by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Some of the strongest evidence that the COVID-19 vaccines have caused crippling injuries and huge numbers of deaths in the vaccinated population have come from funeral home directors who have reported huge spikes in deaths in their business that correlate with the roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccines and mandates.

There is strong social and financial pressure against these professionals to go public, but a few have stood firm against this pressure, knowing that these truths must be brought to the attention of the public in an effort to save lives, no matter what the personal cost may be to themselves or their careers.

Two of these funeral directors have been featured in the Alternative Media this year, and they are John O’Looney from the UK, and Richard Hirschman from Alabama in the U.S. Both men have confirmed that other funeral directors in their profession are seeing the same things they are seeing, but are too afraid to go public.

Besides reporting on the huge increase in deaths they have been seeing since the roll out of the COVID vaccines, the embalmers have been reporting what they are finding inside the veins and arteries of these dead bodies: huge “blood clots” that do not resemble traditional blood clots at all, but are long fibrous entities that can completely block a vein or artery.

Richard Hirschman, who has been a licensed embalmer for over 21 years and has embalmed thousands of bodies, said in a recent interview with the RAIR Foundation that while he was accustomed to seeing blood clots in 5 to 10% of the bodies he embalmed, that now he is seeing almost 85% of the bodies he is embalming have blood clots, which started after the roll out of the COVID vaccines, and that these “blood clots” are nothing like he has ever seen before.


Mike Adams, the “Health Ranger” and founder of “Natural News” in his forensic food laboratory.

Dr. Jane Ruby was apparently the first one to interview Richard Hirschman earlier this year, and she put him in contact with Mike Adams of Natural News, who among his many talents is a forensic food scientist, and in 2016 he did something that to my knowledge no one else in the world has done, and that was to earn the highest standard of international laboratory accreditation for his forensic food lab, ISO 17025, as a completely independent scientist with no ties to the government or any other institution, allowing him to test and investigate whatever he wanted to.

He invested millions of dollars of his own money into the equipment of this laboratory, and is completely independent from outside funding sources, allowing him to truly “follow the science” without worrying about satisfying outside investors or government agencies. See:

Alternative Health Scientist Receives ISO Accreditation for Lab – Challenges “Science Elite” for Science Freedom

Richard Hirschman then proceeded to send him some samples of these “blood clots,” and Adams performed laboratory testing on them and compared them to “normal” blood clots.

Adams actually did an analysis of these strange “blood clots” live on the Alex Jones show back in June, and then also revealed what his analysis found in a more recent appearance on the Infowars network.

What he discovered is truly amazing, and I have put together a video that features the testimony of Richard Hirschman, and the work of Mike Adams, including his live demonstration on the Alex Jones show, and this is one video you are most certainly going to want to watch.

I did my best to condense it down to the essential facts, and it is just under 44 minutes, but I guarantee you it is well worth your time to invest in watching the entire 44 minutes.

It starts with a brief testimony from John O’Looney who shows a jar containing one of these huge “blood clots” that was taken from the aorta of a person who died, and then has a brief overview of what is covered in the rest of the video from Dan Skorbach of Frontline Health, an Epoch Times TV program, and then excerpts from the recent Richard Hirschman interview which contains some amazing photos and even video clips, followed by the work of Mike Adams and his laboratory analysis, including his live demonstration on the Alex Jones show.

At the end of the video, you will hear an ominous warning from Mike Adams about the immediate future and potential devastating effects these “blood clots” are going to have on the vaccinated, and then also a short clip from a recent interview with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, who as a researcher and doctor comes to the same conclusion as Adams, and issues a serious warning about what is coming next among those who took the COVID vaccines.

This will be on our Bitchute, Odysee, and Telegram channels.

For those do not have time to watch the video right away, I am including the written description of the Richard Hirschman testimony which is found here, as well as Mike Adam’s write-up of his research which is found on published a few weeks ago.

But I would encourage everyone to set apart some time to watch the video, as print media cannot convey the total shock that is revealed in these video clips.

Embalmer Sounds Alarm: Massive Increase in Strange Blood Clots and Cancer, ‘It’s not Normal, It’s Drastic’ (Exclusive Interview)

The RAIR Foundation

“I’ve talked to so many other embalmers, and we are all seeing the same thing, but governments don’t want to look at it.” – Richard Hirschman

In an exclusive interview with RAIR Foundation USA, an Alabama-based embalmer and licensed funeral director revealed a massive increase in strange blood clots found in the bodies that he is now embalming.

