by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
If you examine the news carefully today regarding the war in the Middle East right now, and the overall beginning stages of WW III we are currently seeing unfold, the evidence points to the fact that at the highest levels everyone is working together to continue the flow of oil and trying to get the price of oil higher, which so far they have failed to do.
Ever since the war between Russia and Ukraine broke out in 2022, we have seen dire warnings in the Western Media about how the price of oil is going to spike higher due to war.
This narrative continued this week with an article penned by Simon Watkins and published on The narrative that Watkins is trying to communicate is clearly expressed in the title of the article:
U.S. And Iranian Attacks In The Middle East Threaten Major Oil Price Rises
But in his attempt to document evidence to support this claim that the price of oil is poised to spike higher now that the U.S. has started bombing Iranian-backed militants, he actually admits that China, Iran, and the U.S. have been collaborating together to keep the export of oil flowing out of Iran to China in spite of embargoes for quite some time now, showing that it is all one big happy family looking out for each other when it comes to oil imports and exports around the globe.
[T]he White House has been choosing to disregard a dramatic rise in illegal oil exports from Iran to China since Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February 2022.
Irrespective of whether oil enters the global market legally or illegally it nonetheless satisfies a demand and helps to dampen down prices.
In the case of this second factor, the U.S.’s toleration of increased oil flows from Iran to China also meant that Beijing was relatively content to use its huge influence in the Middle East to further keep political tensions down.
According to one source who works closely with Iran’s Petroleum Ministry and another who works in the European’s Union’s energy security complex – both exclusively spoken to by within the last month – as from 12 December 2023 to 18 January this year Iran was producing between 4.6-4.9 million barrels per day (bpd).
This has subsequently dropped to an average of around 4.2-4.5 million bpd. This compares to official figures of 2.99 million bpd. Subtracting the oil used domestically and in the manufacture of other products, Iran has been exporting around 1.80-1.95 million bpd of crude during that period, and for several months before the figure was only slightly less.
Most of this additional oil goes to China through the various methods of sanctions avoidance analysed in full in my new book on the new global oil market order.
Suffice it to say here, part of this involves just switching off a ship’s automatic identification systems (AIS) transponder, making the vessel more difficult to track.
Another part involves simply lying about a ship’s final destination in the freight documentation and in the vessel’s voyage plan. This standard Iranian sanctions-avoidance measure was openly acknowledged in 2020 by its former Petroleum Minister, Bijan Zanganeh, when he said: “What we export is not under Iran’s name. The documents are changed over and over, as well as [the] specifications.”
Additionally, transfers at sea in territorial waters of Malaysia and Indonesia have proven another popular way for Iran to move oil ultimately to China. As Iran’s then-Foreign Minister, Mohammad Zarif, stated in December 2018 at the Doha Forum: “If there is an art that we have perfected in Iran, [that] we can teach to others for a price, it is the art of evading sanctions.”
From China’s side, the system of quietly buying sanctioned Iranian oil has worked flawlessly for years and continued to work in the same way now…
Put simply: crude oil that goes into ‘bonded storage’ is not put through China’s General Administration of Customs (GAC) at all – and is not even recorded as having been ‘paid for’ – and consequently does not appear on any GAC documentation. This meant – and still means – that China can import as much Iranian oil as it wants without the oil appearing in any import figures and without, as far as the letter of the law is concerned, China breaking any U.S. sanctions.
This long-time collusive misrepresentation of the size of Iranian oil flows to China has particularly suited both the U.S. and China – and the world, in fact – since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. (Full article.)
An article published on today reports that the U.K. plays this game as well.
UK bypassing own ban on Russian oil – study
Britain has bought over $700 million worth of petroleum products derived from sanctioned oil since 2022, a report has found
The UK has been bypassing its own ban on Russian oil by using a “refinery loophole” to import millions of barrels of the sanctioned commodity in the form of fuels processed in third countries, the BBC reported on Monday, citing two separate studies.
A recent investigation by the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA) claimed that India and China, which have become the top buyers of Russian oil after the West banned it, are refining sanctioned crude into jet fuel and diesel and then re-selling it to countries across the world, including the UK.
Re-exporting processed oil is not illegal and does not breach the UK’s ban on Russian oil due to internationally recognized “rules of origin,” which define the country where crude was processed into fuel for commercial purposes as the country of origin.
However, the “refining loophole” comes in contrast to London’s claims that there have been no imports of Russian oil since 2022. (Full article.)
India even confirmed last month that they were in fact participating in this charade, that allowed Russian oil to be bought by them at cheap prices, only to be sold at higher prices to Europe.
Europe bought Russian oil via India at record rates in 2023
NEW DELHI: In 2023, Europe saw a significant increase in its imports of refined oil from India, coinciding with a notable rise in India’s imports of Russian crude oil. This trend suggests that European consumers likely received large volumes of oil products originally sourced from Russia via India, despite sanctions imposed following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a report by The Independent said.
India, maintaining its diplomatic balance, continued to purchase Russian oil amid the Ukraine conflict, simultaneously fostering closer defense and trade relationships with Western nations. (Full article.)
