FRANCE – DECEMBER 16: NATO Conference At Palais De Chaillot On December 16, 1957. (Photo by Keystone-France) Source.
Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
It is difficult for those of us currently residing in the United States to get an accurate account about how the war in Ukraine is actually going, as it depends on which sources you read and trust.
I don’t think it can be disputed, however, that the economy of NATO nations is in serious trouble with massive bank runs and failures, and massive demonstrations in many countries with the country of France literally burning and basically shut down, while non-NATO countries such as Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, and Iran, are already on the road to economic recovery as they band together to oppose the ongoing wars and economic sanctions funded by the Davos Crowd.
For a non-Western perspective on what is basically the beginning stages of World War 3 as it unfolds before us in real time today, I am publishing a commentary by Sam Parker of Behind the News Network entitled The Demise of Nato. The article has a time stamp of Jan 10, 2023, which is probably when he started writing it, but it was just published this week.
(If you are unfamiliar with the writings of Sam Parker, and how he views the world as consisting of “Zone A and Zone B,” see: World War III Has Started – How Did we Get Here and What’s Next? A Non-Western Perspective.)
Consider this commentary as a “worse case scenario,” as Parker believes that Russia absolutely has the power to destroy the United States, even without launching nuclear weapons, by bombing key infrastructures, like they are currently doing in Ukraine.
Few people – including CIA operatives – may know that New York City, for instance, may be destroyed with a single move by blowing up the George Washington Bridge. The city can’t be supplied with food and most of its requirements without the bridge.
The New York City electrical grid can be destroyed by knocking out the central controls; putting it back together could take a year.
America is fragile. We don’t notice because it works smoothly and because when a local catastrophe occurs—earthquake, hurricane, and tornado—the rest of the country steps in to remedy things.
The country can handle normal and regional catastrophes. But nuclear war is neither normal nor regional. Very few warheads would serve to wreck the United States beyond recovery for decades.
This should be clear to anyone who actually thinks about it. Defense is impossible. Coastal cities are particularly easy targets, being vulnerable to submarine-launched sea-skimming missiles – Washington, New York, Boston, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle for starters – all gone.
A modern country is a system of systems of systems, interdependent and interconnected—water, electricity, manufacturing, energy, telecommunications, transportation, pipelines, and complex supply chains. These are interconnected, interdependent, and rely on large numbers of trained people showing up for work.
Talking of repair any time soon after the nuclear bombing of a city is foolish because the city would have many hundreds of thousands of dead, housing destroyed, massive fires, horrendously burned people with no hope of medical care, and in general populations too focused on staying alive to worry about abstractions like supply chains.
The elimination of transportation might cause more death than the bombs.
Cities, suburbs, and towns cannot feed themselves. They rely on a constant, heavy influx of food grown in remote regions. This food is shipped by rail or truck to distribution centers, as for example Chicago, whence it is transshipped to cities like New York. Heavy mega-tonnage on Chicago would disrupt rail lines and trucking firms.
Trains and trucks need gasoline and diesel which come from somewhere, presumably in pipelines. These, broken by the blast, burning furiously, would take time to repair. Time is what cities would not have.
What would happen in, say, New York City even if, improbably, it were not bombed?
Here we will ignore the likelihood of sheer, boiling panic and resultant chaos on learning that much of the country had been flattened.
In the first few days there would be panic buying with shelves at supermarkets being emptied. Hunger would soon become serious. By day four, people would be hunting each other with knives to get their food. By the end of the second week, people would be literally eating each other. This happens in famines.
And for those you who are going to email me or try to comment on this story and accuse me of “fear mongering,” let me save you the trouble, because I admit that this article is “fear mongering.”
But unlike the fake fear surrounding a “deadly virus” called “COVID-19” which simply re-branded the annual flu season, this fear is justified, because it is 100% within the realm of possibly happening, and there are few left alive in the United States who remember World War 2, and even then, all of the fighting was done in Europe and the Pacific, and not on the U.S. mainland.
Fear can create 2 reactions: one of feeling helpless and hopeless, or one of preparing for the possible disaster that might be coming, and turning to God to get our spiritual lives in order.
Physical death is the destiny of every single person reading this article, and for some of us, that physical death will come sooner rather than later.
Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)
The Demise of Nato Part 1
by Sam Parker
Behind the News Network
Before we go into the reasons and facts of the above title, it would do us well to understand the mentality of the ruling elite in Europe, back in the day.
It is often said that the systemic Western European superiority complex, a disease which consists of the self-justified domination and exploitation of the surrounding world, began with the First ‘Crusade’ (1096-1099). Technically, this is true, but before it there were other events which we may call ‘Pre-Crusades’.
For example, there was the massacre by the barbarian Frankish leader Charlemagne of 4,500 Saxons at Verden in 782. This bloodbath was the foundation of Frankish Europe, which still survives as the core of the lies of the EU today.
After the collapse of Charlemagne’s Europe and a period of consolidation, 200 years later there came the events of the earlier eleventh century which did exactly presage the First Crusade at its end.
First, there was the Frankish ‘Reconquista’ Crusade which began to accelerate in the eleventh century in Iberia. Then came the ‘Norman’ (in fact they were the collective campaigns of all the Frankish-made scum of North-Western Europe) Crusades or Conquests in Sicily, Southern Italy and in England in 1066.
Like these ‘Pre-Crusades’, the genocidal ‘conquests’ of the First Crusade essentially took place inside Europe, or else close by in the Near East. These Viking-type raiding and trading military expeditions, led on horseback and operating from castles, were expanded into Western Europe (the Celtic lands invaded from the Frankish base in England) and into Eastern Europe (the Baltics and Russia).
However, the revolution came with the export of this aggressive Eurocentric mentality to distant lands through the ‘Conquistadors’ (same word) in what we now call Latin America 500 years ago. They were the fruit of Columbus’ imperialist and capitalist venture of 1492 and were followed by da Gama’s money-seeking ventures to southern Africa and India in 1497.
They triggered a global revolution because they led to the worldwide genocide and plunder of other peoples and the destruction of their civilizations.
Clive of India, Rhodes of Africa, the British nobility in China, Clinton of Serbia, Bush of Iraq and Biden of the Ukraine were only the conquistadors of later times.
However, today we are seeing the end of their Conquistador Civilisation.
“Wokesim” – And The Downfall of NATO
Allied to this is the recent exposure (through an enforced policy of transgenderism, LBGTQ, wokesim, etc.) of the satanic ideology of the Rothschild family-the current descendants of the merger between the devil and the ruling sect within Jewry.
And beyond this, there is another, ultimately far more important, issue. This is the world economic war.
Only once the USA has started to see the dollar fall and fail and Western Europe has started to suffer from power failures will things move here. Things are already moving. Public demonstrations against NATO in Germany, France, indeed all over Western Europe, are taking place. It is the beginning.
2023 starts with collective NATO in “absolutely freak out mode” as Russian Defense Minister Shoigu announces that Russian Navy frigate Admiral Gorshkov is now on tour – complete with a set of Mr. Zircon’s hypersonic business cards.
The business tour will encompass the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean, and of course include the Mediterranean. Mr. Zircon on the prowl has absolutely nothing to do with the war in Ukraine: it’s a sign of what happens next when it comes to frying much bigger fishes than a bunch of Kiev psychos.
Moscow has made it painfully clear there’s no reason whatsoever to trust the “non-agreement capable” declining superpower.
Another big deal on a hot plate at the end of 2022 was the 2014 Minsk Agreement. Then it was none other than former chancellor Merkel who said that the EU used the Agreement -“in an attempt to buy time for Ukraine”.
This shocked Putin, who marveled at how low these Western leaders can stoop to?
Merkel may have been up to something telling the Russians, in their face, that she lied again and again, for years. That’s not embarrassing for Moscow, but for Berlin: yet another graphic demonstration of total vassalage to the Empire.
Meanwhile, deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev,
“Last warning to all nations, there can be no business with the Anglo-Saxon world because it is a thief, a swindler, a card-sharp that could do anything….From now on we will do without them until a new generation of sensible politicians comes to power… There is nobody in the West we could deal with about anything for any reason.”
Medvedev, significantly, recited more or less the same script, in person, to Xi Jinping in Beijing, days before the zoom to end all zooms – between Xi and Putin – that worked as a sort of informal closure of 2022, with the Russia-China strategic partnership perfectly in synch.
Even the IMF is now reluctant to throw extra funds into the black hole. Kiev’s 2023 budget has an – unrealistic – $36 billion deficit.
