by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

President-elect Donald Trump is not even in office yet, but the International Pedophile Child Sex Trafficking Network is already working hard to keep their deep, dark secrets of child sex trafficking hidden.

As I reported yesterday, Elon Musk along with Trump intervened to kill the bipartisan agreed upon CR budget bill that would have forced Social Media companies to take down AI generated pornography of children, and forced Congress to resubmit the bill without it, ensuring that Musk and the other pedophile Billionaires who own the world’s most popular Social Media websites will continue earning $billions on child pornography.

And yet even today, 24 hours later, I have not seen one single media source cover this issue, as Republicans hail Musk and Trump as heroes. See:

“Take it Down Act” to Protect Children from Online Sex Abuse had Bipartisan Support with Unanimous Senate Approval – Musk and Trump Killed It

The author of the bill, the “Take it Down Act”, is Texas U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, who publicly urged members of the House to pass this bill before Christmas, as thousands of young school children around the country were praying for this bill to become law before Christmas.

Musk and Trump prevented that, even though the “Take it Down Act” would not have cost American taxpayers one cent, but would have been picked up by Big Tech.

Senator Cruz had just stated a few days ago that House leader Mike Johnson could fast-track the bill, but even when it was taken out of the Budget Bill, that was not done, even through the House did it to another Bill that was cut out of the CR Budget bill, the Washington, D.C. RFK stadium provision, which was rushed and approved as a separate law when it was excluded from the Budget bill.

Control over RFK stadium

A deal to give Washington, DC greater control over the RFK stadium appeared to be lost when it was left out of the bill passed by the House on Friday — but in an early morning surprise, the Senate unanimously passed a bill giving DC control over the land around the stadium.

HR 4984, the DC Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium Campus Revitalization Act, previously passed the House 348-55 in February. If signed into law by President Joe Biden, the measure will transfer the land around the stadium from the federal government to DC — paving the way for the stadium to be redeveloped, and for the NFL’s Washington Commanders to return to the location after spending the last 27 years in Landover, Maryland. (Source.)

So while Washington D.C. got their new football stadium, America’s children did NOT get their promised protection from online pedophiles.

So how did Ted Cruz respond to this, since he campaigned so hard the past few weeks to get the “Take it Down Act” passed by the House, which just days ago was passed unanimously by the Senate?

Senator Cruz was a speaker at a rally held today (Sunday, December 22, 2024) in Phoenix, Arizona, where Donald Trump also spoke.

I listened to Senator Cruz’s speech, to see what he might say about the future of the “Take it Down Act” and all the promises he made to America’s children these past many weeks, about protecting them from pedophiles online.

I clipped out his speech from earlier today (less than 10 minutes), so you can hear it directly from his mouth:

I’ve listened to it twice now, and I didn’t hear anything about the “Take it Down Act” and how the new administration is going to protect American children from online predators, did you? Did I miss it??

Here’s what I heard:

Ted Cruz loves bitcoin and is the only member of Congress who mines his own bitcoin, the new administration is going to lock up every student on every college and university campus who does not support Israel, being labeled as “antisemitic”, and if they are from a foreign country, they will be shipped back home, and the new administration is going to defeat Russia, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran, as they apparently plan to expand the wars in the Middle East and Ukraine.

Protecting children online from sex predators did not make the cut in this speech.

And while Ted Cruz and Donald Trump were in Phoenix giving speeches today, other Republican leaders took to the Sunday morning talk shows to throw their support behind Trump Elon Musk.

Republicans embrace “our prime minister” Elon Musk

Republican members of Congress took to the Sunday shows to praise Trump lieutenant Elon Musk’s involvement in last week’s government funding saga, with one likening him to “our prime minister.”

“It’s kind of interesting, we have a president, we have a vice president, we have a speaker. It feels like Elon Musk is our prime minister,” Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-Texas) said in a CBS “Face the Nation” hit.

Gonzales said he spoke with Musk “a couple times this week,” adding that “many of us” did so while acknowledging the Tesla CEO is “unelected.”

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures” that his idea to elect Musk as House speaker “might have been tongue-in-cheek,” but, “I do appreciate his input.”

Thank god Elon Musk bought Twitter, because that’s the only way we would even know what’s in this bill,” Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.) said of Musk’s efforts to kill the bipartisan bill on CNN’s “State of the Union.” (Full article.)

Well it is time to remind Americans that the leaders running Washington D.C. are all part of the International Child Sex Trafficking network, and that it has been this way for a long time.

It cost Richard Nixon his presidency in the 1970s in what was called “Watergate”, who along with the Rev. Billy Graham ran a child sex trafficking ring right through the White House, and that the same thing continued under Reagan and Clinton, and is continuing through today.

