by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

A truly historic event was held in Washington D.C. this week that barely broke into the news cycle, when Eric Edelman and Jane Harman, from the Commission on the National Defense Strategy, presented their findings to members of Congress based on a RAND Corporation published report that came out this week explaining that the U.S. could not win a war against China, and that Americans are totally unaware of the danger they are in and totally unprepared for the consequences of such a war, such as a Cyber Attack that would bring down our ports and much of our network services infrastructure.

It’s one thing to read an article in the Alternative Media warning about the imminent collapse of society we are facing due to current world events, but it ceases to be a “conspiracy theory” when the exact same thing is said by a DoD military think tank before members of Congress.

I am posting the entire 2-hour video of this Congressional report, as well as a link to the actual study published by the RAND Corporation, but here are a couple of clips that together are under 5 minutes long that show how serious of an issue this is that most Americans are totally oblivious to, and that was barely even mentioned in the news this week.

In the actual report, found here and which I have read, the language is even more dire at times:

We also address our report to the American public, who have been inadequately informed by government leaders of the threats to U.S. interests—including to people’s everyday lives—and what will be required to restore American global power and leadership.

Now, to be sure, they have a very good reason for trying to frighten the public, because what they want is more money for defense spending, and they need some level of public support to get funds approved by Congress.

Of course if they don’t get public support, they’ll just do it by the tried and true methods that have worked in the past, and if you read carefully between the lines of what they wrote, you will clearly see a veiled threat to use this same playbook:

The U.S. public are largely unaware of the dangers the United States faces or the costs (financial and otherwise) required to adequately prepare. They do not appreciate the strength of China and its partnerships or the ramifications to daily life if a conflict were to erupt. They are not anticipating disruptions to their power, water, or access to all the goods on which they rely.

They have not internalized the costs of the United States losing its position as a world superpower. A bipartisan “call to arms” is urgently needed so that the United States can make the major changes and significant investments now rather than wait for the next Pearl Harbor or 9/11.

The support and resolve of the American public are indispensable. (Source.)

9/11 of course has been revealed as a CIA operation (see: Declassified Guantanamo Court Filing Shows 9/11 Hijackers were Recruited by the CIA) to get Americans on board to invading Iraq and passing sweeping new laws that allowed U.S. intelligence agencies to spy on all American citizens now, and the attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii was well-known beforehand by President Roosevelt, who knew that it was the only thing that would convince the American public to agree to entering World War II, and therefore allowed it to happen. See:

Pearl Harbor: Roosevelt’s 9/11

So what this report effectively does is warn the American public and their (s)elected officials in D.C. that if they don’t give the DoD and their private contractors what they want, they are going to punish them by creating another false flag event and then blame it on Iran, or Russia, or China, or all of the above to scare Americans into giving them their full support.

It has worked so well in the past, especially the recent “war on the unseen virus“, so I have no doubt that they’ll try it again.

And what does this report claim is the solution to avoid such a catastrophe from happening?

In short, their solution is to give $billions more to Big Tech and develop “new” technology weapons that will some day, sometime in the future, be able to replace human beings with robots and driverless ships and fighter jets without human pilots, all concepts that, like the idea of driverless cars and AI robots replacing humans in the workforce, are still only concepts that attract $billions in research, but which still have not even been produced and do not work in real world situations yet.

But to do this, they claim that Congress needs to get out of their way and turn all military expenditures over to the DoD and their private contractors.

Therefore, the Commission’s report calls on Congress and the various government departments to “rewrite laws and regulations to remove unnecessary barriers to adopting innovation, budgeting, and procurement” in pursuit of increased deterrence.

Commission Chair Jane Harman told the committee the United States should synthesize all instruments of its power, including private industries, to propel military innovation and the adoption of new technologies.

We underscore that very little progress will be possible without Congress, where a relatively small number of elected officials have imposed continual political gamesmanship over thoughtful and responsible legislating and oversight.

Fights over the debt ceiling, government funding, spending caps, and hot-button social issues weaken our ability to manage strategic competition with our peer adversaries.

We would be far stronger if we returned to the maxim that politics ends at the water’s edge. (Source.)

And even if this magical science fiction technology could one day have practical uses that work in the real world for military purposes, are we so foolish to believe that China and Russia would not have the exact same technology?

Here is the video of the full hearing in Congress earlier this week.

It strangely resembled a Tesla shareholders’ meeting where Elon Musk threatened his shareholders to give him more control, or else he would not develop AI powered driverless cars.

