Original image source by Jabin Botsford of The Washington Post. Source.

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Elon Musk’s goal to purchase a U.S. President took a huge step forward yesterday when Billionaire Donald Trump was named the winner of the U.S. 2024 Presidential elections.

The New York Stock Market rejoiced in trading today knowing that one of their own had been elected again to the Presidency, as the DOW was up over 3.5% in what was reported as the largest post-election increase in over 100 years.

This follows a recent statement by Elon Musk a few days ago who stated that a stock market crash would follow a Trump victory. See:

Elon Musk Predicts Stock Market Crash Even if Trump Wins

That stock market crash did not happen today, as Musk saw his net worth soar $20 billion higher by the end of the trading session today.

While almost every manufacturer of electronic vehicles (EVs) saw their stock FALL in value today due to Trump’s promise to end government subsidies to purchase EVs, Tesla’s stock soared, thanks to Trump.

Tesla Inc. shares are surging Wednesday as investors reason that Donald Trump’s second term as president bodes well for the maker of electric vehicles.

While Republican governance might not normally be thought of as a good thing for EV makers, Tesla Chief Executive Elon Musk has close ties to Trump, who won the 2024 presidential election, according to the Associated Press. Musk was with Trump on Election Night.

Tesla’s stock is up more than 12% in Wednesday morning action. At a recent $283.55, the stock is on track for its highest close since July 19, 2023, when it finished at $291.26, according to Dow Jones Market Data.

Other EV stocks are down sharply, with Rivian Automotive Inc.’s off 9.0% and Lucid Group Inc.’s down 4.4%.

“We have a new star, a star is born, Elon,” Trump said in his victory speech.

“He’s an amazing guy.”

Trump went on to say that Musk was a “super genius” and that “we have to protect our geniuses.” (Source.)

Musk is a “super genius”? Takes one to know one, I guess, as the old saying goes.

Will Trump Keep His Promise to Drain the Swamp This Time?

Trump completely betrayed his supporters in 2016 when he promised to “drain the swamp,” by doing the exact opposite, as one of his first cabinet positions, Secretary of State, went to Chairman of the Board and CEO of ExxonMobil, Rex Tillerson, and then he appointed pharmaceutical company executives to most of the health agencies, especially during COVID.

Will he come through this time and actually keep his promise to drain the swamp?

I published a report earlier this year about some of the names that were being dropped for possible cabinet positions in a new Trump administration, and they sound pretty “swampy” to me.

Multiple sources have reported that Trump is considering Jamie Dimon, the Chairman and CEO of the largest, most complex and scandal-ridden bank in the United States, JPMorgan Chase Bank, as the Secretary of the Treasury.

In a recent article in the NY Post, however, reporter Charles Gasparino writes that the Secretary of the Treasury job is more likely to go to Larry Fink, the head of BlackRock and believed by some to be the most powerful person in the world.

Read the full article:

What Might Donald Trump’s Cabinet Look Like in a Second Term? Would He Drain the Swamp – Or Fill it Back Up?


The one name that is being floated for a cabinet position for Trump and strikes fear into the corporate media, is Zionist Robert F. Kennedy Jr., another former Jeffrey Epstein associate and known heroin addict who has been documented as a serial adulterer who also kept a sex diary of the women he has conquered, and has recently been reported as still having affairs at the age of 70.

The “alternative” media is all abuzz these days with hopes that Kennedy will be given a cabinet position to dismantle the FDA, and stop the COVID vaccines.

Does anybody seriously believe that Big Pharma would just stand by and let this happen, especially with how rich they all became under Trump’s first presidency??

Nevertheless, the corporate media has freaked out so much, that Mr. Kennedy had to issue a public statement today stating: “I’m not going to take away anybody’s vaccines.” (Source.)

Indeed, I have pointed out many times that Mr. Kennedy is NOT anti-vaccine. He just wants to make them “safer.”

And it appears that many in the “alternative” media have a short memory, because Trump promised Mr. Kennedy to head up some kind of committee overseeing vaccines back in 2016, but it never happened.

Well, Mr. Kennedy might get his little committee or whatever to look into vaccines and other issues at the alphabet “health” agencies such as the CDC, FDA, etc., but there is no way Big Pharma is going to let him have a cabinet position with any real authority.

People who believe such things clearly have no idea how and who runs this country.

It wasn’t Trump running the country the first time he was in office, and it won’t be Trump this time either.

Wall Street is cheering today, because they know they now have one of their own elected (whether or not he will actually make it to inauguration and be sworn into office, is another matter and not certain yet.).

Let the swamp filling begin.

Will Zionism Now Completely Shut Down Free Speech?

FBI Crime Statistics from 2022. Rise in Anti-Muslim hate crimes since October 2023 source from Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) – Rise in Anti-Jew hate crimes since October 2023 source from Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

As I write this on the day after the elections, the Republicans have gained control of the Senate, and seem poised to retain a majority in the House of Representatives.

Zionists in the U.S. and Israel must be rejoicing today, because if the GOP maintains its majority in the House, it would seem that nothing will now stand in their way to push forward with more “antisemitism” legislation, to deal with the “ferocious surge” they claim is happening with “antisemitism hate speech.”

As I reported earlier this year, however, a rise in “antisemitism” is no where to be found in the actual reported facts, where “hate crimes” make up a tiny portion of all violent crimes in the U.S., with over 3X more hate crimes reported against Blacks than Jews, and since October 2023 and the beginning of the Hamas-Israel war, more Muslims have been victims of hate crimes than Jews. See:

Is there a “Ferocious Surge” in Antisemitism in the U.S. Needing New Antisemitism Laws?

Will we see now a resurrection of Mike Johnson’s bill that already passed through the House but stalled in the Senate earlier this year to fight the “antisemitism virus”?

Will it soon become illegal to criticize Israel? See:

Exposing the Antisemitism Noahide Laws that Criminalize Belief in Jesus Christ as the Jewish Messiah Punishable by Execution

A French member of Parliament also recommended a similar bill this week in France.

French MP to propose bill banning ‘Israel’ criticism

Caroline Yadan, a member of the French National Assembly, will propose legislation that, among other things, prohibits “the denial of the State of Israel,” and restricts free speech

A Zionist member of France’s parliament proposed criminalizing all criticism of “Israel,” which has provoked an outcry among activists and lawmakers.

Caroline Yadan, a member of the French National Assembly, will propose legislation that, among other things, prohibits “the denial of the State of Israel,” and restricts free speech like using the phrase “from the river to the sea,” during pro-Palestine rallies. (Full article.)

It will be interesting to see how those in the “alternative” media who are jumping on the Elon Musk bandwagon and claiming that he is a “champion of free speech” will react when he no longer allows anyone to claim that Jesus Christ is the Jewish Messiah on his X platform, because it will be declared “illegal.”


Will Mandatory Support of Israel Soon Replace Mandatory COVID Vaccines as a Condition for Employment? Support for Israel Already Mandated in 38 States

New “Ark of The Covenant” Constructed as a Weapon and “Communication Device” was Taken to Trump Before Bringing it to Jerusalem

Comment on this article at HealthImpactNews.com.

This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

See Also:

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