by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
Catherine Austin Fitts is the publisher of The Solari Report and the former Assistant Secretary of Housing under President Bush.
She was recently interviewed by Greg Hunter, of USA Watchdog. Greg Hunter is obviously a MAGA Trump supporter, and put forth all the usual arguments that those in the Trump cult parrot like robots, trying to excuse Donald Trump’s actions in funding and implementing the COVID-19 bioweapons, which have now killed and maimed millions of Americans.
Catherine Austin Fitts interrupts Greg Hunter several times to set the record straight. Here is a partial transcript:
HUNTER: They’re still going after Donald Trump who wants to destroy the New World Order.
FITTS: Well, but wait a minute. He put $10 billion dollars into a military program to depopulate Americans. Come on Greg. I’m going to be a tough guy about this.
HUNTER: Do you think he was told the truth, though?
FITTS: So if you look at the history of what is known, it takes 10 to 12 years to test out a vaccine to make sure its safe. Everybody knows that.
HUNTER: So you actually think Donald Trump actually knew, hey we’re going to depopulate and murder off a bunch of people? See, I don’t. I think he was lied to and he missed this.
FITTS: If there was one person who understood how dangerous vaccines are, that was in political life, it was Donald Trump. Because this was a big issue during the campaign, and he made a big issue about the dangers of vaccines. So he knows.
HUNTER: So you think he knew ahead of time. You think he knew going into it that we’re going to depopulate people? See I just don’t believe that…
FITTS: So I’m just going to be a tough guy. Because I knew the injection program stunk. I knew it was dangerous, and I knew there were different nefarious agendas that could go on.
And I said to people as soon as the virus started, or as soon as they claimed there was a virus, because I think it was more than one thing going on, I said don’t worry about COVID. Worry about the injection. Don’t take the injection, whatever you do.
So, if I knew that in March 2020, I’m sure Trump knew that. So no, $10 billion dollars? He put in charge of Operation Warp Speed someone who was head of research at a pharmaceutical company, and his expertise was on brain – machine interface. Come on Greg.
HUNTER: I just can’t believe that he would say sure, let’s kill millions of people. I just have a hard time believing that…
FITTS: So, go back. Then you’re saying that’s he incompetent. Because if I knew what I knew, you know, don’t tell me that I knew more than Trump. I just don’t buy that.
HUNTER: Do you think that he art of the dealed this thing, and he had a trade off? And the trade off was well you can get your check, but some of you are going to die.
FITTS: You know something, I have no idea what was going on. And I don’t care. Because you had the President roll out something that in March 2020 I was sure was going to harm and kill millions of Americans.
And he either has two reasons for doing it. He’s incompetent, or he is breaking the law. Which do you want?
I don’t know. I wasn’t there. I can’t say.
But I know what I knew, and I know what I hold him responsible to know, and I know what he did.
And I know what I would have done. I would have taken a bullet in the head before I would implement a culling of the American population.
I have abridged the 1-hour-plus interview down to just over 7 minutes. Greg Hunter also tries to make a distinction between Biden and Trump, by claiming that at least Trump would not have mandated the shots, as Biden did. This is now the official Republican platform, which is NOT anti-vaccine, nor even anti-COVID-19 injections. It is simply anti-mandates.
But Catherine Austin Fitts explains that it doesn’t matter who the president is, and that changing the president doesn’t matter.
This is on our Bitchute, Odysee, and Telegram channels.
And just by way of reminder, President Joe Biden said the same thing one year ago, at Christmas time in 2021, a full year after the implementation of the COVID-19 shots, that this was the one thing that he and President Trump agreed on.
Catherine Austin Fitts correctly explains that this battle is at the local level.
However, I disagree with her that the State Legislators and Governors are where we should be trying to affect change.
As we have already seen in Florida, Governor DeSantis and his team are firmly in bed with Big Pharma, as a recent round table public discussion showed that although they are opposed to COVID-19 vaccine mandates, they still want parents to go out and inject their children with dangerous vaccines that have been killing and crippling children for decades.
They also have done nothing to stop the bioweapons from being injected into the people in their state, including children.