The Biden family is part of it, and they don’t even appear to be hiding this fact, as President Joe Biden pardoned his pedo son, Hunter Biden, and then also pardoned one of the most evil judges of our lifetimes, Pennsylvania judge Michael Conahan, who is infamous as the “cash for kids” judge that illegally put away over 2,300 children, some as young as eight years old, into private prisons where they were sexually abused and trafficked. (Source.)

Donald Trump’s rise to power in politics in 2016, where he “miraculously” defeated Hillary Clinton, overshadowed the real news story of that year, Pizzagate, which was exposed by Wikileaks editor Julian Assange, showing to the world that a powerful International Pedo Ring controlled most, if not all, of the political leaders in the U.S and around the world.

Hillary was apparently deemed “too damaged” by these leaks to be elected, and so Trump was chosen instead, along with what appeared to be a CIA-planned psyop called “Q” to draw the public’s attention away from Trump and the Republicans and their own involvement in Pizzagate.

NOTHING has changed here at the end of 2024, heading into 2025, except that the Pedophile leaders now have more power than ever before, as the last remaining major lawsuits against the Jeffrey Epstein Banking Empire were defeated in 2023.

Jeffrey Epstein won, and he is probably sitting on an island somewhere drinking margaritas and raping children every day.

A carefully scripted video was released last year at Christmas time by Kevin Spacey and Tucker Carlson, and as you listen to Spacey, who was acquitted on sexual abuse charges himself that year (2023), it is almost like listening to the voice of Jeffrey Epstein and Satan himself being projected through Kevin Spacey, bragging that they finally beat the judicial system once and for all with their pedo crimes that year, and that they are just giving the American people what they want.

(You’ll learn more about Kevin Spacey in Fiona Barnett’s testimony below.)

To document the history of powerful pedophile leaders from the International Child Sex Trafficking network running the United States, from Watergate to Pizzagate, I am going to re-publish a section from Australian whistleblower Fiona Barnett, who grew up in this network as a child who was sexually trafficked by the rich and powerful.

I have shared her video testimony in the past, but I just recently discovered that she published a book about her experiences, and that it was updated in 2020.

I found it on, and you would do well to download this book before is taken offline again.


Once you go down this road that leads to the truth that Satan runs this world through an International Pedophile Network, you cannot unlearn what you have learned, and it can change your life, either for the better by understanding the truth and learning how to fight back against it, or by denying the truth and continuing to believe in lies, instead, with deadly eternal consequences.

I first learned this truth a decade ago, when I started the website and started meeting some of the victims of this network, and publishing some of their stories.

The information was so sickening to learn, that I was sick for 6 months and did not leave my house until I could recover.

And even today when I go out in public, I do not view the world the same way. I know, from experience and research, that statistically these predators and pedophiles are all around us, in our family, in our community, and especially in our churches.

When I am in public I always survey my surrounding and the people in it, knowing that I am more than likely going to see pedophiles there, or child traffickers with children that don’t belong to them, but were kidnapped from their families through the Foster Care and Adoption child trafficking networks.

Young children with adults who do not look to be of the same ethnicity is one sign, as are many other signs I have learned to observe over the years. They are literally everywhere, so prevalent is this problem, especially here in the U.S.

Trust no one, except the one who is blameless and perfect, Jesus Christ, our Savior and the Messiah of the world.

This is the first chapter from Fiona Barnett’s book, Eyes Wide Open.

We are at war. The current battle is for our minds and wills. Their weapon is psychology. Our defence is vigilance, adaptation, wisdom, patience and endurance. It is time for everyone to adapt to the new normal, just as we Military Mind Control victims learned to do as young children. It is time to redefine the meaning of life, the universe and everything, and to realise what truly matters.

The Book of Daniel (12:10) said of these ‘end times’:

Many shall be purified and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.

Watergate was Pedogate

The Watergate break-in was strictly based on one thing – the pedophile records that were being kept at the Democratic National Headquarters.” – Detective James Rothstein (NYPD, Retired)

In October 2016, I presented at Colin Ross’ Trauma & Dissociation conference in Seattle, USA. Following my talk, one attendee approached me in the hotel lobby where my fellow presenters sat at their merchandise stalls.

‘All this!’ she shouted while sweeping her arm across the sideshow alley of over-priced books, stickers, and fridge magnets, ‘All this is shit! You have the real stuff! Where’s your book?!’ Tears welled in her eyes. ‘Write a book! Please write a book!’

Yes, I have the real stuff. I am not some left-brain dominant academic pretending to understand what it is like to be a victim of the most heinous crimes.

