire-world-bill-gates-11594901608618.html

– Member of Covid-19 Task Force Vaccine setup to encourage R&D for vaccine manufacturers. https://theprint.in/india/governance/this-is-the-team-advising-pm-modi-in-indias-battle-against-coronavirus/388607/

– Chairperson of CEPI’s interim board (Organization Created & Funded by Bill Gates, Wellcome Trust, World economic forum, etc) https://dst.gov.in/pressrelease/dr-harsh-vardhan-inaugurates-second-meeting-interim-board-cepi

– Ex Governing Board Member of PHFI https://phfi.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/annual_report2014.pdf

– Authored Report along with the Rockefeller Foundation on scaling up Covid-19 testing in India https://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/news/psa-to-goi-rockefeller-foundation-release-recommendations-for-equitable-cost-effective-covid-testing-and-tracing/

– Launched “Navigating the New Normal”Campaign created by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to create behavior change in people. https://pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1634328

– Speaker at events hosted by Nudge & the Rockefeller Foundation. https://www.dailypioneer.com/2021/state-editions/the-nudge-foundation-convenes-charcha-2021-from-aug-13-15.html

ITSU (Immunization Technical Support Unit)

ITSU was Setup by PHFI in 2012 by a 6.9 million $ grant from Gates Foundation. The Gates Foundation had funded an activity called ‘evidence to policy’ at the Immunisation Technical Support Unit (ITSU), which in turn acted as secretariat of another key body called the National Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (NTAGI). This was a crucial panel that examines scientific evidence on the effectiveness of new vaccines and recommends their inclusion in the national vaccination programmes.

The Senior Management Team of the ITSU’s key areas of focus consist of the AEFI Secretariat, Implementation of India’s Immunization Program, & the Communications Strategy of the Covid-19 Vaccine Communication Program. Other Partners in deciding the communication strategy of the Covid-19 vaccine program include UNICEF & the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.


The funding of the BMGF to the ITSU Secretariat was withdrawn after controversy over influence of vaccine manufacturers in India’s Universal Immunization Programme, but funding to other parts of the ITSU by the BMGF still continues, according to WHO Chief Scientist Soumya Swaminathan.


PHFI’s FCRA license was also removed by the Ministry of Home Affairs for sometime due to various reasons, including misappropriation of funds, not disclosing FDs, remitting funds abroad, etc.


After this, then PHFI Chairman Narayan Murthy wrote a letter to the PM, Narendra Modi, asking him to restore PHFI’s license as the withdrawal was putting many of the public health programs which PHFI started at risk. Interesting thing to note is that in the article where Murthy’s letter is referenced, the author also reports that the license was cancelled based on input from Intelligence Bureau.

“The Union health ministry is also said to have taken up the matter with Gauba. His predecessor, Rajiv Mehrishi, who was part of the decision to crack down on PHFI, had refused a review after both the Intelligence Bureau and the foreigners division of the home ministry said they had made a watertight case against PHFI. Intelligence Bureau officers said they would not buckle under pressure, for the charges hold ground.

In his letter, Murthy reminds Narendra Modi of his early support to PHFI : “With the generous support extended by you as the chief minister of Gujarat in 2007, PHFI established the Indian Institute of Public Health-Gandhinagar, aided by the land and financial assistance provided by the Gujarat government. With your blessings, we have now set up a permanent campus at Gandhinagar next to IIT-Gandhinagar. This beautiful campus on the banks of Sabarmati was inaugurated by Gujarat Chief Minister Vijaybhai Rupani in 2016 at the site chosen by you for the bhoomi pooja.

Srinath Reddy, the President of PHFI had also written to Modi on June 30 2017, calling himself a “foot solider” who was appealing to “his commander in chief to save him from the friendly fire which is misdirected”. “We request you to protect PHFI as it is gravely endangered, and guide it in its future journey with your clear directions,” he wrote. “We were hoping the matter will be resolved soon, especially since the Union health minister and health secretary conveyed their trust and support for the relevance and values of PHFI’s work in public health.”

Source : https://www.theweek.in/theweek/current/foreign-bug.html

Also during this period, a journalist interviewed Gates Foundation India’s Director Nachiket Mor. When he was asked to clarify allegations surrounding Gates Foundations role in influencing India’s Immunization Programme, he said :

“The question to ask whoever is making these allegations is, why is there so much insecurity about your own competence? Ultimately, Indians are taking decisions in India’s best interests. If anybody alleges that they are acting under the influence of foreigners, I’d ask them to take a good look in the mirror. Consider some of the people driving these decisions in India. Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, Dr. MK Bhan, Dr. Vijayaraghavan — these are fantastic people. By making such an allegation, you are saying you don’t think these people are competent.”


So basically he wants us to think that the scientists who are being funded by or have great relations with the Gates foundation, are fantastic people! And if we doubt them, then we are doubting our own competence – that will be a cruel joke to you if you make it to the end of this article.

After the above taking place, the license was restored later with the rider that PHFI would have to take prior approval from the ministry before receiving funds, among other checks.


Members of Senior Management Team of ITSU include :

1) Pritu Dhalaria , Director of ITSU. Ex Director of PATH’s Immunization Portfolio, Ex-Member of NTAGI, worked at PATH, WHO & Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in the past.

2) Apurva Rastogi, Project Manager at ITSU, Ex Researcher at PHFI

3) Kishore Kumar Bajaj, Senior Operations Manager at ITSU. Has worked at PHFI & PATH in the past.

