Comments by Brian Shilhavy

I am republishing investigative reporter Jon Rappoport’s article that he wrote late Saturday night.

Jon Rappoport was a steady source of truth during the COVID scam years.

His Bio:

Jon Rappoport has worked as a free-lance investigative reporter for 30 years.

He has written articles on politics, health, media, culture and art for LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, Village Voice, Nexus, CBS Healthwatch, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe.

In 1982, the LA Weekly submitted his name for a Pulitzer prize, for his interview with the president of El Salvador University, where the military had taken over the campus.

Jon has hosted, produced, and written radio programs and segments in Los Angeles and Las Vegas (KPFK, KLAV). He has appeared as a guest on over 200 radio and television programs, including ABC’s Nightline, Tony Brown’s Journal (PBS), and Hard Copy.

Here is his article on the Trump shooting incident.

The Trump Assassination Attempt

by Jon Rappoport

1:12AM Eastern Time, Sunday.

ONE: The glaring insanity, of course, is how did the shooter get access to the rooftop? 150 yards from the podium. There were multiple ways to cover it. The best: SS shooters THERE on that roof. Otherwise, drones. Helicopters circulating.

A total failure. Total.

I’m not buying the excuse that the SS was undermanned. They were, but that building should have been an A-1 priority. (And yes, Trump’s people have been turned down in their requests for more SS protection. Is the head of the SS more focused on bringing DEI through the door? (Seems like it.)

A convincing rally attendee told the press he and other people saw the shooter climbing up to the roof with a gun and shouted to cops and SS agents nearby, warning them, and got no response. Stunning.

The people who want to make a case the assassination was a planned inside job have ammunition from that attendee’s testimony.

TWO: SS agents kept Trump down on the floor behind the podium for close to a minute. Why? The podium was made out of thick steel? If the shooter was still active, he could have just pumped a lot of rounds at the lower part of the podium. Makes no sense.

The SS agents should have put bodies around Trump on all sides and carried him off the platform and into the secure van right away. Relentlessly. No stop allowed for a fist pump from Trump.

Another total failure.

And there was only one of those secure vans parked right there at the side of the platform? I would have expected at least 6. With agents.

THREE: As of now, I see NO statement from the number one law-enforcement agent in the US. Attorney General Merrick Garland. He’s quiet as a mouse. Not taking the lead.

FOUR: To reiterate, the rooftop—the shot from there was easy. Didn’t require an expert. From what I’ve seen, there was a direct line of sight to the podium. All the more reason to put 2 SS agents there from the beginning.

FIVE: Did anyone see agents go to the rooftop and remove the dead body of the shooter? I’ve heard nothing about that. You would think, in all the press coverage, somebody would have said they saw that. You’d think there would be video footage of that. But nothing.

Instead we’re told SS counter-snipers were aiming their weapons at the shooter BEFORE (?) he actually fired at Trump. What the hell is that all about?

SIX: Something else: the few people in the crowd who were injured or killed…were they supposed to be obstructing the line of sight of the shooter? Because I don’t see how that’s possible. The shooter was on a roof. So he had a clear line to the podium.

Also, in the same vein, was anybody in the group behind Trump hit by a shot? Because you’d think so, if the shooter got off 7-10 rapid rounds. Near-misses would have hit THOSE people. Yet I hear nothing about anyone behind Trump being injured. Instead, it seems the people in the crowd injured or killed were at some distance from Trump.

Does this indicate another shooter? And does it shed doubt on the rooftop assassin actually being the one who fired at Trump? Something doesn’t add up here. And none of the experts on TV—former FBI, former counter-sniper—are bringing these issues up.

Update: A delegate to the RNC convention, who was sitting behind Trump and to his right, tells FOX a man behind him was killed by a round. Still, I would expect more injuries and/or deaths in the people behind Trump.

And an emergency room doctor talked to the press about trying to save a man’s life and failing. It seems clear that man who died was not behind Trump. So that’s 2 people killed by fire among the attendees. The press so far is reporting one.

Yes, there are several GROUND-LEVEL reasons, apart from obvious political reasons, to think this was an inside job/deception of some kind.

As I learned a long time ago with my investigation of the 1995 OKC bombing, start with the initial facts on the ground. Explore as many of them as possible—including those omitted in press coverage.

The political motives are vital, of course. But don’t get so wrapped up in them that you ignore the anomalies right in front of your nose that don’t make sense. They don’t make sense because they’re covering up unreported facts.


Read the full article at

See Also:

Things that Don’t Add Up and Many Questions Still Unanswered in Trump Shooting

This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

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