Since this article was published, U.S. media sources are now reporting that a Pakistani national has been arrested in New York who allegedly was plotting to assassinate a top U.S. politician or official, said to be former President Donald Trump.

Feds Foil Iran-Linked Assassination Plot Said to Target Trump

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

As the world waits anxiously for the Iranian response to Israel’s assassination of Hamas Political Bureau Chief Ismail Haniyeh while he was visiting Tehran last week, Iran is very quickly rallying the Muslim world to its side, as an emergency meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is scheduled to convene in Saudi Arabia tomorrow (Wed. August 7th).

The OIC represents 57 Islamic countries, and sees itself as the voice of the Muslim world. Unlike the smaller Arab League, it also includes influential non-Arab countries, including Iran, Pakistan, and Turkey.

Pakistan has joined Iran in requesting the emergency meeting, and earlier today the Pakistani Parliament convened to condemn Israel’s attack on Tehran. (Source.)

The Jerusalem Post and other Middle Eastern news agencies are reporting that Pakistan is offering to supply Iran with Shaheen-III medium-range ballistic missiles, which reportedly can carry nuclear warheads, which Pakistan possesses.

Several Arab sources reported Tuesday that if the conflict between Iran and Israel escalates, Pakistan plans to supply Iran with Shaheen-III medium-range ballistic missiles. (Source.)

If just recently the so-called anti-Israeli coalition led by Iran included only Hamas, Hezbollah and Yemeni Houthis militants, now Pakistan may be indirectly involved in the conflict. In any case, Middle Eastern media claim that Islamabad, in the event of an escalation of the situation in the region, is ready to transfer its Shaheen-III medium-range missiles to Tehran.

And this is much more serious. Tel Aviv and numerous military installations located on the periphery fall within their zone of destruction. (Source.)

What Israel has done by violating what Muslims see as a violation of International Law on the sovereignty of Iran, not to mention the Muslim value of “hospitality” which requires that one protects a visiting guest at any cost once they come under your protection, has done more to rally the Muslim world than anything else probably ever could.

It is uniting Sunni and Shia Muslim countries for what they believe is a moral and just cause, which is stopping the genocide of the Palestinian people, and punishing Israel and the U.S. for what they see as acts of savagery and barbarism by assassinating an unarmed, peaceful politician while visiting another country peacefully, as he attended the swearing-in ceremony of Iran’s new President last week.

Years of bitter fighting between Sunni and Shia countries has seen some progress in the past year as China has reached out to these countries in an effort to end conflicts between them, and many now are also members of BRICS.

But what Israel did in their assassinations of key Muslim leaders this past week, did far more to unite the Muslim world than any diplomacy could ever accomplish.

The Zionist extremists in Israel are leading the U.S. into a war it will never be able to win, especially with Russia now also sharing intelligence, and possibly weapons, with Iran also.

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