by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

More bad news for America’s Big Tech industry, at the worst time possible, as the AI bubble continues to burst.

While most of us living in the U.S. are fully aware that America’s Big Tech companies, such as Google, Amazon, and Microsoft have become the new industry leaders in obtaining military contracts to support America’s many wars, people in the Middle East have just recently learned this fact this week with a recent report showing how the Israeli military depends upon these American companies to bomb and kill Palestinians in Gaza, and they were probably involved in the recent high-level assassinations in Iran and Lebanon as well.

Here is an article published in TRTWorld, Turkey’s largest English language news outlet, and one of the largest in the Middle East.

How Israel uses tools from Microsoft and Google to carry out Gaza genocide

Colonel Racheli Dembinsky, commander of Israeli army’s Center of Computing and Information Systems Unit, reveals use of cloud storage and AI services during a presentation to around 100 military and industrial personnel, reports say.

Israeli army hit a residential building, killing a child in Deir al Balah. / Photo: AA

Israeli army hit a residential building, killing a child in Deir al Balah. / Photo: AA

The Israeli military has been using Amazon’s cloud service and artificial intelligence (AI) tools from Microsoft and Google for military purposes amid the increasing amount of data on Palestinians and Gaza during its genocidal war, according to reports by 972 Magazine and the Hebrew-language news site Local Call.

An audio recording they obtained reveals that Colonel Racheli Dembinsky, commander of the Israeli army’s Center of Computing and Information Systems Unit, disclosed the use of these technologies during a presentation to around 100 military and industrial personnel on July 10.

The Center of Computers and Information Systems oversees all data processing for the Israeli army.

Dembinsky’s presentation, the first public confirmation, indicated the army’s use of cloud storage and AI services from civilian tech giants in its ongoing carnage in since October last year.

The logos of Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure appeared twice in Dembinsky’s lecture slides, which highlighted the army’s “operational cloud” typically stored on internal military servers.

Dembinsky described this internal cloud as a “weapons platform” that includes applications for marking bombing targets, a portal for viewing live drone footage over Gaza’s skies, and fire, command and control systems.

She noted that following the Israeli army’s ground invasion of Gaza in late October 2023, “the internal military systems quickly became overloaded due to the enormous number of soldiers and military personnel who were added to the platform as users, causing technical problems that threatened to slow down Israel’s military functions,” according to 972 Magazine.

Tel Aviv has killed nearly 40,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children, and wounded over 92,000 others. Thousands have perished under the debris of bombed homes while some 10,000 Palestinians have been abducted by Israeli troops.

Cloud services enhance Israel’s operational efficiency

Dembinsky emphasised that cloud services from major tech firms offer unlimited storage without the obligation to physically store the servers in the military’s computer centers.

She highlighted the advanced AI capabilities provided by these services as the most significant advantage.

Working with these companies has granted the Israeli army “very significant operational effectiveness” in the besieged Palestinian enclave, she said. (Full article.)

This was also headline news today at the Al-Mayadeen English news publication, one of the largest Arab English news sites in the Middle East based out of Lebanon.

Israeli military using cloud services from tech giants in war on Gaza

The internal cloud used by the occupation regime consists of applications that enable marking bombing targets, viewing live drone footage of Gaza’s sky through a portal, and fire, command, and control systems.

The Israeli army has been using Microsoft and Google’s artificial intelligence (AI) tools and cloud services from Amazon for military operations for its genocide in Gaza, Israeli news outlets +972 Magazine and Local Call reported, which was confirmed by the Israeli Army’s Center of Computers and Information Systems last month.

This information was publicly confirmed for the first time through Israeli media’s attainment of an audio recording of Col. Racheli Dembinsky, commander of the Center of Computing and Information Systems Unit, revealing the use of these technological services from these civilian tech firms during a presentation attended by 100 military and industrial personnel on July 10.

During Dembinsky’s presentation, logos of Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure appeared twice in her lecture slides, ultimately disclosing the occupation army’s “operational cloud” which is usually stored on internal military servers. The Israeli commander described the cloud as a “weapon platform.”

The internal cloud used by the occupation consists of applications that enable marking bombing targets, viewing live drone footage of Gaza’s sky through a portal, and fire, command, and control systems.