I lived it. I spent my developmental years trapped in a mind control labyrinth. I spent my adult years navigating an escape. I eventually achieved what few victims of the most extreme abuse do, integration.

I may therefore declare with authority what does and does not work.

I prefer the term ‘victim’ to ‘survivor’ because the latter implies my ordeal is over.

My ordeal will likely never end.

As Dr Reina Michaelson warned, ‘Fiona, I think this is a life sentence.’ Indeed, I serve a life sentence for crimes committed against me, with the full knowledge and blessing of the Australian government.

I am constantly harassed by police, paid agitators, agent academics and journalists, DID sleeper cells, perpetrator relatives, soldout victims, fake advocates, professional social media trolls, police SOIs (special intelligence operatives), and retired intelligence community thugs hired to do the dirty work of VIPs who dare not overtly attack me for fear of attracting media attention to their part in the international child trafficking operation.

Recovery from extreme abuse begins with realising the true nature and extent of international child trafficking.

In 2015, Newcastle Herald journalist Ian Kirkwood wrote favourable articles in the wake of my Sydney press conference. I consequently passed to him a story regarding David Hogg, the Lifestyle Solutions founder who was later convicted of historical child sexual assault.

Kirkwood worked with Joanne McCarthy whose media campaign, starring whistle-blower Peter Fox, helped spark Australia’s Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse.

In 2012, Detective Chief Inspector Peter Fox exposed his colleagues’ coverup of a massive pedophile network in the Newcastle Catholic diocese. The NSW police hierarchy consequently physically threatened Peter Fox and demanded his doctor allow police to attend his private therapy sessions.

University of Sydney law graduate Margaret Cunneen chaired a Special Commission of Inquiry into child sex abuse in Newcastle which attacked and discredited Peter Fox and journalist Joanne McCarthy.

Cunneen had a history of supporting pedophiles.

In 2009 she attended the book launch of organised crime boss Roger Rogerson and admitted she had ‘known him since he was a detective.’ Detective Sergeant Roger Rogerson was dismissed from the NSW Police Force in 1986, meaning Cunneen associated with him during his underbelly heyday when he oversaw the trafficking of drugs and children in Sydney, and committed multiple murders to conceal his crimes.

Then in 2002, Margaret Cunneen advised Queensland Police to drop their prosecution of pedophile swim coach Scott Volkers on the grounds: (a) one victim’s sexual assault was too ‘trivial’ to prosecute; (b) 12-year-old female victims were unlikely to have developed breasts and thus allegations Volkers groped them would be difficult to substantiate; and (c) 12-year-old girls could not relax enough to experience orgasm while being abused.

Firstly, Cunneen’s conclusions defy biology. Secondly, my sister-in-law was Scott Volker’s assistant coach during the 1990s.

Long before Volkers hit the news, I was told he assaulted his own niece whom he regularly drove to swimming practise, that his pedophilia was common knowledge to Queensland Swimming staff including Greg Lawler who caught Volkers showering naked with Olympian Samantha Riley, and that Swimming Australia was generally infested with pedophiles including National Coach Don Talbot (my first swim teacher) who was deported from Canada for impregnating a 14-year-old, prior to being appointed as Australia’s head Olympic coach.

The federal Royal Commission into child abuse subsequently vindicated both Peter Fox plus the multiple victims of Scott Volkers who in 2018 was finally charged for the same crimes Margaret Cunneen dismissed. Cunneen was further discredited when Roger Rogerson was convicted of murder in 2014.

Cunneen narrowly escaped investigation by the Independent Commission Against Corruption in 2015.

As Chair of the Special Commission of Inquiry, Margaret Cunneen banned Peter Fox from including crucial evidence thereby prejudicing his testimony.

She subjected Fox to hours and days of aggressive interrogation, and facilitated his being slandered ‘a liar,’ ‘the devil incarnate,’ ‘obsessed’ with exposing pedophile priests, and involved in a ‘conspiracy’ with Newcastle Herald journalist Joanne McCarthy who was also interrogated under cross examination.

Cunneen branded Fox an ‘unreliable’ witness who acted ‘without integrity.’

I enjoyed afternoon tea with Peter Fox and witnessed the toll this took on someone who victims consider a national hero.

If only all NSW police were as obsessed with exposing pedophiles.

The NSW Police Force then targeted Deputy Police Commissioner Nick Kaldas for supporting Peter Fox. Kaldas was suddenly subjected to excessive scrutiny, investigation, public discrediting and career destruction.

Margaret Cunneen’s witch hunt occurred under the command of NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione who publicly supported pedophile Frank Houston, the Hillsong founder who sex trafficked kids to Kings Cross brothels in association with fellow child rapist Roger Rogerson.

