by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

The Commonwealth Fund has published the latest edition of their U.S. Health Care from a Global Perspective report today confirming what those of us in the Alternative Health media have been reporting for decades: The U.S. medical system is broken.

We spend more money on “healthcare” than any other developed country, and yet we have the worst health outcomes among developed countries, including the lowest life expectancy, and the highest rates of mothers and babies dying at childbirth, compared to other wealthy countries.

In spite of the U.S. Government spending $trillions on their response to COVID-19 since 2020, the health outcomes only got worse when compared to other affluent countries.

Babies born in the U.S. now have the greatest chance of dying at birth, and the lowest life expectancy, when compared to babies born in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

These very poor health outcomes are the result of the most expensive “healthcare” system in the world.

What we have in the U.S. is most certainly not a “healthcare” system but a “medical sick-care system” designed to earn maximum profits while keeping people sick as repeat customers.

doctor with a stethoscope around his neck on the hospital blurred background image representing sick people as profitable

The Wall Street billionaires and bankers know this, which is why in 2018 Goldman Sachs analysts addressed the question: “Is curing patients a sustainable business model?” See:

Investment Report Reveals Medical Cures not Profitable for Big Pharma – Sick People Needed to Sustain Drug Sales

This trend only became worse with the COVID scamdemic, as cheap, effective cures were banned, while new, untested expensive drugs were given emergency use authorizations that contributed to even poorer than normal health outcomes. See:

Up to 70% of “COVID-19 Deaths” Were Due to Ventilators

Healthy people are NOT the goal of the U.S. medical system. So why are you still using it?

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This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

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