Half of the budget is military-related. The real deficit in 2022 was running at about $5 billion a month – and will inevitably balloon. There will be no “investment” in rump Ukraine. Multinational vultures will grab land for nothing and whatever puny productive assets may remain.
Russia’s Superior Military Power
Arguably the biggest myths to be destroyed in 2023 is the myth of NATO. Every serious military analyst, few Americans included, knows that the Russian Army and military industrial complex represents a superior system than what existed at the end of the USSR, and far superior to that of the US and the rest of NATO today.
The Mackinder-style final blow to a possible alliance between Germany (EU), Russia and China – which is what is really behind the US proxy war in Ukraine – is not proceeding according to the Rockefeller wet dream.
Saddam Hussein, former imperial vassal, was regime-changed because he wanted to bypass the petrodollar.
Now we have the inevitable rise of the petroyuan – “in three to five years”, as Xi Jinping announced in Riyadh: you just can’t prevent it with Shock’n Awe on Beijing.
In 2008, Russia embarked on a massive rebuilding of missile forces and a 14-year plan to modernize land-based armed forces. Mr. Zircon presenting his hypersonic business card across the Mediterranean is just a small part of the Big Picture.
The Myth of US Power
The CIA abandoned Afghanistan in a humiliating retreat – even ditching the heroin ratline – just to relocate to Ukraine and continue playing the same old broken records. The CIA is behind the ongoing sabotage of Russian infrastructure – in tandem with MI6 and others.
Sooner or later there will be blowback. Apart from Ukraine and Poland there is no NATO force worth mentioning.
Germany has a risible two-day supply of ammunition. Turkey will not send a single soldier to fight Russians in Ukraine. The UK has enough ammunition to last for one day.
Out of 80,000 US troops stationed in Europe, only 10% are weaponized. Recently 20,000 were added; not a big deal. If the Americans activated their troops in Europe – something rather ridiculous in itself – they would not have any place to land supplies or reinforcements.
All airports and seaports would be destroyed by Russian hypersonic missiles in a matter of minutes – in continental Europe as well as the UK.
In addition, all fuel centers such as Rotterdam for oil and natural gas would be destroyed, as well as all military installations, including top American bases in Europe: Grafenwoehr, Hohenfels, Ramstein, Baumholder, Vilseck, Spangdahlem, and Wiesbaden in Germany (for the Army and Air Force); Aviano Air Base in Italy; Lajes Air Base in Portugal’s Azores islands; Naval Station Rota in Spain; Incirlik Air Base in Turkey; and Royal Air Force stations Lakenheath and Mildenhall in the UK.
All fighter jets and bombers would be destroyed – after they land or while landed: there would be no place to land except on the autobahn, where they would be sitting ducks. Patriot missiles are worthless – as the whole Global South saw in Saudi Arabia when they tried to knock out Houthi missiles coming from Yemen. Israel’s Iron Dome can’t even knock out all primitive missiles coming from Gaza.
US military power is the supreme myth. Essentially they hide behind proxies – as the Ukraine Armed Forces.
US forces are worthless except in turkey shoots as in Iraq in 1991 and 2003, against a disabled opponent in the middle of the desert with no air cover.
And never forget how NATO was completely humiliated by the Taliban.
Unlike Russia which boasts arguably the best, deeply echeloned, national air defense, which today deploys the best anti-air and anti-missile complexes in the word, American shores are virtually defenseless.
Deployment of batteries of the Patriot PAC-3 system, whose reputation is not very high to start with, or of the AEGIS ships along the American shoreline, does not provide a guarantee against conventional or even nuclear retaliation against the US proper in case of a major conflict.
With the new generation of class nuclear-powered submarines coming on-line, together with the modernized Borei class submarines, all armed with the latest TLAMs, it is very difficult to foresee any measure which can realistically secure the US proper from a massive cruise missile attack.
So, here is the critical question– Can the US block a nuclear missile?
A new study sponsored by the American Physical Society concludes that U.S. systems for intercepting intercontinental ballistic missiles cannot be relied on to counter even a limited nuclear strike and are unlikely to achieve reliability within the next 15 years.
If you are a Russian military planner, you realize that M.A.D is no longer a reality.
In the event that Russia believed it faced a genuine existential threat from the West from a nuclear strike, even a tactical hit, the Russian military could present President Putin with a viable plan that would destroy the U.S. nuclear response with limited damage to Russia.