4) Dr. GK Soni , Team Lead of program implementation at ITSU. Has worked at PHFI in the past


According to PHFI’s own website :
Improving Immunisation Coverage rate among children

Through Immunisation Technical Support Unit (ITSU), PHFI is helping MoHFW in the expansion of immunisation coverage, improvement of quality, and introduction of new vaccines. PHFI has extended support to ‘Mission Indradhanush’ for targeted increase from 65% to 90% rate of coverage of full immunization among children.


Everything to do with the adverse events of the Covid-19 vaccines is handled by the ITSU, right from the drafting of the guidelines which decide which death will be considered to be caused by a vaccine and which will not, to coordinating between various AEFI committees, collecting and organizing data for the groups, etc. Talk about conflict of interest?

After the PHFI & Gates Foundation controversy resulted in Gates foundations direct funding of ITSU’s secretariat being withdrawn, the scientists who have been referenced in this report that have grave conflicts of interest were quick to give statements in the media covering up for the vaccine industry.

Excerpt from the article :

“Conflict of interest generally refers to when someone participating in a decision-making process seeks to have a decision made that enhances their best interests in some way, usually a financial benefit,” says K. Vijayraghavan, scientist and secretary, Department of Biotechnology, health ministry.

“At the NTAGI subcommittee, we ask all members to declare their conflicts of interest and this is done. The policy we follow is similar to that of WHO.”

The Big Money, Big Pharma, Big Corruption plot just doesn’t work, adds Dr Soumya Swaminathan, secretary, Department of Health Research, health ministry.

To begin with, the NTAGI is not a ‘body’, but a committee of some of the best scientists, public health experts and civil servants in the country, who take decisions in their independent capacity.

The BMGF may have “big money”, but it is not represented in the NTAGI. And as the largest vaccine manufacturers in the world, India itself is ‘big pharma’. “If our strategy can be influenced, what does it say about our expertise, intelligence or integrity?” asks Dr Soumya.

And, Gates, as an international donor, is key in fulfilling that requirement. “Conspiracy theories, without any evidence, can greatly harm the immunisation programme,” adds Dr K. Srinath Reddy, president of the Public Health Foundation of India in Delhi.

Source : https://www.indiatoday.in/magazine/health/story/20170306-bill-gates-foundation-vaccines-for-poor-india-health-985853-2017-02-27

Journalist Kapil Bajaj had sent a list of questions to Ex PHFI Chairman, Narayan Murthy, one of them was regarding how PHFI intends to resolve the conflicts of interest which exist within its governing body. This was Narayan Murthy’s response :

” I do not see any conflict of interest. This institution is about training, research and policy to improve public health delivery in India. The institution has highly-respected and accomplished people to guide it to achieve its objectives. The individuals on the board have demonstrated leadership in excellence. Some have expertise in public health delivery, some have managed non-profits, some have been excellent academicians, some have been top quality government bureaucrats, and, in addition, some have contributed to the endowment for the institution. These people spend their precious time to make this institution a world-class institution. The students who pass out from this institution can join any institution they like and there is no way they will be influenced to join any company founded or financed by any of the board members. For example, just because I am the chairman of IIITB, no student from there was ever influenced by me to join Infosys. Similarly, all over the world, high quality educational institutions invite well-known people to be on their board to leverage their expertise. On the issue of policy research, this institute only recommends policies and it is for the governments to accept or reject it. Further, I have been involved in lots of policy making bodies in my field in India and never once have I put the interest of my company ahead of the country.  “

Source : https://www.moneylife.in/article/mr-narayana-murthy-phfi-reply-to-questions-about-the-authority-and-functioning-of-the-organisation/18418.html

In other words, all of them are basically asking us to ignore their conflicts, and trust them!

Connections of India’s Covid-19 Task Force to the Vaccine Mafia

Names of all Task Force Members can be found here: https://www.icmr.gov.in/pdf/covid/rrt/ICMR_COVID_Response_Teams_08072021_v12.pdf


1) Dr. Vinod K Paul:

VK Paul, Member of NITI Aayog along with Bill Gates

– Visiting Professor, PHFI, & Chief Guest at PHFI functions (https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/documents/about-us/vinod-paul.pdf?sfvrsn=d0771d4c_2)

– Part of Union Govts Core Team for Covid 19 Pandemic Response.

– Chairs Empowered Group on Medical Infrastructure & Covid Management Plan

– Chairs National Expert Group on Vaccine Administration for Covid-19

– Reports to PM Modi directly

– Worked as Member of High Level Expert Group on Universal Health Coverage, setup by Planning Commission & funded by Rockefeller Foundation, under the chairmanship of PHFI President Srinath Reddy. This would lay the groundwork for what eventually became the Ayushman Bharat Scheme. (http://uhc-india.org/reports/executive_summary.pdf)

– Launched “Navigating the New Normal”Campaign created by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to create behavior change in people.


– Part of Panel on Stigmatization head along with PHFI Governing board member Lav Agarwal & Gates Foundation India Head Hari Menon. https://twitter.com/nitiaayog/status/1253628777084510214?lang=en

– Part of a panel discussion on Holistic long term medicare system in the case of covid 19 alongside PHFI President Srinath Reddy. https://iicdelhi.in/programmes/towards-holistic-long-term-medi-care-system-case-covid-19

– Released “Health System for a New India” Report with Bill Gates, was a major contributor to Aayushman Bharat Scheme Praised by Bill Gates.


