Commentary by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Ever since the rollout of the COVID bioweapon shots in 2021, the U.S. labor force has taken a huge hit in the sheer volume of disabilities that increased in 2022.

And yet, the official government statistics on “new jobs” from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) have consistently been fudged to make it look like new jobs are being created which has stopped the stock market from crashing.

These falsified statistics have been consistently “adjusted” downward after the original reports have been released.

We know from the reports that Edward Dowd has been creating from his Phinance Technologies that there have been dramatic increases in disabilities since last year (2022) starting in 2021 when the COVID experimental shots were rolled out. See:

The Data Missing from Wall Street Economists: Skyrocketing Disabilities and Injuries in U.S. Workforce After COVID-19 “Vaccines”

Today, ZeroHedge News has published an explosive article on a deep dive into the “job creation” numbers as reported by the BLS, and they have found that “all job creation in the past 4 years has been exclusively for foreign-born workers!”

Last month, August, 2023, native-born workers in the U.S. dropped by 1.2 million, while foreign-born workers increased by 668K to a record 30.396 million.

Happy Labor Day United States….

The Real Shocker In Friday’s Jobs Report: 1.2 Million Native-Born Workers Lost Their Jobs, And Were Replaced With 668K Foreign-Born Workers

by ZeroHedge News


Shortly after the August “goldlilocks” jobs report hit at 8:30am ET on Friday, which first sent yields tumbling as markets focused on the surge in the unemployment rate before a sharp reversal sent long-end rates in the opposite direction as attention instead turned to the jump in workers re-entering the labor force (as well as the stronger than expected ISM print), we explained why, lost in the din over the attention-grabbing headlines, the details inside the report showed just how ugly the August nonfarm payroll report truly was.

For one, we have now seen downward monthly payrolls revisions for every single month in 2023, a statistically improbable outcome without some political interference.

Then, there was the relentless increase in “spreadsheet” jobs at the BLS as the Birth-Death model added another 103K jobs last month (more than half), and has boosted the actual jobs number in 6 of the past 7 months, even though the pace of new company creation has collapsed in the past year compared to where it was in the immediate aftermath of covid (when new business creation was the biggest fraud around, as hundreds of billions in taxpayer funds would become available to new businesses, resulting in – what else- millions in new businesses seeking government handouts from the PPP program). For more on the birth-death gimmicks used by the BLS read “One Bank Calls Out Biden’s BS: Finds BLS Has “Greatly Exaggerated” July Jobs, Real Print Is Negative 30,000.”

And speaking of negative job prints excluding B-D adjustments, SouthBay research pointed out that in keeping with tradition, the August payroll was a number almost entirely driven by the Seasonal Adjustments, which in August “created” 159K of the 179K Private Payroll growth, or 90% of the total!

In other words, as shown in the next chart, the un-distorted data (the non seasonally adjusted data) painted a very different picture from the 187K reported and seasonally adjusted. In fact, as Southbay calculated, unadjusted August hiring was the second worst since the Great Recession in 2009!

Turning away from the quantitative, and looking at the qualitative composition of the jobs report, things got even uglier, because one month after a staggering collapse in full-time jobs in July, the BLS reported that in August the number of full-time jobs dropped again, sliding by 85K to 134.2 million, and followed the whopping 585K plunge the month prior, which brings the two-month total drop in full-time jobs to a whopping 670K, the biggest 2-month plunge since the covid lockdowns in early 2020 when 12.5 million full-time jobs were lost in one month!

But while we covered most of that on Friday, there was something even more important that we missed, which is ironic because just this past Thursday we wrote that “Immigrants Are Getting 160,000 Jobs Per Month, As Foreign-Born US Workforce Hits All-Time High.” We are referring to the demographic composition of August jobs, which was – for lack of a better word – shocking.

According to the BLS, in August, the number of employed Native-Born workers was 131.031 million, which was a staggering 1.2 million drop from the 132.254 million in July, and less than a million higher compared to the 130.060 million in August 2022 (source). As shown in the chart below, this was the biggest drop in native workers since the Covid scamdemic shut down the US economy.

Meanwhile, the number of foreign-born workers (i.e., immigrants) surged by 668K to a record 30.396 million (source).

Read the full article at ZeroHedge News (Premium Subscription needed.)

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