Russia would walk away unscathed. But Russia, with a field tested, integrated anti-ballistic missile defense system, would have a better than even chance of surviving a nuclear exchange with the United States. Too many ignorant pundits and politicians in the West disparage Russia’s military capabilities as second rate at best.
“The real genesis of Russia’s new generation of bizarre nuclear weapons lies in Washington’s decision in 2001 to withdraw from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty.” Putin said, “During all these years since the unilateral U.S. withdrawal from the ABM Treaty, we have been working intensively on advanced equipment and arms, which allowed us to make a breakthrough in developing new models of strategic weapons. Those technological breakthroughs are now here. Sadly, we’re never got the diplomatic ones we needed.”
The war in Ukraine has given Russia a stage to showcase some of its advanced weaponry, such as the hypersonic Kinzhal. This missile has hit targets in Ukraine before the air raid warnings went off.
Andrei Martyanov explains:
“Many true professionals were gasping for the air when the Dagger (Kinzhal) was unveiled. This is a complete game changer geopolitically, strategically, operationally, tactically and psychologically. It was known for some time that the Russian Navy was already deploying a revolutionary M=8-capable 3M22 Zircon anti-shipping missile.
As impressive and virtually uninterceptable by any air defenses the Zircon is, the Kinzhal is simply shocking in its capabilities. This, most likely based on the famed Iskander airframe, M=10+ capable, highly maneuverable, aero-ballistic missile with a range of 2000 kilometers, carried by MiG-31BMs, just rewrote the book on naval warfare. It made large surface fleets and combatants obsolete.
No, you are not misreading it. No air-defense or anti-missile system in the world today (maybe with the exception of the upcoming S-500 specifically designed for the interception of hyper-sonic targets) is capable of doing anything about it, and, most likely, it will take decades to find the antidote.
More specifically, no modern or prospective air-defense system deployed today by any NATO fleet can intercept even a single missile with such characteristics. A salvo of 5-6 such missiles guarantees the destruction of any target.”
The Final Breaking Point
2022 ended an era: the final breaking point of the “rules-based international order” established after the fall of the USSR.
The Empire entered Desperation Row, throwing everything and the kitchen sink – proxy war on Ukraine, AUKUS, and Taiwan hysteria – to dismantle the set-up they created way back in 1991.
Globalization’s rollback is being implemented by the Empire itself. That ranges from stealing the EU energy market from Russia so the hapless vassals buy ultra-expensive US energy to smashing the entire semiconductor supply chain, forcibly rebuilding it around itself to “isolate” China.
In addition, the theft by the 2 families, of the wealth of “enemy” nations has destroyed any hope, trust and confidence in globalization model.
The NATO vs. Russia war in Ukraine is just a cog in the wheel of the New Great Game. For the Global South, what really matters is how Eurasia – and beyond – are coordinating their integration process, from BRI to the SCO and BRICS.
The Energy Card
On 6 October, when the European Union (EU) agreed to impose a Russian oil price cap as part of a new package of sanctions against Moscow, 23 oil ministers from the OPEC+ group of oil-producing countries spoke out in favor of a sharp cut in their joint production quota.
Their collective decision to decrease output by about two million barrels of oil per day elicited strong reactions in the US in particular, and there was even talk of “declarations of war.”
The EU feels duped, as the OPEC+ production cuts could drive up fuel prices and dampen their sanctions packages. Despite the narrative of the world edging toward a “post-oil era,” it seems there’s life in the old dog yet, as OPEC remains the talk of the town.
In the war between global finance and energy, one fact remains clear: You can print money but you can’t print oil.
OPEC is as Relevant as Ever
OPEC and ten non-OPEC energy producers – including Russia – have been coordinating their production policy since December 2016. At the time, analysts gave this “OPEC-plus” format little chance of having an impact.
In contrast to the escapades in the oil market between 1973 and 1985, when there was little consensus among OPEC’s members and many had already written the organization’s obituary – today, former rivals such as Saudi Arabia and Russia are managing to converge their interests into powerful cards.
In those days, it was normal practice for Riyadh to take into account and execute Washington’s interests within OPEC: A single phone call from the US capital was enough. The era of the “Seven Sisters,” a cartel of oil companies that divided up the oil market, came to an end then.