– Part of Advisory panel on Covid-19 Vaccine communication strategy,who’s core partners include ITSU, BMGF & UNICEF. https://www.mohfw.gov.in/pdf/Covid19CommunicationStrategy2020.pdf

– His research is directly funded by Wellcome Trust https://main.icmr.nic.in/sites/default/files/upload_documents/Vol_IV_1.pdf

– Contributor to India State level disease burden initiative, funded by Gates Foundation. https://phfi.org/downloads/171110_India_Health_of_Nation_states_Report_2017.pdf

– Drafted Uttar Pradesh Govermnents State Health policy along with representatives of WHO-India, PHFI, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, World Bank, etc https://phfi.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Annual_Report_2017-18.pdf

Ex- co chair

2) Preeti Sudan :

– Ex Governing Body Member of PHFI https://phfi.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Annual_Report_2017-18.pdf

– Post Graduate in Social Policy & Planning from London School of Economics

– Ex-consultant for the World Bank

– Member of the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness Setup by the WHO https://theindependentpanel.org/panel-members/

– Accused by Andhra Pradesh Government of misusing public position for personal benefit https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/andhra-pradesh/disciplinary-proceedings-against-ias-officer-preeti-sudan-begin/article33917426.ece

– Key functionary in planning and execution of Aayushman Bharat Scheme https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preeti_Sudan

– Board Member of the Partnership for Maternal, New born & childhood health, who’s funders and other board members include the Gates Foundation, USAID, World Bank, WHO,Pfizer, Novartis, Johnson&Johnson, GAVI https://pmnch.who.int/about-pmnch

– Speaker at events hosted by Nudge & the Rockefeller Foundation https://www.theweek.in/wire-updates/business/2020/08/12/pwr17-thenudge-foundation.html

Present Co-chairs :

3) Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan

– On the advisory panel of India’s Covid19 vaccine communication strategy, who’s core partners include Gates Foundation, ITSU & UNICEF https://www.mohfw.gov.in/pdf/Covid19CommunicationStrategy2020.pdf

– Appreciated collaboration between Gates Foundation & Ministry of Rural Development https://indiaeducationdiary.in/govt-signs-mou-with-bill-and-melinda-gates-foundation-under-deendayal-antyodaya-yojana-national-rural-livelihoods-mission-day-nrlm/

– Co-chair of NEGVAC https://theprint.in/india/governance/too-many-cooks-15-committees-dozens-of-experts-behind-indias-fumbling-covid-response/658487/

– Expressed full support for behavior change campaign started by Gates Foundation focused on mask wearing by all & social distancing. The mask-wearing campaign is designed by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in partnership with McCann Worldgroup. https://pib.gov.in/PressReleseDetail.aspx?PRID=1634328

4) Dr. Balram Bhargava

– Director General, ICMR

– Co-chairperson, NTAGI https://main.mohfw.gov.in/sites/default/files/MoM%20NTAGI%202020.pdf

– Member of NEGVAC https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/expert-group-on-covid-19-vaccine-expert-group-to-meet-vaccine-makers-on-tuesday/article32350975.ece

– Governing Body Member of PHFI

– Chief Guest at PHFI events https://www.facebook.com/thePHFI/posts/snapshots-of-iiphgs-convocation-chief-guest-prof-balram-bhargava-secretary-to-th/1898769443499609/

– Personally handed awards along with Bill Gates to Cyrus Poonawalla and Kiran Mazumdar Shaw https://twitter.com/profbhargava/status/1196117377882046464?lang=en

– Hosted Bill Gates at ICMR https://twitter.com/profbhargava/status/1196115482585128960

– Entered a collaborative deal by signing a DOI with Gates Foundation and NIH, right before the Covid-19 pandemic began https://main.icmr.nic.in/sites/default/files/press_realease_files/PressRelease_17Nov2019.pdf

– Speaker at Grand challenges annual meeting, hosted by Wellcome Trust, Gates Foundation & USAID.

– Launched National Data Quality Forum along with Rockefeller created Population Council, WHO, & the Gates Foundation ( https://www.expresshealthcare.in/news/icmr-nims-launch-national-data-quality-forum-to-improve-quality-of-data-that-feeds-into-evidence-based-decision-making/412980/?SuperSocializerAuth=LiveJournal

– Lauded the partnership to create Covid-19 vaccine between Serum Institute, Gates Foundation, and GAVI https://swachhindia.ndtv.com/serum-institute-of-india-partners-with-the-gates-foundation-for-manufacturing-100-million-doses-of-covid-19-vaccine-48084/

– When one trial participant developed a neurological condition in Serum Institutes indian vaccine trial, Balram bhargava mentioned why the trial was not halted like it was halted abroad when the same thing happened. He said: “Initial causality assessment findings did not necessitate stoppage,” https://www.science.org/news/2020/12/malicious-and-misconceived-indian-vaccine-producer-hits-back-complaint-trial-volunteer

– Balram Bhargava started the School of International Biodesign, with the help of Stanford Uni and IIT. According to him : ““We have had funding from various agencies, including national governments and international agencies, the Gates Foundation, the Grand Challenges Canada and the Pfizer Foundation, not to mention private investment from angel investors and others”  https://news.rcpsg.ac.uk/engagement/professor-balram-bhargava-awarded-the-presidents-medal/

– Sits on the Board of the International vaccine institute https://www.ivi.int/who-we-are/leadership/board-of-trustees/ which accelerates vaccine research and development worldwide, and is funded by the Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust, CEPI, etc.”