Google expands partnership with ‘Israel’ during genocidal war on Gaza

Google negotiated with the Israeli occupation to deepen their partnership during the brutal war on Gaza, which has entered its seventh month recently with over 39,000 Palestinians killed, mostly women and children, a Google document viewed by the TIME news site revealed in April.

The tech giant has provided cloud computing services for the entity for years.

This report comes shortly after it was exposed that the Israeli military’s airstrikes against individuals in Gaza utilized a previously undisclosed AI-powered database, dubbed Lavender, while forces operating the technology were authorized to kill 15 to 20 civilians during airstrikes allegedly targeting Resistance fighters.

The document indicates that the Israeli Ministry of Security has a designated “landing zone” within Google Cloud. This secure access point provides the Ministry with the ability to store and process data, as well as access AI services offered by the firm. (Full article.)

The timing of this revelation to countries in the Middle East could not be worse, as more and more investors on Wall Street are waking up to the fact that generative AI is a huge bubble that has sucked in $trillions from the U.S. economy for over a year and a half now, with virtually nothing to show for it other than more promises for the future.

AI Adoption Reality Check: Tech CEO Warns ‘Very Little Is Fundamentally Different Because Of GenAI’

AI “is overhyped, with many applications not ready for prime time,” warned iconic hedge fund Elliott Managment last week in their latest letter to investors:

And further, we think a good proportion of the purported use cases are never going to be cost efficient, are never going to actually work right, will take up too much energy, or will prove to be untrustworthy. But right now, the scramble for facilitating super-chips, together with the compulsion to jump on board the hype train, is causing a radical skew in the market values of the anointed.

Elliott’s view echoes that of Goldman Sachs head of research Jim Covello, who warned:

“…the promise of generative AI technology to transform companies, industries, and societies continues to be touted, leading tech giants, other companies, and utilities to spend an estimated ~$1tn on capex in coming years, including significant investments in data centers, chips, other AI infrastructure, and the power grid.

But this spending has little to show for it so far beyond reports of efficiency gains among developers. And even the stock of the company reaping the most benefits to date – Nvidia – has sharply corrected.

All of which brings us to today and eye-popping comments from Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky that reality-checked AI applications…

Generative AI, ChatGPT 2 launched late November 2022. When it launched, I think we all got like incredibly excited. It was kind of like the moment probably some of us first discovered the Internet or maybe when the iPhone was launched.

And when it was launched, you had this feeling that everything was going to change.

But I think one of the things we’ve learned over the last say 18 months or nearly two years, 22 months since ChatGPT launched is that it’s going to take a lot longer than people think for applications to change.

But if you look at your home screen, which of your apps are fundamentally different because of the AI? Like fundamentally different because of generative AI. Very little, especially even less in e-commerce or travel. 


Why Big Tech’s Relationship to the Extremist Zionist Israelis is a BIG DEAL!

Saudi Defense Minister and Deputy Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman. Image Source.

While this recent news that American Big Tech companies are providing military assistance to Israel may seem insignificant to those of us living in the West, I can assure you that this is very significant news in the Middle East, and for the future of American Big Tech companies.

As I write this on Wednesday, August 7th, 2024, an emergency meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) just ended a couple of hours ago in Saudi Arabia, to discuss how to deal with Israel, whom they claim has now become a rogue terrorist state that threatens every Muslim country in the Middle East.

As this war in the Middle East proceeds, there will be a lot of pressure for Middle Eastern countries to divest their investments into companies who support Israel, which has already been happening in the U.S. at American colleges and universities since earlier this year.

This spells trouble for the rich Muslim Gulf States who are heavily invested in Big Tech and Silicon Valley, especially Saudi Arabia, who owns significant stock in Musk’s X, and has a Venture Capital firm that invests $billions in American Big Tech.

Saudi Arabia has been increasing their investments in American Big Tech companies for the past several years in their desire to diversify their national assets beyond just petroleum and petroleum products.

How much longer will they keep those investments in place, as it becomes more and more obvious that they are overpriced due to this AI bubble that is crashing, and that now the entire Muslim world associates these Big Tech companies with Zionist Israel and the genocide currently happening there?

Oh yes, this is a VERY BIG deal, and the safe bet here is that the wealthy Arab states, beginning with Saudi Arabia, will be compelled to divest their interests in American Big Tech due to their being complicit with Zionist Israel.

What a huge economic opportunity this is going to be for China, who has just recently publicly supported the Palestinian cause,  if we all survive what is coming next.

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