However, for US policymakers – at least, psychologically – this era still persists. “It’s our oil,” is an expression I often hear uttered in Washington. Those voices were particularly loud during the illegal US-led 2003 invasion of Iraq.
Financial Market versus the Energy Market
To really understand the core of the conflict in Ukraine – where a proxy war rages – one must break down the confrontation thus: The US and its European allies, who represent and back the global financial sector, are essentially engaged in a battle against the world’s energy sector.
In the past 22 years, we have seen how easy it is for governments to print paper currency. In just 2022, the US dollar has printed more paper money than in its combined history.
Energy, on the other hand, cannot be printed. And therein lies a fundamental problem for Washington: The commodity sector can outbid the financial industry.
Riyadh is warming up to the idea of trading oil in other currencies, as indicated this year in discussions with the Chinese to trade in yuan. The Saudis are increasingly preparing for the new international condition of multipolarity.
Washington, thus, no longer maintains its ability to exert absolute leverage on OPEC, which is now repositioning itself geopolitically as the enlarged OPEC+.
US Reacts: Between Defiance and Anger
The OPEC+ ministerial meeting on 6 October was a clear foreshadowing of these new circumstances. The inherent tensions between two world views unfolded immediately in the post-meeting press room where a Saudi oil minister put the western news agency Reuters in its place, and where US journalists fiercely attacked OPEC for “holding the world economy hostage.”
The price of oil is a seismograph of the world economy and also of global geopolitics. With the production cuts, OPEC+ is simply planning in anticipation of upcoming recessionary consequences. Moreover, some producing countries are failing to create new capacities in view of the investment gap that has persisted since 2014: a low price of oil simply cannot be sustained if there is no major capital investment in its sector.
Ever since the start of Ukraine’s military conflict in February 2022, we have essentially been watching the western-led financial industry waging its war against the eastern-dominated energy economy.
The momentum will always be with the latter, because as stated above, in contrast to money, energy cannot be printed.
The oil and gas volumes needed to replace Russian energy sources cannot be found on the world market within a year. And no commodity is more global than oil.
Any changes in the oil market will always influence the world’s economy. “Oil makes and breaks nations.” It is a quote that epitomizes the importance of oil in shaping global and regional orders, as was the case in West Asia in the post-World War I era: First came the pipelines, then came the borders.
The late former Saudi oil minister Zaki Yamani once described oil alliances as being stronger than Catholic marriages. If that is the case, then the old US-Saudi marriage is currently undergoing estrangement and Russia has filed for divorce from Europe.
The Nuclear Warmongers Set a Financial Collapse in Motion
The most extreme war government in Europe, that of UK Prime Minister Liz Truss, by stupidly pledging to bail out the price-gouging energy merchants of that war on Russia with £200–400 billion in borrowed government funds, has set off “instability” in a quadrillion-dollar global bubble of unpayable debt and derivatives.
It has lit a match under the tinder that the U.S. Federal Reserve and European central banks have been piling up since the last global financial crash, in 2008.
Now the bonfire of all that financial speculation is beginning to burn.
The Bank of England informed the UK Parliament by letter Oct. 5 that the Truss government blunder had quickly “come within hours,” overnight Sept. 27–28, of major UK pension funds collapsing, which in turn were bailed out by the Bank, and that those City of London banks which had provided leverage loans to the funds were also potentially at risk and the financial system destabilized.
Describing the contagion it saw from a particularly dangerous form of financial “derivatives” breaking down, the Bank of England reported:
“A large quantity of gilts [UK government bonds], held as collateral by banks that had lent to these LDI [Liability-Driven Investment] funds, was likely to be sold on the market, driving a potentially self-reinforcing spiral and threatening severe disruption of core funding markets and consequent widespread financial instability”.
This so upset the Rothschilds that they fired their British “manager”, Liz Truss.
By the Oct. 7–9 weekend, reports were surfacing in a number of financial press outlets, such as that in Asia Times: “Global Margin Call Hits European Debt Markets,” with the blurb, “Hedges blow up after risk gauges in Germany’s government debt market exceeded those of the 2008 world crash.”
The most dangerous and widespread of all financial derivatives contracts created in the 25–30 years is the roughly $500 trillion in nominal value of interest-rate swaps, ruined many a municipality across the trans-Atlantic world, leading into that 2008 world crash.