So, if the Newcastle Herald would not publish my story, I figured, no other newspaper would.

I phoned Ian Kirkwood to request he investigate and publish my full story.

If only one mainstream journalist published my testimony against Antony Kidman, I reasoned, it would blow the international child trafficking network wide open.

During our call, Kirkwood relayed a conversation he once had with ‘a couple of spooks’ who told him that all senior politicians are pedophiles because that is how they are controlled.

Kirkwood asked me if that was my story.

‘That’s exactly right! That’s consistent with my experience.’ I tried to contain my excitement.

‘The mainstream media has long documented the CIA’s involvement in drugs and weapons trafficking, right?’

Kirkwood agreed, noting there had just been another story about that in the mainstream press.

‘Well then, is it so hard to imagine they are also involved in trafficking children which is far more lucrative than guns and drugs? ASIO and the CIA work together to traffic children between Australia and America. They’re the ones who trafficked me.’

The journalist promised to consider my request, bearing in mind he had a young family and publishing my story would surely place them at risk.

But he never got back to me.

A short time later, Ian Kirkwood developed a rare and aggressive form of cancer. I called him, expressed my condolences, and we chatted for a bit.

At the end of our conversation, I mentioned I was considering writing a book. I asked him to clarify and elaborate on what he told me of his encounter with the ‘spooks.’

‘I never said that,’ he bluntly asserted.

I sighed in resignation. There went my last chance at breaking into the mainstream media.

There sunk years of building rapport and credibility with mainstream journalists. There went years of investigating other abuse cases and passing my findings on to television and newspapers. Years of driving journalists around the district to personally meet victims. Years of results in other cases.

My Gold Coast Hogtie Doctor story went international, with paediatrician Neville Davis being banned from practising medicine in Australia (although that doesn’t stop him setting up shop in Thailand).

My story on Gary Willis’ 18-year child abuse spree ended with a life ban on his teaching for the NSW Education Department (although that didn’t stop him working for the Queensland Education Department).

My story on Daruk government boys home forced reluctant NSW police and 60 Minutes agent journalists to conduct a mop-up investigation.

I broke the Daruk story on my blog and negotiated it into the mainstream news. Sensational headlines about a victim having his penis cut off went global.

Police and the media charged multiple low-level perpetrators, and 60 Minutes falsely presented the story as ‘exclusive.’

Police and media conspired to bury the crux of the Daruk story, that it was a recruitment centre for (a) boy prostitutes used to service ASIO’s human compromise operation, and (b) Project MK-ULTRA lab rats.

Journalists may print all sorts of child abuse information, except that which exposes the global child trafficking operation.

I had come so close.

My October 2015 press conference – delivered in response to Senator Bill Heffernan’s announcement that a former prime minister was a pedophile – was statistically the most popular story on the Sydney Morning Herald website that day (although the news site’s computer technicians prevented it from displaying as the most viewed article).

Another of Prime Minister Bob Hawke’s sex assault victims, the daughter of Hawke’s architect Kevin Borland, agreed to address a follow-up press conference with me but pulled out last minute.

The USA National Inquirer intended to run a front-page story about Antony Kidman being a pedophile, until they received a vicious legal threat from his daughter Nicole Kidman.

A journalist and her photographer husband flew up from Sydney to interview me for a major Australian magazine, until Nicole Kidman took a ‘Scientology approach to managing’ me.

And a UK journalist travelled around the country interviewing me and two other victims of Antony Kidman for the Daily Mail, until one of the victims (whose parents were friends with Kidman) was threatened and subsequently withdrew his permission last minute.

Nicole Kidman’s PR team shut down my mainstream media exposure by drawing on her lucrative contracts with Australia’s media outlets. So, I turned to the internet. Armed with a simple meme app and a right-brain talent for lyric writing, I launched my own social media campaign. I spent five years in front of the computer, communicating with hundreds of victims and supporters, many fake, many genuine.

I hit the conspiracy theory jackpot when David Icke featured an enormous photograph of me and my story during his Australian speaking tour. 

My tactics worked. Online articles about Nicole Kidman, where the public was free to leave negative comments, were followed by streams of intelligent attacks on her heavily orchestrated stardom.

I realised my impact when Kidman’s PR team paid the Daily Mail plus a morning television show to feature an article tellingly titled, ‘Shame on you, Australia. Stop Hating on Nicole Kidman.’

People don’t hate Nicole Kidman as an individual. They hate what the Harvey Weinstein scandal subsequently highlighted: that Hollywood rewards something other than an ability to sing, dance or act.

Despite everything the pedophile network threw at me, my story still got out there, such that if you Google Antony Kidman’s name the words ‘child abuse’ soon follow.