– Author of clinical trials of Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin https://indianexpress.com/article/india/what-rate-card-does-not-show-govt-help-in-developing-covaxin-7291708/

Members of the Task Force

5) Dr. Samiran Panda :

– According to him, ICMR funded trials of the Covishield vaccine https://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/science/reneging-on-the-no-profit-pledge-to-supply-oxford-vaccine/article33705151.ece

– Has received grants for his research from the WHO (who’s second largest funder is Bill Gates)

– Study coordinator in a project supported by the Rockefeller created Population Council. Study coordinator in a project supported by the Ford Foundation & World Bank.

– Part of panel discussion hosted by infamous NGO PATH & Rockefeller Foundation on Sarscov2 surveillance in India https://finddx.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Lkc4oC30TbCBWsqBcPtSVw

6) Dr. Randeep Guleria

L-R : Balram Bhargava, Randeep Guleria, Srinath Reddy, VP PHFI, & VK Paul

– Presided over an event organised for Trevor Mundel, President of Global Health at the Gates foundation. https://dbtindia.gov.in/sites/default/files/Leadership_Dialogue_Series_2nd_lecture.pdf
According to Mundel, the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, AIIMS and the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) are key partners of the Gates Foundation in India https://www.expresspharma.in/dbt-birac-and-aiims-organise-leadership-dialogue-series/?SuperSocializerAuth=LiveJournal

– Author of clinical trials conducted on Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin https://indianexpress.com/article/india/what-rate-card-does-not-show-govt-help-in-developing-covaxin-7291708/

7) Dr. Jagdish M Deshpande

– Studies he’s been part of have been funded by Gates Foundation & WHO https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5289926/


– Participant of WHO/SEAR Technical Consultive Group on Polio Eradication

– Director at the Enterovirus Research Center in Mumbai, where training programs are held along with foreign agencies like the CDC https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/icmr-to-jointly-embark-study-on-norovirus-with-us-entity/articleshow/2532644.cms?from=mdr

– Coordinator of the national task force on laboratory containment of the wild polio virus. http://archive.indianexpress.com/news/to-contain-polio-a-nationwide-search-and-seal-operation/916411/0

– Co-chair of India expert advisory group on polio eradication, who’s core partners include Gates Foundation, WHO, CDC, World Bank, etc. https://iple.unicef.in/files/ckuploads/files/24th_IEAG.pdf

– Authored a paper along with Jay Wenger, Gates Foundation Global Development MD https://www.researchgate.net/publication/6686398_New_Strategies_for_the_Elimination_of_Polio_from_India

8) Dr Swarup Sarkar

– Director of Communicable Disease at WHO-SEARO, Asia Pacific Regional https://gaffi.org/professor-swarup-sarkar-joins-gaffi-as-a-senior-advisor/

– Chair at ICMR

– Director of the Asia pacific region of the Global Fund (started by Gates), who’s Ex director used to be Rajat Gupta

– Head of Asia Pacific Region of UNAIDS,

– Awarded by WHO Director General Tedros https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/who-felicitates-dr-swarup-sarkar-for-his-contribution-to-public-health/articleshow/67203097.cms

– Board member of India State level disease burden initiative, undertaken by PHFI, ICMR & IHME, & funded by Gates Foundation. https://phfi.org/downloads/171110_India_Health_of_Nation_states_Report_2017.pdf

9) JVR Prasada Rao

– Used to be Co-chair of the India AIDS Initiative that was started by the Gates Foundation, along with fellow co-chair Rajat Gupta, and Director of Gates Foundation India, Ashok Alexander. https://www.gatesfoundation.org/ideas/media-center/press-releases/2003/10/india-aids-initiative India AIDS Initiative (aka Avahan) was funded to the tune of 200 million dollars over the years!

– Special Advisor to UNAIDS

– Ex Director at NACO.

– NACO received funding of 23 million dollars from the Gates Foundation. https://www.gatesfoundation.org/ideas/media-center/press-releases/2006/10/indias-national-aids-control-organization-naco-receives-23-million-commitment

– Later Gates Foundation sent a grant for NACO through PHFI, which JVR Prasada Rao is now a board member of https://www.gatesfoundation.org/about/committed-grants/2015/08/opp1131140

– NACO’s partners include UNAIDS, the Gates Foundation, the Clinton foundation, USAID, the Global Fund, the World Bank, and WHO. http://naco.gov.in/bilateral-and-multilateral-partners-0

– NACO then went on to merge with the Health Ministry https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/naco-no-more-an-independent-wing/articleshow/41747087.cms

– Governing Body Member of PHFI

– Secretary of Health and Family welfare from 2002-2004

– Member of Transitional Working Group, which decided the Operational Mechanism for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS TB & Malaria, who’s chairman used to be fraud Rajat Gupta, & the body itself was started by a donor grant from Bill Gates.

– Member of High Level Forum started by the World Bank, WHO, etc.-Board member of India State level disease burden initiative, funded by Gates Foundation. https://phfi.org/downloads/171110_India_Health_of_Nation_states_Report_2017.pdf

10) Dr. Sanjay Zodpey

– Projects undertaken by him at PHFI are directly funded by Gates Foundation.