The 2008 crash itself was triggered by a mere $65 trillion of another kind of derivative, credit default swaps. Derivatives are threatening a bigger, and worse crash now because of the underlying physical collapse of production and productivity by the central banks’ policy since 1980, turbo-charged after the 2008 crash , and now, the collapse of agriculture and industrial economy themselves, since the start of 2020.
The key Rothschild financial points – City of London, the Bank of England, and the European Central Bank- are escalating pressure for the Rockefeller’s U.S. Federal Reserve to join the return to quantitative easing before it is too late.
But the financial system blowout threat they are warning of, requires the opposite of such liquidity pumping and bond buying by central banks. It requires immediately the control of derivatives, now particularly interest-rate derivatives, through action to force the commercial banks to abandon these derivatives.
And, this, the 2 families will not do.
Due to increasing loss of confidence in the dollar system, many nations are reducing the dollar transactions. These “unwanted “dollars are returning to the US.
Currently, 40% of dollars printed are circulating in the US, and the balance (60%) in the world. These unwanted dollars are behind the rising inflation within the US. More money is chasing fewer goods.
In order to avoid foreign investors dumping the dollar, the US Fed keeps on raising rates. Keeping foreign investors on board is more important to the Rockefeller Empire, than preventing a blow-out of the local economy.
They have to keep driving the dollar up. The Fed will defend the dollar and the world reserve currency status no matter how hard the stock market crashes, no matter how much the economy crashes, no matter how much the bond market crashes and no matter how much the housing market crashes.
In short: US industrial, economic and social decay, all entirely self inflicted over the past several decades, have led to the decline of the USA as a functional society and hence to the impending loss of its unipolar global hegemony.
This is a situation that the megalomaniacal “indispensable nation, shining beacon on a hill” ideologues simply cannot accept.
The Well-worn CIA playbook
The 2 families believe that the only way such US global parasitism can continue to operate is to subjugate the “World Island” i.e. Eurasia: to “regime change” Putin and Xi and to ultimately “balkanize” the whole of Eurasia, each banana republic to be “led” by a US puppet dictator.
This wet dream “strategy” is derived entirely from the well-worn CIA playbook.
Such actions had been repeatedly inflicted by the US on practically every state of Latin America (the “Monroe doctrine”) and on Global South countries over many decades.
The US Neocons believe that the subjugation of Eurasia is the only way to resurrect the dead corpse of Bretton-Woods and the Petrodollar and to force the rest of the world to continue funneling their valuable commodities and products to the USA for free.
I forgot to report that the term “neocons” is meant for a particular faction within the political elite of the US. It can be best described as a group of people who form a “joint operation “for specific geopolitical agendas.”
This neocon group is a “joint venture” between the 2 families. These neocons were dominating Washington from 2000 till 2016. And with the Biden White House, the neocons are back in power. Their joint targets are the enemies of Israel in the Middle East, as well as their aim to crush China and Russia.
Given the advanced state of decay of the US and the unstoppable rise of China and Russia militarily, industrially, economically and socially, there is zero prospect of the USA prevailing.
There are only two possible outcomes: either the USA backs down or there will be global nuclear Armageddon.
There is nothing in between.
The European industrial sectors are poised to collapse from energy starvation. Once the BRICS+ currency arrangements and financial systems, which bypass the USD, get up and running, there will be massive flight of away from US bonds and securities and the massive international repatriation of US dollars back to the US, which will result in hyperinflation and devaluation of the US dollar, resulting in their inability to afford any imports.
Along with the de-industrialised condition of the USA, resulting in no significant domestic manufacturing, that all spells extreme poverty for the American society.
In summary: any initial hopes by the US banking/financial sector that they might benefit from the Ukrainian war have at best resulted in the USD remaining neutral so far, but will inevitably lead to the accelerated collapse of the USD.
We’re back to what the world looked like in 1914, or before 1939, only in a limited sense. There’s a plethora of nations struggling to expand their influence, but all of them are betting on multipolarity, or “peaceful modernization”, as Xi Jinping coined it, and not Forever Wars: China, Russia, India, Iran, Indonesia and others.
So bye bye 1991-2022. The hard work starts now. Welcome to the New Great Game on crack.