Yet no amount of alternative media success can match a complete break into mainstream news. So, I admitted defeat. I stopped posting and did not bother checking my blog sites.

PEDOGATE – The 2016 US Presidential Election 

Days before the 2016 US Presidential Election, I received a barrage of phone texts from old friends asking if I was okay. People started questioning my kids regarding our family’s welfare.

I had no idea what was happening.

Then I checked my blog site. A spike of 100,000 views in one day stemmed from an article that activist group Anonymous published about my being trafficked to American VIPs as a kid.

They used my story to expose Hillary Clinton’s involvement in a child sex trafficking ring. The Clinton Foundation was a front for the trafficking of children including Haiti earthquake victims.

Bill and Hilary’s trafficking network implicated campaign chairman John Podesta, billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, and ‘Saint’ Mother Teresa.

In 1995, the Nobel Peace Prize recipient opened a Mother Teresa Home for Infant Children adoption centre in Washington DC with Hillary Clinton which quietly closed in 2002.

Mother Teresa’s Roman Catholic order, Missionaries of Charity, came under Indian government investigation for child trafficking, with a nun arrested for selling babies. Mother Teresa accepted donations from Haiti dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier.

Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficked minors to VIPs including Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, Prince Andrew, Kevin Spacey, and Bill Clinton who flew aboard the Lolita Express to Epstein’s ‘Little St. James’ pedophile island in the Caribbean.

Epstein is among the many VIPs and government heads who knowingly donated money to the Clinton Foundation child trafficking operation. The Clinton Foundation received $88 million from Australian taxpayers between 2006 and 2014, peaking during Welsh-born Australian ALP Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s term.

Hilary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta and his brother Tony Podesta were staying in a Portuguese villa owned by UK politician Sir Clement Freud, in the same resort where British child Madeleine McCann was when she disappeared.

Clement Freud was Sigmund Freud’s grandson. British media outed Clement Freud as a violent child rapist. John and Tony Podesta perfectly matched the identikit images Scotland Yard released of Madeleine’s abductors.

Pedogate, as the scandal became known, surfaced when Wikileaks released emails from John Podesta’s account in October 2016.

The emails notably outed Hillary Clinton as a self-confessed ‘Molech’ worshipper, and captured politicians ordering children for pedophile parties using alleged fast-food code words.

The content of the Podesta emails is consistent with the following leak from a CIA cut-out company called STRATFOR:


From: Fred Burton [mailto:bu****@st******.com” data-original-string=”u99YzBN+yMGuCP9ZaIXuDahRBZS1ukAAYcMNeko7gsE=” title=”This contact has been encoded by Anti-Spam by CleanTalk. Click to decode. To finish the decoding make sure that JavaScript is enabled in your browser.]
Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2009 2:39 PM
To: ‘Don Kuykendall’
Cc: ‘Aaric Eisenstein’; ‘Darryl O’Connor’; ‘Copeland Susan’ Subject: RE: Get ready for ‘Chicago Hot Dog Friday’
I think Obama spent about $65,000 of the tax-payers money flying in pizza/dogs from Chicago for a private party at the White House not long ago, assume we are using the same channels?


A related email from STRATFOR’s president informed Aaric Eisenstein (of SVP Publishing):

‘Aaric, you can participate as well!’

‘If we get the same ‘waitresses,’ I’m all for it!!!’ Aariac Eisenstein replied.

If STRATFOR staff were talking about a Whitehouse orgy, the word ‘waitresses’ was placed in inverted comas to indicate its alternative meaning.

Waitressed would typically be prostitutes, most likely child prostitutes.

According to this email (disseminated by Anonymous and Wikileaks), President Barrack Obama ordered $65,000 worth of fast food, an act which contravened Whitehouse policy dictating all food be prepared onsite using raw ingredients to counter the security risk posed by externally prepared foods.

The leaked emails prompted Hilary Clinton to publicly declare Australian award-winning journalist and whistle-blower Julian Assange a ‘dead man walking.’

Child prostitutes visiting the Whitehouse is old news.

On 29 June 1989, the front page of the Washington Times read (see image above):


The sensational headline concerned the Franklin Scandal in Omaha Nebraska that David Shurter was a victim of and witness to.

Shurter is also a victim of my perpetrator Lt. Col. Michael Aquino who was implicated in Franklin plus the Presidio and McMartin preschool scandals in which children were sexually and ritually abused.

Pedogate whistle-blowers claimed, children trafficked to Washington DC were held in transit cellars within local businesses including a restaurant where an ‘entertainer’ was filmed boasting about raping and killing kids.