– Contributor to India State level disease burden initiative, funded by Gates Foundation. https://phfi.org/downloads/171110_India_Health_of_Nation_states_Report_2017.pdf

11) Dr. Sanjay Pujari

– On the Advisory board of, and taking speaker fees from Cipla, Mylan, Emcure pharmaceuticals & Hetero https://www.eacsociety.org/media/hivss2018_s._pujari_oi.pdf

– His research has been funded by the NIH

– Participant of a meeting held on AIDS, TB & Malaria, alongside people from pharmaceutical companies, Gates foundation, etc http://digicollection.org/hss/en/d/Js6172e/14.html

12) Dr. Raman Gangakhedkar :

– Member of Lancet Covid-19 Commission’s India Regional Task Force, who’s founding donor is the Rockefeller Foundation https://covid19commission.org/regional-task-force-india

– His research is directly funded by the NIH, WHO, & the Gates Foundation



– Ex Director of National AIDS Research Institute

13) Rajan Khobragade

– Principal Secretary of Health & Family Welfare of the Govt of Kerala

– Member of Lancet Covid-19 Commission’s India Regional Task Force, who’s founding donor is the Rockefeller Foundation https://covid19commission.org/regional-task-force-india

– Gave the Welcome Note at Kerala Health – Making SDG a reality conference, who’s partners inclued World Bank and the WHO. https://keralahealthconference.in/

– Part of the NGO PATH’s webinar on Covid 19 testing in India (the same NGO that conducted illegal vaccine trials in India in the past and still no action has been taken against it https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_NMMJnj6CTcKGfAEro0HfkQ

14) Dr. Naveet Wig :

– Researcher on a report headed by NK Arora, and funded by Wellcome Trust http://inclentrust.org/inclen/wp-content/uploads/Report_Leadership_6thApril_-1.pdf

– Research done by him is funded by the Gates foundation https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/82085185.pdf

– Speaker at the American Society of Tropical medicine and hygiene, which is funded by various pharma and vaccine companies like Sanofi, GSK, etc. https://www.astmh.org/ASTMH/media/Documents/ASTMH_06_FP.pdf

15) Dr Shashi Kant :

– His Research is funded by pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline https://main.icmr.nic.in/sites/default/files/upload_documents/List_of_HMSC_approved_projects_August_2017_December_2019_New.pdf

– Was part of the core group at NACO, whos connections to vested interests are described above. He has been providing NACO advice since 1998

16) Dr Sujeet Singh :

– Director of National Center for Disease Control, which houses the IDSP, that was launched along with the World Bank. https://idsp.nic.in/index1.php?lang=1&level=1&sublinkid=5768&lid=3697

– Done a lot of joint collaborative work along with PHFI and its president Srinath Reddy


17) Dr. Kirankumar Rade

– Associated with WHO Country Office for India as a medical consultant since 2005

– Speaker at USAID organized TBII https://healthtech4tb.org/

– Studies he has worked on have been funded by the Gates Foundation https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0214928

– Contributor to a document funded by USAID, Gates foundation, The Global fund, etc http://www.stoptb.org/assets/documents/global/plan/globalplantoendtb_theparadigmshift_2016-2020_stoptbpartnership.pdf

– Contributing author to India State level disease burden initiative, conducted by PHFI, ICMR & IHME, & funded by the Gates Foundation https://phfi.org/downloads/171110_India_Health_of_Nation_states_Report_2017.pdf

18) Dr Lalit Dar :

– Heads the Virology Laboratory at AIIMS, which collaborates on various projects with foreign universities, as well as NIH and CDC. https://www.aiims.edu/hi/about-us/102-microbiology-h/2296-dr-l-dar.html

– Member of Technical resource group for NACO (background mentioned above)

– Part of PHFI hosted Webinars https://twitter.com/thephfi/status/1282538049927176192?lang=en

19) Dr Manoj Murhekar

– His research is directly funded by the CDC & the Medical Research Council of UK https://main.icmr.nic.in/sites/default/files/upload_documents/Vol_IV_1.pdf

– Dr. Murhekar also worked with the World Health Organization (WHO) Western Pacific Regional Office as a consultant and professional staff member in Papua New Guinea and the Philippines.

– Contributing author to India State level disease burden initiative, conducted by PHFI, ICMR & IHME, & funded by the Gates Foundation https://phfi.org/downloads/171110_India_Health_of_Nation_states_Report_2017.pdf

– Studies conducted by him have been directly funded by the Gates foundation https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.02.27.21252424v1

20) Dr Nivedita Gupta

– Responsible for creating Covid-19 testing & treatment protocols in India https://www.vogue.in/culture-and-living/content/vogue-warriors-dr-nivedita-gupta-scientist-covid-19-testing-treatment-protocols-in-india

– She was also the primary scientist involved in the investigations and containment of the Nipah virus outbreak in Kerala last year.

– Directly funded by the Gates foundation & John Hopkins University for her research https://main.icmr.nic.in/sites/default/files/upload_documents/List_of_HMSC_approved_projects_August_2017_December_2019_New.pdf


– Part of the NGO PATH’s webinar on Covid 19 testing in India (the same NGO that conducted illegal vaccine trials in India in the past and still no action has been taken against it) https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_NMMJnj6CTcKGfAEro0HfkQ

21) Dr Subhash Salunke

– Senior Adviser to the President of PHFI

– His 30 years’ experience in the Public Health Department spans from Position of Deputy Director to Director General in the Health Services of Maharashtra State

– His stint with the WHO SEARO spanned from being Regional Advisor in 2005 to Assistant Regional Director in 2009, including three years as WHO-Representative to Indonesia

– He was actively involved in formulating projects like “Health System Development” for Maharashtra State that was supported by the World Bank.