Richard Hirschman, who has been an embalmer since 2001, has noticed “a change of condition of bodies since the roll-out of mRNA vaccines.” These changes include the huge increase in people with blood clots, the strange nature of these blood clots, and patients who have died of cancer without any of the tell-tale signs, such as hair loss and emaciation. “Unfortunately, there is a new normal,” he says.

Hirschman has embalmed thousands of bodies during the course of his career. Last year, he handled over 600 himself. So he knows the signs to look for, and he knows what blood looks like. “In all my years of embalming, we would run across clots from time to time,” he says, “but since May last year, something about the blood has changed. It’s not normal. It’s drastic.”

When Hirschman first started seeing anomalies, he thought it strange, “but when you see the same thing over and over, you start to realize that something’s not right.”

Hirschman and many of his colleagues in the industry noticed an increase in clotting during the pandemic, “but it wasn’t until the roll-out of the vaccine that these really unusual fibrous structures started appearing.”

He describes a normal blood clot as having a texture like grape jelly or jam. If you were to pick it up, it would likely disintegrate in your fingers. Before 2021, blood clots would appear in between five and 10 percent of bodies. These days, says Hirschman, those numbers are more like 85 percent. “The majority of bodies I embalm are clotted,” he says. “Out of 358 bodies this year, only around 60 were not clotted, and a half of those were heavily clotted. Prior to last year, it wasn’t like that. Nothing like what we see now.”

What is more, these clots are unlike anything he’s ever seen before. He describes them as “a white fibrous structure, like calamari, a rubber band or spaghetti. Even the small ones are unusual looking, like worms. They resemble a small parasite.” Typically, blood clots come out of veins during the embalming process, very, very rarely out of an artery. However, Hirschman recently took one out of an artery 33 inches long. “Normally, I wouldn’t be able to pull a clot of that length without it falling apart,” he explains. “It’s the white, fibrous length that’s unusual. I cannot possibly imagine that being inside a healthy person.”

Hirschman suspects the vaccine is causing these clots. “The reason why I feel the vaccine is related is that I have found these strange structures inside of people who supposedly never had covid but had been vaccinated.”

Looking back, Hirschman sees a date correlation. “It was January 2021 when they really started pushing the vaccines,” he recalls. “I have never been so busy in all my life. I was running into clots like crazy; even in February and March, the clotting was huge. Initially, it was in elderly people, and those were the first they tried to protect.”

Typically, Hirschman’s patients have been in their late 60s, 70s, and 80s. But he’s seeing increasingly younger bodies, “some in their 20s, too,” he says, but just not as many as elsewhere because Alabama has a low vaccination rate amongst young people, according to the embalmer. “I know they are dying, though; I’m hearing about it everywhere,” he says. “But it seems like in Alabama, people are waking up.”

Not so for 17-year-old Ohio football player Kaden Clymer, who recently had six feet of strange clots removed from his legs. Mainstream media continues to deny any link between these clots and the covid-19 vaccine, even though Clymer was diagnosed with inferior vena cava atresia, a disease that typically only affects men in their 30s.

Hirschman has also noticed a change in the bodies he is receiving who have died from cancer. Typically, these people have tumors, hair loss and are emaciated due to their struggle with the disease and harsh treatments. “Lately, had I not been told these people had cancer, I’d not have known. People are getting cancers and are dead before they know it,” he says. “They don’t live long enough to go through the stages.” His observations jive precisely with reports from a senior Swedish physician and researcher, Dr. Ute Kruger, who recently expressed alarm at the extraordinary rates of aggressive cancers she is now seeing.

Hirschman would like to understand what’s going on. He’s sent three dozen clots out for analysis, some of them to Mike Adams, who runs an ISO-17025 accredited lab in Texas. Adams has compared these clots to the blood of unvaccinated individuals and has concluded that these are not blood clots because they lack iron, potassium, magnesium, and zinc.

“We have tested one of the clots from embalmer Richard Hirschman via ICP-MS. Also tested side by side, live human blood from an unvaccinated person,” Adams told The Epoch Times.

But nobody knows quite what these things are, nor how they are caused. “I’ve talked to so many other embalmers, and we are all seeing the same thing,” says Hirschman. “But governments don’t want to look at it.”

Watch the entire 31-minute interview at The RAIR Foundation.

EXCLUSIVE: Natural News releases post-vaccine clot ICP-MS elemental analysis results, comparing clots to human blood … findings reveal these clots are NOT “blood” clots

by Mike Adams

Image: EXCLUSIVE: Natural News releases post-vaccine clot ICP-MS elemental analysis results, comparing clots to human blood … findings reveal these clots are NOT “blood” clots

We are now releasing ICP-MS lab test results that compare the elemental composition of human blood to the elemental composition of a clot sample taken from the body of a person who received a covid vaccination and then subsequently died. This clot was provided by embalmer Richard Hirschman, and these clots are being widely reported in the bodies of people who have “died suddenly” in the weeks or months after receiving one or more covid vaccinations.