Flatter yourselves in your delusions, if you want. The West is collapsing. It won’t last. The end-game is on the horizon. The USA is screwed. Get over it.
Nuclear War
The United States and Russia – the two greatest nuclear powers on the planet – have embarked on a wide-ranging “indirect war”.
All that now remains is for them to engage in direct warfare, which will end up happening sooner or later. If later, it will be exactly because both powers are aware that any direct war between them will inevitably escalate into nuclear war, with a good chance of devastating them both.
Accordingly, both are willing to take the conflict to its ultimate consequences in order to prevail, and thus nuclear war becomes more inevitable with every passing day.
Both are trying to “gain time”, hoping for their adversary to fall over their own feet before direct war ensues: the Russians are counting on an economic and social collapse in the West, while the US counts on a military defeat of the Russians by the Ukrainians, resulting in the fall of the Putin government.
It has to be said, however, that thus far the Russians are getting the better of this “war of attrition”.
The US also seeks to draw Russia into war against some other, NATO-member country, prodding Lithuania to blockade land access to the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad, Romania to provide Moldavia with the means to reincorporate the pro-Russian separatist region of Transnistria, and Poland to occupy the westernmost portion of the Ukraine, so as to force Russia to respond militarily.
Under the fifth article of the treaty that set up NATO, an attack on any member state is to be taken as an attack on them all; in that way, the United States would drag all of Europe into a war against Russia. The Russians (as well as these European cannon-fodder candidates) have thus far managed to sidestep this trap.
What is certain is that, militarily, both the United States and Russia are preparing for the eventuality of a nuclear war.
The Russians have been doing so for longer. So much so that they have resumed the Soviet-era endeavour to build nuclear shelters on a major scale for their whole urban population: by 2016, new shelters were ready to house a further 12 million people.
Conversely, the United States relies on the “first strike” doctrine of a devastating, surprise attack to decapitate the Russian leadership before they have time to react.
For that reason, the possibility of their installing nuclear missiles on Ukrainian territory was, given its geographical proximity, a “red line” for the Russians and a fond aspiration for the United States (missile flight time to Moscow would be cut to about four minutes).
In order to be in a position to unleash a first strike, the United States have taken the following measures: they have introduced what they call “super-fuze” technology to their warheads. This causes detonation to occur on arrival at an optimal altitude over the target, thus enabling less powerful warheads to guarantee destruction of strongly protected target (such as Russia’s missile launch silos).
They have also converted some of their Ohio class, ballistic missile launching submarines (each carried 24 Trident missiles) to cruise missiles (each now carries 154 Tomahawk missiles, which are harder to detect and home in on their targets more accurately). Lastly, they are “miniaturising” the warheads (which can now be less powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima), on the (theoretical) basis that missiles that are more accurate, harder to detect and that detonate closer to their targets can be relied on to annihilate Russia’s retaliatory capability – even using less powerful warheads and thus minimising the resulting “nuclear winter” effects.
The Russians, meanwhile, as deterrents to a US nuclear attack, have developed innovative weapons whose performance is a closely-guarded secret of State (the US will have to find out the hard way). These include the S-400, S-500, S-550 and A-235 Nudol anti-missile systems and the Peresvet space satellite “blinding” weapons.
To date, the more the United States has relied on a first-strike capability, the more Russia has striven to prepare itself to deter one.
From now on, the more the Russians develop the ability to seal off their airspace to enemy missiles, the smaller will be the chances of an effective first strike by the United States – “effective” in the sense of liquidating, in full or at least in large part, Russia’s ability to retaliate; even if only a few missiles do penetrate Russia’s defences, millions will die, making retaliation a certainty.
Accordingly, the window of opportunity for a successful first strike by the US is gradually closing. Given the prospect of Russia’s becoming militarily hegemonic in the future, the United States finds itself racing against time and, with an ever-mounting sense of urgency, feeling compelled to take action before Russia’s shield is complete.
Nuclear War Effects
Few people – including CIA operatives – may know that New York City, for instance, may be destroyed with a single move by blowing up the George Washington Bridge. The city can’t be supplied with food and most of its requirements without the bridge. The New York City electrical grid can be destroyed by knocking out the central controls; putting it back together could take a year.
America is fragile. We don’t notice because it works smoothly and because when a local catastrophe occurs—earthquake, hurricane, and tornado—the rest of the country steps in to remedy things. The country can handle normal and regional catastrophes.