– He has shown leadership in designing the HIV/AIDS Control special programme (AVERT) with the assistance of USAID for Maharashtra State

– He was one of the members of designing National AIDS Control Programme Phase II during 1999-2000

– Involved in the steering committee of a study which was funded by big pharmaceutical companies and the Gates Foundation https://academic.oup.com/cid/article/73/Supplement_3/S238/6362481

22)Dr Sanjay L Chauhan

Scientist at the National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health. NIRRH has been involved in conducting studies along with the Gates Foundation and Rockefeller created and funded Population Council. https://bmcwomenshealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12905-018-0636-7

23) Dr Tarun Bhatnagar :

– He was the recipient of an NIH Fogarty fellowship for his PhD in epidemiology under the AIDS International Training and Research Program at the University of California Los Angeles from 2004-2011. https://www.tephinet.org/tarun-bhatnagar

– Authored analysis along with Giridhar Babu of PHFI to increase testing in India https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/india-has-low-testing-rate-needs-to-scale-up-surveillance-analysis/story-yRQDOQlTlHOq0sLDHU63IM.html

– Part of NACO subgroup http://www.naco.gov.in/sites/default/files/Strategic%20Information%20and%20Surveillance.pdf

– He was working at NIE as Project Manager in the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation multi-centric project on Integrated Behavioural and Biological Assessment of HIV since November 2007.

– Studies he’s authored have been directly funded by the Gates Foundation https://jech.bmj.com/content/66/Suppl_2/ii55

24) Dr. Jerin Jose Cherian

– Part of expert panel in Global-Bio India 2021, who’s partners include Serum Institute of India, Biocon, CII, & many other pharma companies https://www.globalbioindia.com/images/Bio-India-2021-Agenda.pdf

– Member of Health Tech Assessment board meeting, chaired by VK Paul & Balram Bhargava https://htain.icmr.org.i

– Contributes as a member of the national team developing Standard Treatment Workflows for the National Healthcare Program AB-PMJAY (background to which is referenced earlier)

– Authored paper with Balram Bhargava & Swarup Sarkar on making India an independent manufacturer of pharmaceutical ingredients https://www.researchgate.net/publication/351478239_India’s_Road_to_Independence_in_Manufacturing_Active_Pharmaceutical_Ingredients_Focus_on_Essential_Medicines

25) Dr Tanu Anand :

– Part of team at IAPSM, along with members of Gates Foundation, PHFI, and others. https://www.iapsmyc2021.com/mentors

Many of the members listed above, lied about not having any conflict of interest in the NTAGI committee meeting

NTAGI (National Technical advisory Group on Immunization) is the expert group in India which approves vaccines that eventually make their way into India’s vaccine schedule. This group is also convening on the Covid-19 vaccines and going through data on their efficacy as well as adverse events.
That in a letter dated 20.01.2021 the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare of Government of India Immunization Division regarding Minutes of the meeting National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI) held on 10th December, 2020 had mentioned about declaration by members regarding their conflict of interest.

It reads thus; “All participating NTAGI members and invited attendees had duly filled and signed the confidentially agreement, and declared conflict of interest (if any), and shared these with the NTAGI Secretariat. No conflict of interest was noted.”

The falsity of above declaration is clear from the very fact that the following members are having conflict of interest:

1. Dr. Sunil Kumar Director General of Health Service
2. Dr. Gagandeep Kang Professor, CMC Vellore
3. Dr. K. Srinath Reddy President, Public Health Foundation of India 4. Dr. Samiran Panda Scientist ‘G’ ICMR, New Delhi
5. Dr. Nivedita Gupta Scientist ‘F’ ICMR, New Delhi
6. Dr. N. K. Arora Chair COVID – 19 Working Group, Executive Director, INCLEN International
7. Dr. Balram Bhargava Secretary, Department on Health Research & DG-ICMR

Source: https://main.mohfw.gov.in/sites/default/files/MoM%20NTAGI%202020.pdf

Important Questions that ICMR must Answer

Given all of this, how can the ICMR be involved in the task force, or setting up of the task force? It has a past of colluding with PATH and present of inking many deals with the Gates foundation. Many of ICMRs researchers and scientists are getting funding from the pharmaceutical companies and international “philanthropic” bodies.

ICMR is also involved in funding the trials of both Covaxin as well as Covishield. The ICMR, previously in reply to an RTI query from a news magazine, said the estimated cost incurred by ICMR towards development of Covaxin was `35 crore. However, sources said the figure put out by ICMR was a conservative estimate and the actual cost – when calculated properly in terms of NIV’s human resources, intellectual investment, time and establishment costs – would be much more. It gets 5% percent royaltiesfrom the sale of Bharat Biotech vaccines.



Mainstream Media Reporting on the Covid-19 Task Force

These are some of the minutes of what has been going on inside the Task force : https://www.icmr.gov.in/pdf/covid/techdoc/ICMR_NTF_Meetings_v1.pdf

Journalists have been trying to uncover what has been going on inside the task force. Some have tried to pin blame or put responsibility on its members for the decisions taken by the Modi Government, or the lackthereof, but because they could not manage to find the list of the task force members, they could not pin individual responsibility on anyone. However now you, the reader, can go through these articles, and then put them into context with everything that we’ve discussed above. Important excerpts from these articles are highlighted below:


Some members of the Covid-19 task force, a technical expert body that advises the Central Government, are “pushing hard” for a national lockdown, The Sunday Express has learnt. The task force includes experts from premier health institutions, including AIIMS and ICMR, and has met many times during the recent surge. The deliberations of these experts are of significance since the chairperson of the task force, V K Paul, reports to Prime Minister Narendra Modi.”

The Covid-19 task force is trying to say this very aggressively for the last few weeks. That we should tell the people at the top that we should have a lockdown,” a member said. “A nationwide lockdown rather than what we are doing now, in bits and pieces across states, because of the simple fact that it is spreading all over,” a member said.”