Clean FBI and NYPD officers apparently made multiple attempts to charge Hillary Clinton and other VIP members of the trafficking ring, but their efforts were thwarted by those in the chain of command above them.

One of the attempted charges related to a video of Hillary Clinton and her bisexual lover Huma Aberdeen (wife of pedophile Anthony Weiner) conducting a Luciferian ritual in which they skinned the face off a live young girl.

The dissemination of this video was the said reason behind YouTube’s global shutdown that occurred in late 2018 while I was online. Someone later posted forensic photos of the skinned victim on my Twitter feed which I automatically viewed.

Mainstream media giants launched a cover-up campaign against the leaked Podesta emails and related crimes, to muddy the waters and leave the general public confused about the truth.

The likes of CNN (founded by my pedophile rapist Ted Turner) successfully drew the public’s attention from what was contained in the emails, to who might have leaked them and spread ‘fake news.’

The pedophiles coined the term ‘fake news’ in reaction to the publication of Podesta’s emails.

Clinton herself never addressed or denied the email contents. The emails were said to have been leaked by US Intelligence community staff opposed to organised pedophilia.

Mainstream journalists whose reports were consistent with this version of events were promptly fired.

Further, over 100 Clinton staff and associates met untimely deaths, in quick succession, just like the many witnesses to JFK’s assassination, and the victim of and witnesses to Kevin Spacey’s sexual assaults.

Pedogate was discredited as ‘fake news’ despite NBC’s (11 June 2013) televised report regarding Hillary Clinton using her position as US Secretary of State to cease an investigation into child sex trafficking within the State Department.

Despite the mainstream media blackout, Pedogate reached the public via social media.

YouTube featured interviews with credible witnesses who testified to the existence of an international child sex trafficking operation involving US politicians and the CIA.

That was when I noticed retired NYPD Detective James Rothstein. Pedogate, he explained in interview, was the same VIP pedophile network he investigated for 35 years.

The perpetrators were doing everything in their power to shut the Pedogate story down, Rothstein observed. He predicted the perpetrators would successfully bury it just like every other time their network was almost exposed, including the Franklin, Presidio, and McMartin scandals.

Rothstein explained that the NYPD was no ordinary state police force, but a leading investigative agency with national and international offices.

Back in 1966, Rothstein became the first police detective assigned to investigate the prostitution industry. Almost immediately he discovered an underground sexual blackmail operation that compromised politicians with child prostitutes.

‘Human Compromise’ is what he labelled the honey-trap process. Rothstein and his colleagues found that approximately 70 percent of top US Government leaders were compromised in this way.

Rothstein said, the CIA conducted the human compromise operation, while the FBI was tasked with covering up any leaks.

The CIA trafficked the kids, the FBI covered their tracks

A subsequent news article validated Rothstein’s allegation against the FBI:

Prince Andrew’s role in Jeffrey Epstein paedo scandal is being covered up by the FBI, claims ex top cop who say he has hours of damning CCTV footage
Jon Lockett, The Sun, 25 Sep 2019

… John Mark Dougan – who fled to Moscow following a raid by the Feds on his home – also says he has hundreds of hours of footage from the billionaire paedo’s Florida mansion…

2020 Update

Here are some facts that have subsequently emerged in the Jeffrey Epstein case, which support Rothstein’s description of a global child trafficking operation used to compromise VIPs.

This case notably features the role of female predators and ‘baby breeders’ in child trafficking operations – something I argued for years.

Virginia Roberts testified that Ghislaine Maxwell was a lesbian pedophile who daily
sexually assaulted underage girls and sex slaves.
– Ghislaine Maxwell teamed up with Epstein for threesomes with underaged sex
trafficked girls.
– Ghislaine Maxwell recruited young girls from parks, into prostitution and sex slavery,
under the guise of offering modelling careers.
– Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein instructed Virginia Roberts to have a baby and
sign the newborn over to her perpetrators.
– Prince Andrew participated in a sex orgy with multiple international underaged sex
trafficked girls on Epstein Island.
– Epstein and Maxwell prostituted Virginia Roberts to multiple VIPs including British
Royalty, billionaires, a Harvard law professor, and world leaders including ‘a Prime

The following news articles add spectacular evidence to Rothstein’s claims:

Jeffrey Epstein book claims he and Ghislaine Maxwell were ‘Mossad spies’ who ‘filmed US politicians and power players having sex with underage girls to blackmail them’
Jennifer Smith, Daily Mail, 6 December 2019