But nuclear war is neither normal nor regional. Very few warheads would serve to wreck the United States beyond recovery for decades.
This should be clear to anyone who actually thinks about it. Defense is impossible. Coastal cities are particularly easy targets, being vulnerable to submarine-launched sea-skimming missiles – Washington, New York, Boston, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle for starters – all gone.
A modern country is a system of systems of systems, interdependent and interconnected—water, electricity, manufacturing, energy, telecommunications, transportation, pipelines, and complex supply chains. These are interconnected, interdependent, and rely on large numbers of trained people showing up for work.
Talking of repair any time soon after the nuclear bombing of a city is foolish because the city would have many hundreds of thousands of dead, housing destroyed, massive fires, horrendously burned people with no hope of medical care, and in general populations too focused on staying alive to worry about abstractions like supply chains.
The elimination of transportation might cause more death than the bombs. Cities, suburbs, and towns cannot feed themselves. They rely on a constant, heavy influx of food grown in remote regions.
This food is shipped by rail or truck to distribution centers, as for example Chicago, whence it is transshipped to cities like New York. Heavy mega-tonnage on Chicago would disrupt rail lines and trucking firms. Trains and trucks need gasoline and diesel which come from somewhere, presumably in pipelines. These, broken by the blast, burning furiously, would take time to repair. Time is what cities would not have.
What would happen in, say, New York City even if, improbably, it were not bombed? Here we will ignore the likelihood of sheer, boiling panic and resultant chaos on learning that much of the country had been flattened.
In the first few days there would be panic buying with shelves at supermarkets being emptied. Hunger would soon become serious. By day four, people would be hunting each other with knives to get their food. By the end of the second week, people would be literally eating each other. This happens in famines.
Most things in America rely on electricity. This comes from generating plants which burn stuff, usually natural gas or coal. These arrive on trains, which would not be running, or in trucks, not likely to be running.
They depend on oil fields, refineries, and pipelines unlikely to function. All of the foregoing depends on employees continuing to go to work instead of trying to save their families; so no electricity in New York, which goes dark.
This means no telephones, no internet, no lighting, and no elevators. How would this work out in a city of high rises?
Most people would be nearly incommunicado in a lightless city. Huge traffic jams would form as people with cars tried to leave—to go where?—as long as gasoline in the tank lasted.
Where does water come from in New York? I don’t know, but it doesn’t flow spontaneously to the thirtieth floor. It needs to be pumped, which involves electricity, from wherever it comes from to wherever it has to go.
No electricity, no pump. No pump, no water; and no flushing of toilets. River water could be drunk, of course. Think of the crowds.
In all likelihood, civil society would collapse by the end of the fourth day. The more virile ethnics would surge from the ghettos with guns and clubs to feed. Police would have disappeared or be either looking after their families or themselves looting.
Civilization is a thin veneer. The streets and subways are not safe even without a nuclear war.
The majority would be unarmed and unable to defend themselves. People who had never touched a gun would suddenly understand the appeal.
Thus it would not be necessary to bomb a city to destroy it, only to cut it off from transport hubs for a couple of weeks. An attacker would of course destroy many cities in addition to necessary infrastructure.
Those who plan nuclear wars may be psychopaths, or just insular geeks fiddling with bloodless abstractions, but they are not fools. They have carefully calculated how to most seriously damage a target country.
In no more than a couple of months, perhaps two hundred million people would starve to death.
How would the next season’s crops be planted? Answer: they wouldn’t be.
Where would fertilizer come from? Parts for tractors, trucks, harvesters? Making these factories function – requires electricity, raw materials, and workers. If the attacker chose to hit agricultural lands with radiation-dirty cobalt bombs, these regions would be lethal for years.
Nuclear planners think about these things.
Thus, now we come to the end of the vital crossroads year of 2022 and a revolution that happens only once every 500 years. What we had been waiting for over so many years is now here.
The date of 24 February 2022 has already gone down in world history. It means the end of Western Conquistador Civilisation.
Thus, we try to peer over the horizon into 2023 and beyond. What will come once the Ukrainian war is over?
Read the full article at Behind the News Network.
See Also (just published today):
Russian Official Says Moscow Has Weapons That Can Destroy the US
Comment on this article at HealthImpactNews.com.
This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)
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