The fact that India does not know the names of the 21 members of its National Task Force for COVID-19 is emblematic of the colossal failure of both the task force—whose only job seems to be to endorse the decisions of its political masters—and the government to prepare for or take steps to mitigate the inevitable second wave of the pandemic. Should such a task force not be taken to task for its laxity and negligence?”

“WHO is the Indian equivalent of Anthony Fauci, the chief medical adviser to the President of the United States? One would be hard-pressed to answer this question.”

“In keeping with the government’s penchant for not sharing information, the names of the other members of the NTF have not been made public. If at all there is any government body, if not an individual like Fauci, to advise the government on the pandemic, it would be the NTF.”

“Right from the beginning of the pandemic, the NTF has been found grossly wanting in discharging its responsibilities with the scientific integrity required of such a panel. That the higher executive arm of the government wanted it to say only the things it wanted to hear became clear in March 2020 when the government announced the countrywide lockdown. It was done without consulting the NTF even as its members apparently held contrary views given that at that time the caseload in India was only around 500 and a more calibrated region-wise response based on epidemiological data would have been more prudent, but none of them spoke out. The NTF’s silence on the matter would imply that it implicitly endorsed the decision.”

The NTF’s scientific integrity was also called into question when it did not voice dissent over the unethical Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA) given to Covaxin in January in the so-called “clinical trial mode” even as the Phase 3 trials of the vaccine were ongoing and there was not even interim data on its efficacy. And after the vaccine campaign got under way in January, the NTF also does not seem to have advised the Health Ministry to be transparent with regard to the data on adverse events following immunisation (AEFI) or implications thereof on the ongoing vaccination drive.”

“What is highly at once surprising and disconcerting is the fact that, as The Caravan magazine has revealed, even as a second wave loomed large and as the number of cases was surging, the NTF did not meet at all in February or March.”

“However, the Health Ministry’s document, on which all treatment protocols in hospitals across the country are based, was not updated until April 2021. If only the NTF had ensured that an updated document was sent out early on, all the chaos, clamour and the mad scramble for remdesivir, the smuggling, hoarding and black-marketing of the drug and the all-round desperation of hospitals and hospitalised patients could have been prevented. Belatedly, on April 21, three doctors, including Randeep Guleria, Director, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, had to clarify that remdesivir had very limited therapeutic potential for patients. Only after this, on April 22, did the Health Ministry update its treatment protocol, which now (“based on limited evidence”) advises use of remdesivir in special circumstances in moderate to severe cases (requiring supplementary oxygen) within 10 days of onset of symptoms.”

How Members with Conflict of Interest also get the Science Wrong

One might be innocent enough to think that these ties which the above listed members have wouldn’t interfere with their decisions and recommendations on public health matters, assuming that the members would have the integrity to put people over money and influence. But such people would be terribly wrong in making such assumptions, as can be seen by the outlandish and scientifically incorrect positions taken by many task force members in the public.

After 1.5 years of the pandemic having passed, these facts have been clearly established :

– Lockdowns are not effective, and have many negative consequences

– Asymptomatic people don’t spread disease

– Natural immunity is many times better than vaccine-conferred immunity

– Vaccinations won’t end the pandemic or prevent future waves, as many countries that have reached over 80 percent vaccination rates are continuing to go for more lockdowns/restrictions and boosters.

– The Covid-19 vaccines are not safe as many serious adverse events and deaths have taken place post- vaccination, and their efficacy is based on weak evidence.

– Masks are not effective in stopping virus transmission, and have many negative health consequences.

– The RT-PCR and RAT tests have a high rate of false positives, and the RT-PCR test is not the Gold Standard for diagnosing infectious diseases.

– India has reached herd immunity and can go back to normal, as the last nationwide sero-survey has showed that around 70% people have developed antibodies either after natural infection, or vaccination.

– Effective and safe prevention options as well as cures exist for Covid-19, like Vitamin D, 3 step flu diet, Ivermectin, HCQ+Zinc, MATH+ Protocol, etc.

Scientific evidence for this can be found in this paper authored by me – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hBH2jNK-XpOn-lWlm1jKa78cnJQ4sntw/view

Now lets see how most of our fellow task force members and other “experts” go against these facts, and continue to promote the agenda of vested interests and the pharmaceutical companies.

Srinath Reddy : stated that banking on the concept of herd immunity would prove costly and deadly.

Gagandeep Kang : No need to worrry about reports of blood clots linked to Covishield vaccine

K Vijayraghavan : No safety concerns of Covid-19 vaccines

NK Arora – ZyCovD vaccine safe and effective for adolescents https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/zycov-d-vaccine-safe-and-effective-for-adolescents-says-expert/article36155457.ece

VK Paul – Time has come to wear mask at home

Samiran Panda – I will suggest the public follow Covid appropriate behaviour and get the vaccine shot. There is no time for showing hesitancy against vaccines

Naveet Wig – Can’t make India Covid free unless everyone is vaccinated

JVR Prasada Rao – RT-PCR test confirmation should be main feature of any test carried out in India

Swarup Sarkar – said the country was dealing with the consequences of not adopting an aggressive vaccination strategy.