Hear from their own mouths how they are lying about the safety of childhood vaccines, stating that they have no side effects, or only “1 in a million,” when in fact there are over 553,000 records of injuries and deaths from all non-COVID vaccines in VAERS, which is only about 1% of the actual numbers. (Source.)
The executive branches of State Governments are simply microcosms of Washington D.C., with the same corruption, same voter fraud, and the same Globalist control that exists in Washington D.C.
The best place to seek change is at the County level, starting with your County Sheriff and District Attorney (DA), which are elected offices in most counties. It is important that you have both offices serving the will of the people, as you need both.
The only one I have seen so far call for action at the County level, is Matt Trewhella in Wisconsin. See:
I don’t necessarily agree with everything Trewhella teaches, but he is one of the few who recognizes that to take our country back, we need to first start at the county level.
But having your County Sheriff and DA on board is not enough, because I have learned from years of experience, that the judiciary is completely corrupt, and owned by the Globalists. This is the main reason why the United States remains the #1 destination in the world for human and child sex trafficking.
So once you have your County Sheriff and DA on board, then the REAL hard work begins, and that is prosecuting and eliminating all the bad judges, and in many counties, that may mean ALL of them. This is where your County Sheriff will become essential, as in most states the Sheriff supplies the bailiffs in the courts.
Only then can you go after the tyrants that run your state, because it doesn’t matter if your state is Red or Blue. The judiciary is corrupt in all of them, and in most states the state is divided by conservatives in the rural areas, and liberals in the cities. Just changing your State Governor from one political party to another is no more effective than changing the President of the United States.
Take California as an example. Most conservatives would say one should leave California and relocate to a Red state, and the most popular destination of those leaving California is Texas.
However, I have lived in both States at various times, and I can tell you that corruption at the county level is far more prevalent in Texas, than it is in California, mainly because of the judges that sit on the bench in those counties.
When the Constitution was tossed aside for medical tyranny in California due to COVID, retired Sheriff Richard Mack, founder of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA), stated that 40 out of the 58 counties in California had sheriffs who opposed the Governor’s edicts, and would not enforce them. (Source.)
Moving away from a community you live in simply because of State politics, is a HUGE mistake in my opinion. You want to be in a local community, which exists in a county, where you know your neighbors and county leaders, regardless of what party the Governor belongs to.
Within the County you have everything you need for fighting tyranny, if your Sheriff and DA are on board with you, and if they act to remove the corrupt judges from the bench.
I would LOVE to see a county in California clean up their judiciary, and then start indicting people from Sacramento and the fat cats who live in the Bay area, starting with Newsom himself, and then maybe Nancy Pelosi next.
A grand jury indictment, a jury trial with their peers, and then sentencing and the carrying out of justice, like a public hanging, could all be done LEGALLY and strike fear into the ruling classes who run the banks and corporations, and their puppet politicians.
But will it happen?
Tucker Carlson Repeats Old News: The CIA Orchestrated the Assassination of JFK
I just completed watching the 3.5 hour documentary JFK to 9/11: Everything Is a Rich Man’s Trick, embedded in this article, for the 3rd time since it was published in 2014.
This film is more relevant today than even when it was published, if you want to understand how the bankers and corporations run this world, and basically hired Adolph Hitler to fight their war in the 1940s.
I don’t agree with everything Francis Richard Conolly says in this film, and that should always go without saying when I recommend an external article or video. Someone emailed me after watching it and asked how I could possibly promote it since he said something they did not like or agree with (about God).
For example, he makes a statement that the 5th Amendment in the U.S. (Conolly is obviously British) was written to protect the Globalists, and as I published in my article yesterday, that is just simply not true.
But that doesn’t discredit everything else he said in his brilliant film, no more than my disagreeing with Catherine Austin Fitts that State Governments are the place to affect change, would discredit everything else she said.
Learn to evaluate everything critically, but don’t throw away truth just because you find one thing you disagree with.
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This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)
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Was the U.S. Constitution Written to Protect “We the People” or “We the Globalists”? Were the Founding Fathers Godly Men or Servants of Satan?
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The Satanic Roots to Modern Medicine – The Mark of the Beast?
Medicine: Idolatry in the Twenty First Century – 8-Year-Old Article More Relevant Today than the Day it was Written
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