According to rigorous analysis based on excess death data — summarized nicely by Steve Kirsh at Substack — there are currently around 10,000 people dying each day from covid vaccines. Anywhere from 5 to 12 million fatalities have likely occurred worldwide so far, and with these self-assembling clots continuing to gain size and mass inside the bodies of those who have received the mRNA experimental medicine injections, it is certain that many people who have not yet died from the vaccines will experience death in the coming months and years.

Kirsch has roughly estimated that 1 person is currently dead for every 1,000 doses of covid vaccines that are administered. This number will almost certainly increase with time, as the clots that are causing so much death appear to be continuing to “grow” (self-assemble) inside the blood vessels and arteries of vaccine victims. Thus, the final toll of covid vaccines will only be experienced over a period of several years and could be orders of magnitude higher, potentially 1 in 100 or even 1 in 10, although we will have to watch excess deaths carefully over the next several years to know where this post-vaccine death phenomenon levels out.

So far, over 12 billion covid vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. Over 600 million doses have been administered in the United States, and Kirsch estimates that 600,000 Americans have likely already been killed by covid vaccines in the USA alone. (That’s about 12 times higher than the total casualties of US soldiers in the Vietnam War, for comparison.)

Here’s a photo that I took of one of these clots, under a lab microscope:

Pursuing the mystery of the post-vaccine clots

Dr. Jane Ruby has been one of the researchers at the forefront of attempting to determine the composition of these clots as well as their mechanism of action in causing fatalities in victims. Dr. Ruby connected us with Hirschman and helped arrange for the clot samples which we have tested via ICP-MS in our ISO-accredited, 17025 approved laboratory which specializes in food and water analysis.

In full disclosure, our laboratory is accredited, audited, inspected and validated for ICP-MS testing in food and water samples, as well as other areas such as cannabinoid quantitation analysis in hemp extract samples. However, the accreditation scope of our lab does not specifically encompass human biological samples, as we do not offer such testing to the public. Nevertheless, we routinely test dog food and cat food samples which are, of course, composed of animal flesh and ground blood vessels, meat tissue, cartilage and other animal-derived biological structures, and we are using the exact same sample preparation, digestion, analysis and reporting methods for post-vaccine clot samples. We also routinely test beef, poultry, fish and other meat samples. Thus, we are highly confident in the accuracy of these results. Furthermore, we did not see any failures during the sample prep process. The entire clot was dissolved in nitric acid, meaning its elements went into solution and were able to be analyzed via ICP-MS.

Here’s a photo of some of the clots found in the body of the deceased:

These ICP-MS tests were conducted on June 23 of this year. We have delayed public release of the results in order to allow time to share these numbers with colleagues and to invite feedback from others. These PDFs have also been shared privately with Dr. Jane Ruby and others. No one with expertise in this field has indicated any apparent problems or concerns about this analysis. If anything, the ICP-MS analysis is rather straightforward: Samples are “digested” into nitric acid, this acid is nebulized into a liquid stream which goes through a plasma torch, gets ionized and then directed through a quadrupole assembly that sorts the elements by their mass-to-charge ratios. Each individual element is scanned and counted on a PMT (Photo Multiplier Tube) which translates individual elements into electrical current that can be accurately counted. These results are mapped against external standards which are NIST traceable to provide very accurate calibration curves, which means the quantitation data are extremely reliable.

We used 0.4528 grams of the clot as the sample mass in this case:

For a primer on ICP-MS and why it is so accurate, see this NIH article.

ICP-MS analysis results reveal that these clots are not made of blood – they are not “blood clots”

Although we intend to conduct more tests on clots and blood samples, the data we see so far make it clear that these clots are not “blood clots.” They are not simply made of congealed blood.

How do we know this? Because the elemental ratios and densities are vastly different. Consider the following comparison chart, based on our ICP-MS results (see full results below), and notice the stark differences between the elemental concentrations in blood vs. clot among nutritive “marker” elements such as iron and magnesium:

Element Blood Results Clot Results
Mg (magnesium) 35 ppm 1.7 ppm
K (potassium) 1893 ppm 12.5 ppm
Fe (iron) 462 ppm 20.6 ppm
Zn (zinc) 7.9 ppm 2.4 ppm
Cl (chlorine) 930,000 ppm 290,000 ppm
P (phosphorous) 1130 ppm 4900 ppm

As you can see, the post-vaccine clot sample only contains 4.4% of the iron that would be seen in human blood. This alone is confirmation that this clots is not a “blood clot.” In addition, note the near-total lack of potassium (K) in the clot sample. The clot contains less than 0.6% of the potassium as human blood. It’s a similar story with magnesium, too.