Randeep Guleria – A vaccine is important if we want to go back to normal

Balram Bhargava – Covid-19 vaccine should be given to pregnant women

Sanjay Pujari – Until more data is available, individuals who have recovered (from Covid-19) need to adhere to Covid appropriate behaviour and get vaccinated in due time

Rajan Khobragade – Advocated for masks, increased testing, ban on gatherings, social distancing, etc in this report

Sanjay Zodpey – Citizens are equal stakeholders in the disease control efforts along with the government. They should adhere to covid appropriate behavior. All the available vaccines are safe and effective

Nivedita Gupta – The people don’t look serious and alert any more. COVID-19 appropriate behavior is missing as also social distancing

Raman Gangakhedkar – Wearing masks, following Covid rules enough to fight pandemic https://www.indiatoday.in/coronavirus-outbreak/story/coronavirus-masks-lockdown-former-icmr-chief-raman-gangakhedkar-1744138-2020-11-26

Subhash Salunke – People must follow the ‘SMS’ strategy, which means Sanitiser, Mask, and Social distancing. All non-essential services should be controlled and all large gatherings should be discouraged

Tarun Bhatnagar – We need to be on our toes in terms of preventing crowding and increasing vaccination. Those are the only two ways.

*Important Update*

The entire task force recently removed two really effective drugs from the national protocol, that have a tremendous amount of scientific data behind them – Ivermectin & HCQ! They completely dropped these drugs, but have still allowed remdesivir to be used in certain conditions, even though it has none to little efficacy in cutting down hospitalization time or deaths, and a huge risk of side effects (mainly kidney failure).


To understand the data as well as politics surrounding Ivermectins use in India, read this article and its previous parts too :



Legal Notice Sent to Our Health Minister, Mansukh Mandaviya

Based on the above evidence, and other scientific research that we have been collecting, Advocate Nilesh Ojha & Dipali Ojha, who head the Indian Bar Association, have sent a legal notice to our health minister, asking him to remove all the members who have conflict of interest from the Covid-19 task force, and all other bodies which influence policy making in the health space in India. He has also asked for prosecution of those who have these conflicts, under various sections of the IPC & Indian Law. If no action is taken on this legal notice, Adv. Nilesh Ojha will file a case in the Supreme Court.

Link to the legal notice : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IfAoqzG9KWlsoGDuvswmevnK3_UhAhfH/view


The capture of our pubic health agencies by fake philanthropists like Bill Gates, the Rockefellers & their frontmen, and the pharmaceutical/vaccine mafia started in India along time ago, in the year 2006. Since then, incidents like illegal HPV vaccine trial coming to light have put pressure on the perpetrators of the crimes (namely PATH and the Gates Foundation), but due to their tremendous infiltration and capture by these forces of the mainstream media, public health “experts”, government bureaucrats, etc the criminals are still able to conduct themselves in India without any barriers.

It is time to make these task force members and celebrity scientists feel the heat for all their decisions and recommendations that have destroyed the lives of millions of people, pushed millions into abject poverty, and decimated the fundamental right to travel, operate a business, speak freely, breathe & bodily autonomy of all Indians! Tag them personally on twitter, highlight each connection that is made here to the public, send legal notices, file court cases, etc. If you encounter them in person, record a video of them and confront them with these questions. Do whatever is necessary to make this plandemic end, as all the evidence to make it end has been provided to you in this document.

The Covid-19 plandemic is a well planned orchestrated medical fraud, executed by the same vested interests referenced in detail in this article, to usher in a technocratic orwellian global dictatorship, which will be accompanied by a resource grab executed by the elites. As Klaus Schwab, CEO of the World Economic Forum says : “You will own nothing, and you will be happy”. This criminal capture and sabotage of our public health agencies is what has enabled this, as the mafia wants to push mandatory testing, masks, vaccines and lockdowns on the world in order to pursue their New World Order/ Great Reset Agenda, and since they control almost everyone in key positions of power (as shown above), they have been able to do so very easily.

But now that all of this has been put in one place for you, you and Indians at large are hopefully able to see the puppeteering behind the scenes, atleast in the public health sector. Its high time we have throw out and imprison all these corrupt hijacked officials who are putting our health and livelihoods in grave danger, on behalf of the puppet masters who pull their strings. It is time to choose, between freedom or fascism, and act on the facts that we have learnt in this expose, so that we can stop the globalists from achieving their end goal, and are able to cement our goal forever – freedom and respect for the inalienable god given and constitutionally protected rights of every human being.

Hindi video explaining the above in detail

Researched, written and compiled by:

Yohan Tengra
Founder – Anarchy for Freedom India
Steering Committee Member – Awaken India Movement
Functional Medicine Consultant at iThrive

If you made it this far, and want to share your thoughts/feedback with me, please email me on 




INDIA: “World’s First DNA-based Vaccine” Given Emergency Use Authorization for 12 to 18-Year-Olds as Parents Mourn the Deaths of Their Children Following COVID-19 Injections

Comment on this article at HealthImpactNews.com.

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CDC: Teens Injected with COVID Shots have 7.5 X More Deaths, 15 X More Disabilities, 44 X More Hospitalizations than All FDA Approved Vaccines in 2021

COVID Shots Are Killing and Crippling Teens in Record Numbers – Young Children Are Next

See the Full List of Tragic Deaths and Injuries Here!


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Leaving a lucrative career as a nephrologist (kidney doctor), Dr. Suzanne Humphries is now free to actually help cure people.

In this autobiography she explains why good doctors are constrained within the current corrupt medical system from practicing real, ethical medicine.

One of the sane voices when it comes to examining the science behind modern-day vaccines, no pro-vaccine extremist doctors have ever dared to debate her in public.


Book – The Vaccine Court, by Wayne Rohde – 240 pages

“The Dark Truth of America’s Vaccine Injury Compensation Program”

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