– Dylan Howard’s book Epstein: Dead Men Tell No Tales proposes the theory that
Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein were Israeli spies
– It says Ghislaine’s late father Robert introduced Jeffrey to Mossad handlers before he
died in 1991
– Robert – who was also a Mossad spy, according to the book’s sources – told them to
‘accept’ Jeffrey
– They believe he and Ghislaine then lured prominent politicians and celebrities into
sleeping with underage girls they provided, filmed it and blackmailed them
– There is no proof that Epstein has tapes of anyone sleeping with underage girls
– However, several of his victims say his homes were wired with cameras and that he
kept the footage in a safe
– Both the FBI and New York authorities which raided his home are refusing to confirm
whether or not such tapes exist

‘FBI is involved in Jeffrey Epstein cover-up’
Tom Parfitt, The Times, 25 September 2019

A former US police officer who fled to Russia and claims to have hundreds of hours of video from Jeffrey Epstein’s properties has said that the FBI may be helping to cover up Prince Andrew’s alleged role in the sexual abuse scandal. MI6 sources fear that John Mark Dougan, a former US Marine and Florida deputy sheriff, may have passed compromising information about the prince to Russian authorities…

James Rothstein said he was alerted to an identical VIP pedophile ring operating in the UK when Scotland Yard consulted him regarding the Profumo Affair.

UK agents visited Rothstein in New York to extract anything he knew about British politicians and other VIPs having sex with child prostitutes. Britain were in damage control, tying up loose ends, covering up the true pedophile nature of the Profumo Affair.

Here is my email exchange with Rothstein concerning this incident:

From: Fiona
Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2018 6:24 PM
To: Jim
Subject: CIA Hollywood pedophiles being exposed
Incidentally, someone criticised my writing saying the Profumo Affair was 1963 and before your appointment, and so you are a disinfo agent. Obviously, I don’t believe that – but can you tell me what to say in your defence regarding those dates?
Subject: RE: CIA Hollywood pedophiles being exposed
From: Jim
Date: Monday, July 30, 2018 at 10:41 AM
To: Fiona

That is correct. They did not do the follow up until a number of years later after the Profumo case broke. My source in the business knew the whole story. They were making sure that there was no other connection to the operation we had in New York.

Here is a copy of the actual report. The part they were looking for was from 1963.

In the late 60’s, Rothstein is called to attend a meeting with a number of New York Police Department officials and two agents from Scotland Yard at a high-end restaurant on the Upper East Side. (They picked up the tab). Scotland Yard was following up on the Profumo Scandal in 1963. They were trying to find out if their national security had been compromised. Profumo had used the services of Christine Keeler and Mandy Rice Davies. The two girls had also been involved with a Russian, Yevgeny Ivanov. The connection in New York was that Keeler and Davies had been associated with a high-level prostitution ring operating out of an apartment on Fifty Sixth Street and Second Avenue. Rothstein calls on Peggy to determine who was operating the ring and what was going on at the prostitution operation on 56 St. and 2nd Ave. Rothstein conducted an in-depth investigation using Peggy’s information and determined that the association between Keeler, Davies, and the Madam of the Prostitution House on 56 St. and 2 Ave. were in fact true. The information Rothstein gleaned from the investigation verified that the location was being used to set-up and compromise victims. Rothstein believes it is a sanctioned State of the Art, High-End human intelligence and human compromise operation.

The late 60’s was 68-69. I became a cop in 1965 Feb. 15. _________________________________________________

Rothstein and his law enforcement associates realised the international pedophile rings were all connected. He said the VIP members met at various world locations where each destination catered for a different type of degenerate sexual proclivity, including ‘satanicthemed’ abuse.

Rothstein said he and his colleagues encountered fierce resistance to the investigation and prosecution of members of the child trafficking operation. His journalist contacts at the New York Times and Washington Post could not get stories about the VIP ring printed.

All police, FBI, customs and IRS officers who pursued the VIP pedophile network above street level had their careers subsequently destroyed.

Rothstein’s attempts to arrest key perpetrators were continually thwarted.

For example, the time he served the head of the CIA’s human compromise operation, Tippy Richardson. According to pedophile-turnedpolice-informant Ben Rose, in November 1971, Tippy Richardson, businessman Leonard Stewart (from OPEC, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) and a surgeon named Dr Chesky, raped and murdered three boys aged 14 to 15 years in Ben Rose’s apartment on East 64th Street in New York City.

The New York State Select Committee on Crime subsequently served subpoenas on both Tippy Richardson and Leonard Stewart. When served, Tippy Richardson said that because he worked for the CIA the subpoena would be withdrawn under the National Security Act by the time Rothstein and his colleague returned to their offices. That is precisely what occurred.

In 1972, Rothstein arrested one of the five Watergate burglars, CIA operative Frank Sturgis.

During a subsequent two-hour interrogation, Rothstein discovered the truth about Watergate (plus Sturgis’ and the CIA’s involvement in the Bay of Pigs incident, and the related assassination of JFK).