ZeroHedge News has reported that anytime there is a news story that breaks suggesting that there are Israel-Hamas cease-fire talks progressing, that algorithms kick in to decrease the price of oil in the markets. War is good for oil profits, peace and cease-fires are not.
It’s been a few days since we had a breaking headline out of the Israel-Hamas ceasefire talks, and so Qatari decided to break the silence with another market test:
…which instantly led to another algo-driven dump in oil, just like last week when Al Jazeera reported, briefly, that Hamas had a ‘positive response’ to the Israeli truce terms… before deleting the tweet.
The dump quickly reversed, however, when algos read the rest of the statement, namely that not even Al Thani could give details on the framework of the deal at the time.
Still, with the oil shorting CTA army reactivated (despite being near 100% net short oil, CTAs somehow always find some more capacity to short oil some more), and even though the latest headline was not actual news, oil is now down 50 cents and sliding because apparently peace is about to break out in the Middle East any second. (Full article.)
Yale University and the Skull and Bones Society – Training Satanic Zionist Leaders for the World
One way to see how the Satanic Jews control the world’s finances and the political leaders of the world, is to look at the history of Yale’s Skull and Bones secret society, whose previous members include U.S. Presidents and politicians, business leaders, and other influential members of society.
Yale even opened up branches in China, where they educated the Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedong. Here is a video that first includes a clip from the corporate media on Yale’s “secret society” called Skull and Bones, and then other video footage about Yale educated Chinese leaders.
While many believe that Yale’s Skull and Bones society is the counterintelligence group that founded the CIA, others describe it as a “compromised British intelligence network.”
Britain has long been seriously infiltrated by Russia and so NATO was compromised from the start. In addition to the well-known Cambridge Five traitors and the nuclear spies, there were also suspicions against MI5 Director Hollis and Lord Louis Mountbatten.
The infiltration problem also extends to old secret networks that Britain set up in the United States after the Revolutionary War. The British already had networks in the 13 colonies. And later, in the period of US expansion, the British sent new spies disguised as migrants and entrepreneurs. The close German relatives of the British nobility were also able to send additional spies.
The Skull&Bones organization is enormously influential in politics, the military and the secret services. It was involved in the preliminary phase of the communist revolution and then in technology sales to the Soviet Union.
Bones was also instrumental in the war on Islamic terror that had turned the entire Muslim world against the West. The administration of George W. Bush (Bones member) was particularly notable for its appeasement of the Putin regime.
In addition to American technology, the Soviets also received loans in a series of business agreements with the W.A. Harriman Company and the Guaranty Trust. Both of them full of Bones members. The law firm of Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett was located at 120 Broadway in New York in the 1920s and helped the interests of the Soviet Union.
The law firm was founded in 1884 by Thomas Thacher (Skull and Bones 1871). His son, Thomas Day Thacher (Bones class of 1904), worked for the family law firm after leaving Yale and entering the order. The younger Thomas Thacher worked for Henry L. Stimson (Bones 1888).
Elihu Yale
Elihu Yale was a British-American colonial administrator. His ancestors include the royal family of Plantagenet. Elihu’s father was a wealthy Boston merchant and lawyer to Robert Rich, 2nd Earl of Warwick, a member of the British Privy Council. Samuel Eaton, Elihu Yale’s uncle, helped found Harvard.
Elihu only lived in America as a child and spent the rest of his life in England, Wales and India. He became an employee of the infamous East India Company. In 1699 he returned to Britain with a considerable fortune of around £200,000, most of which he earned through the sale of diamonds. Notable diamonds from these mines included the Orlov Diamond, which belonged to Prince Grigory Orlov and Catherine the Great, the Black Orlov Diamond, which belonged to Russian princesses, and the Hope Diamond, which belonged to Louis XIV. London became the international trading center for diamonds.
Elihu’s neighbors included the Duke of Powis, Lord Chancellor Bathurst, Queen Anne and her son, Prince William, Duke of Gloucester. Elihu’s son-in-law was Lord James Cavendish. James was a grandson of Countess Elizabeth Cecil of Hatfield House, a member of the extremely influential House of Cecil. (Full article.)
If you still believe that Satanic Jewish Bankers run the world and control all the world leaders is a conspiracy theory and could never be true, then apparently you slept through the COVID Scam starting in 2020, where they got EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY IN THE WORLD to support the scam with lockdowns and new “medicines” (when the old ones clearly worked better to cure what used to be called “the flu”) and “vaccines”.
How else can you explain the fact that all these countries and all these leaders followed the exact same script on how to deal with the COVID-19 “virus”?
It’s all a show, and this show is on its last act, as their financial system is about to collapse, and they will use wars, fake plagues, UFOs, and everything else they can to deflect the world’s attention away from themselves as the cause.
See Also:
All Wars are Orchestrated by the Satanic Jewish Bankers
Insider Exposes Freemasonry as the World’s Oldest Secret Religion and the Luciferian Plans for The New World Order
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This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)
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