Health Impact News

In 1943, Allied aircraft rained tens of thousands of leaflets on Nazi Germany below. The leaflets urged readers to renounce Hitler, to fight furiously for the future— and to never give up hope.

Their call to action rippled through homes and businesses— and their message even reached concentration camps.

They were signed: the White Rose. Iseult Gillespie details the story of the resistance group.

Before her execution, Sophie declared her fury at the state of her country. But she also spoke to a more hopeful future:

How can we expect righteousness to prevail when there is hardly anyone willing to give himself up individually to a righteous cause?

Such a fine, sunny day, and I have to go. But what does my death matter, if through us, thousands of people are awakened, and stirred to action?

Lesson by Iseult Gillespie, directed by WOW-HOW Studio.

Original source on YouTube. (Where things tend to disappear.)

This is from our Rumble channel, and it is also on our Bitchute channel.

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This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

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