Here is an Alternative Plan for National Security that I Guarantee will be Better for the Security of America and the American People

I am going to provide an alternative National Security Plan to the public, free of charge, that you can take to your lawmakers that will save millions of American lives, and $trillions for the American economy, guaranteed.

First, I want to point out what Eric Edelman said to the U.S. Congress this week, as quoted in the short 4-and-a-half-minute video I created above:

“We found that China is in many ways outpacing the U.S.,” he said. “While we still have the strongest military in the world with the farthest global reach, when we get to 1,000 miles of China’s shore, we start to lose our military dominance and could find ourselves on the losing end of a conflict.”

Does this fact not prove why China today is “in many ways outpacing” the U.S.??

The U.S. Military is spread too thin, because we are too busy policing the world instead of just defending our homeland, like China does.

China has a long history, thousands of years of history, of primarily exerting its influence over other nations through trade, instead of war. The old “silk road” is an example of that.

It was the British empire, of which the U.S. is its “former” colony, that expanded its empire primarily through war, including the “opium wars” with China.

So even today, China’s military, as was reported in this RAND publication, is focused on protecting their own country and the territories it claims belong to them, such as Taiwan.

I lived for several years in the Philippines, which is itself a former colony of the United States. The United States also still maintains a strong military presence in the Philippines, and the Philippine government will side with the U.S. in most cases where there are disputes between China and the U.S.

But who runs the Philippines economy? China does. And it’s not even close.

Almost all of the major businesses and wealthy business owners in the Philippines are either Chinese or Filipino/Chinese. I know this for a fact because I have met some of them, many of whom are actually Christians, but still loyal to China and their families there.

So when you listen to what Jane Harman said in the video clip above, about how China can control the cranes they made for the U.S. Ports that move containers off of ships and could disable them through a cyber attack, she fails to mention that over 90% of those containers on the ships that are in the ports in Los Angeles and Long Beach are from China, and that China would have NOTHING to gain from such a cyber attack, and everything to lose, since their economy depends on exports to the U.S.

So here is the first action the U.S. could take immediately for the sake of national security:


The next time Zelensky comes to the United States begging for more money to continue the Ukraine war against Russia, arrest him and lock him up for all the crimes he has committed in Ukraine for the past few years, wasting America’s wealth on a senseless war that is 100% avoidable by just letting Russia have back their Russian-speaking areas that were originally theirs anyway, and promise not to let Ukraine into NATO.

The next time Netanyahu comes to the U.S., tell your (s)elected representatives in Congress to spit in his face instead of giving him a standing ovation, and let him go back home empty-handed where his own people will quickly take care of him.

Then take AIPAC to court and bring charges against them for espionage and lock up all of their leaders as enemies of the State, and use the Patriot Act to convict them for sedition and treason.

Next, defund Big Tech and make it illegal for them to receive Government contracts and make them prove their products in the marketplace FIRST, before they can bilk $trillions from hardworking Americans through lucrative Government defense contracts.

Make the Pentagon balance their budget NOW, and not years down the road, and bring charges against anyone who has defrauded the American people.

Just doing this, bring our troops home and stop policing the world, will immediately de-escalate world conflicts and make us much safer.

Then, begin a national policy that reduces our reliance on technology, starting with completely revamping our food supply chains.

Stop the insane farm subsidies that go to billionaire farmers while putting small-scale family farmers out of business, and make it profitable again for local small-scale and decentralized food suppliers to get back into the food chain again.

Tax only the large multi-national food chains while giving tax breaks to those who sell most of their products in local communities within their State.

And lastly, make major reforms with the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) to make is easier for people from other countries to come here and fulfill our labor needs LEGALLY, and stop the drug and human traffickers at the border that EVERY ADMINISTRATION, no matter what side of the political aisle they are on, has supported for decades now.

Of course I know my plan will never be implemented, even though it would absolutely work and make America much more secure and eventually, more prosperous.

But it would come at the expense of dethroning the demonic powers that have run this country, since its founding, and for the first time in our history give real power to the people, rather than to the billionaires on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley.

No, I don’t think Americans want true freedom, because they don’t even know what that means, and have lived far too long in “comfort” and “security” as slaves that the Jeffrey Epstein Zionist child trafficking banking system has provided to them as Americans.

So the time has come to reap what we have sown as a nation.

May God arise, may his enemies be scattered; may his foes flee before him. As smoke is blown away by the wind, may you blow them away; as wax melts before the fire, may the wicked perish before God. (Psalms 68:1-2)


Inconvenient Truths: Russia, China, and Iran were all Strong Allies with the United States After World War II

Are You Prepared for Life with No Internet?

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