Several electrically conductive elements were higher in the clot

In addition to the nutritive elements shown above, we noticed a peculiar pattern among electrically conductive elements such as sodium (Na), aluminum (Al) and tin (Sn). For the following table, please note that the tin and sodium results come from a separate “semiquant” report which is less accurate than the “fullquant” analysis used for all the other elements shown here. In essence, the semiquant numbers are accurate in terms of relative concentrations from one sample to the next, but they are not compared to calibrated external samples, so the actual (absolute) concentration reported does not have the confidence interval of the fullquant results:

Element Blood Results Clot Results
Na (sodium) 1050 ppm* 1500 ppm*
Sn (tin) 163 ppb* 942 ppb*
Al (aluminum) 1.3 ppm 1.6 ppm

* = SemiQuant results, not FullQuant

With sodium being nearly 50% higher in the clot, and tin showing an increase of 588%, we can only conclude that the self-assembling clot is, in effect, “harvesting” or concentrating certain elements from circulating blood as clot assembly is taking place. It is noteworthy that many of these elements are conductive. Aluminum, for example, is the most common alternative to copper for use in electrical wiring. Sodium is an alkali metal that is highly conductive, and tin is used as the primary component in solder alloys used to manufacture or repair circuit boards.

You can see the numbers on elemental conductivity at this electrical conductivity reference table from Angstrom Sciences.

One conclusion is inescapable: The clot is almost entirely lacking key marker elements that would be present in human blood (such as iron and potassium) yet shows significantly higher concentrations of elements that are used in electronics and circuitry.

We invite the reader to draw your own conclusion of the explanation behind that, merely noting that the patents of Dr. Charles Lieber may be of special interest.

This analysis, notably, does not answer any question of whether these clots are “alive” or dead (like hair and nails). My own professional opinion is that these clots are not living structures. They appear to be self-assembling dead biostructures, from what we can see so far. But that’s just an initial assessment and may change with additional observations or findings. Prions, for example, are self-assembling but non-living biostructures too. They are essentially mis-folded proteins that spread throughout the brain (or other regions), causing morphological alterations that nullify both the normal structure and function of neurological cells. Something does not have to be alive in order to be self-assembling. Even viruses, as described by traditional virology, are dead structures which are nevertheless self-assembling and can “grow” in size and mass in terms of their aggregate population.

The following microscopy picture, taken at our lab at around 1500 x magnification, shows what appears to be a repeating structure on a wire-looking protrusion from one of these clots. In case you were wondering, is not a human hair. It is connected to the clot:


See the ICP-MS results for yourself

For those not familiar with the units being reported here:

ppb = parts per billion
ppm = parts per million
1,000 ppb = 1 ppm (because the metric system)

The units used by the instrument are mass over volume (m/v) and the “mass” is technically mass-to-charge ratio (m/z).

Here’s a screen shot of a section from the PDF report of the ICP-MS results for live human blood:

You can also download the full PDF document for the blood analysis here.

And here’s the screen shot of the results from the clot analysis, showing ICP-MS analysis for the post-vaccine clot:

Finally, you can download the full PDF document of the ICP-MS analysis for the clot here.

Share these results and keep asking questions… more analysis yet to come

Feel free to share these results, incorporate them into your own videos or podcasts, and offer your own explanations for what might explain this apparent anomaly. Please give credit to as the source, as we conducted this exclusive analysis in order to help resolve the mystery of these clots that seem to be killing a large number of people.

We welcome any feedback on these results, including corrections if any errors are found.

We also encourage other labs to replicate these tests for yourself and publicly publish your findings as we have done here.

More analysis results are coming shortly, including additional microscopy images.

Read the full article at

Comment on this article at

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Leaving a lucrative career as a nephrologist (kidney doctor), Dr. Suzanne Humphries is now free to actually help cure people.

In this autobiography she explains why good doctors are constrained within the current corrupt medical system from practicing real, ethical medicine.

One of the sane voices when it comes to examining the science behind modern-day vaccines, no pro-vaccine extremist doctors have ever dared to debate her in public.


Book – The Vaccine Court, by Wayne Rohde – 240 pages

“The Dark Truth of America’s Vaccine Injury Compensation Program”

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