Sturgis told Rothstein, the Watergate burglars sought something they nicknamed ‘The Book’ which listed the Democratic and Republican politicians who accessed child prostitutes, their sexual proclivities, the amounts they paid to rape kids, etc.

The official Watergate explanation is that the Liberals broke into Democratic National Committee Headquarters to obtain information about their election strategies.

People who lived through Watergate typically comment with a frown, ‘That never made sense.’

Rothstein’s experiences make better sense of why Nixon conspired to quash the Watergate investigation, why he suggested the investigation posed a threat to national security, why his personal secretary destroyed Oval Office tape recordings after they were subpoenaed, why chief CIA psychologist John W. Gittinger was called to testify at the congressional committee that investigated Watergate, and why Nixon’s own Vice President issued a pardon which protected Nixon from prosecution for any crimes he had ‘committed or may have committed or taken part in’ as President.

If Nixon’s crimes included pedophilia, that would make perfect sense.

I am confident President Richard Nixon and his good buddy ‘the Reverend’ Billy Graham were named in the Watergate pedophile records. I am confident of this because I was sex trafficked by CIA head psychologist John W. Gittinger to both men as a young child.

I spoke with James Rothstein on 13 April 2018, 9:48 am and asked him whether he knew, or had heard, that Nixon was a pedophile.

‘No, I did not,’ he quipped with surprise and interest.

I next asked him whether he knew about Billy Graham being a pedophile.

At this, Rothstein chortled and responded confidently, ‘Oh, we heard lots about that!’


I published a draft of this Watergate was Pedogate chapter on my blog in 2018.

It proved popular.

‘Watergate was Pedogate is the best thing I ever read,’ one reader commented.

My article caused great controversy, particularly among Southern Baptist Billy Graham worshipers who told me I was the talk of many a Sunday table.

Photographs published by Billy’s son Franklin Graham on social media showing him proudly dining on what he described as ‘killer doughnuts’ at Voodoo Doughnuts in Portland added weight to my allegation, that Billy Graham was a multi-generational Luciferian pedophile.

Many concluded that Franklin Graham posted his tweet as a cult threat against me, in direct response to my articles exposing his Freemason father.

Conservative Christians found it inappropriate for an evangelical preacher to dine at an establishment that sold doughnuts decorated with encircled pentagrams and which featured Jesus Christ crucified on a penis and testicle shaped doughnut called ‘Cock-N-Balls.’

My articles caused one elderly Baptist to cut the Billy Graham Foundation from her will.

The CIA intervened to protect their agent Billy Graham.

One of my key perpetrators, US Army Psychological Operations expert Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, weighed in on an orchestrated international effort to discredit me.

Another perpetrator, Bond University lecturer Katarina Fritzon, responded to my allegations on official Bond University letterhead. The written responses of my two perpetrators mirrored each other in their accusation I was a crazy fantasist.

Yet people typically ignore crazy fantasists. People respond to someone who is swaying public opinion and who threatens to expose their cult involvement.

Only the most desperate and dumb perpetrators respond personally in writing. After this umpteenth attack on my credibility failed, the fool who published both responses subsequently begged social media sharers to delete Luciferian priest Michael Aquino’s email to him, before he disappeared from the internet.


Dutch banker Ronald Bernard also surfaced in the wake of the Pedogate scandal to shed further light on the people and system behind the international child trafficking network.

During a series of interviews with one Irma Schiffers, Bernard explained how he worked in international finance and high-end money laundering for 12 years.

In that role, he discovered that political power does not reside with publicly elected representatives, but with the world’s 8,000 to 8,500 wealthiest individuals who exercise power behind the scenes and who routinely manipulate the media.

These elites, Bernard said, sit at the top of a power structure that resembles a pyramid:

World Banking Power Structure

8,000 – 8,500 wealthiest individuals
Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
IMF (International Monetary Fund) + World Bank
Central Banks
Multinational companies
Countries’ governments

Ronald Bernard described the Central Banks as ‘illegally created private banks’ which oversee the commercial banking system of their respective countries. He said the wealthiest 8,000 to 8,500 people created the BIS in 1930.

Since the world’s richest individuals are too young to have helped establish the BIS 88 years ago, he must mean banking dynasties like the Rothschilds.

Read the full chapter, and the rest of the book you can download here.

Fiona Barnett in her own words:


The Five Child Trafficking Networks as Revealed by a Woman Who was Chosen to Succeed the “Queen Mother of Darkness” but was Rescued by Jesus Christ

Medically Kidnapping Children for Drug Trials and Sex Abuse – The History of the CIA Project MK-ULTRA

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This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

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