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Editor - Health Impact News

Gardasil Vaccine Survivors in Ireland Launch Support Group

The R.E.G.R.E.T. Support Group was launched recently in Ireland by parents of chronically ill teenage girls. These parents blame an injection the girls received at school as the cause of their daughters’ illness. The drug in question is called Gardasil and is being marketed as an anti-cancer vaccine. R.E.G.R.E.T. is an acronym for “Reactions and Effects of Gardasil Resulting in Extreme Trauma”.

California Entertainment Industry Leads Nation on Vaccine Choice – Why are They not Speaking out on SB277?

Wealthy, educated parents in southern California who are in the heart of the entertainment industry, from Malibu to Hollywood, lead the nation in rates of personal belief exemptions for childhood vaccinations among students in some of the wealthiest private schools in the country. However, if SB277 becomes law, that choice will be taken away. Why aren't more entertainment leaders and public figures speaking out against medical tyranny in California? Only Mississippi and West Virginia have no parental exemptions in place for vaccine choice. Has anybody checked the rankings of these two states in children health categories? Do California parents really want to mimic health policies in these two states? Mississippi has the highest childhood vaccination rates in the country, but also lead the country in infant mortality rates, ranking dead last. One high profile California resident has made his position on vaccines known: Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Are Silicon Valley billionaires influencing public policy on forced vaccinations?

Can We Trust the CDC? British Medical Journal Reveals CDC Lies About Ties to Big Pharma

Jeanne Lenzer, associate editor of the British Medical Journal, has published an investigative report showing how the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is not honest when publishing disclaimers in their studies stating that "they have no financial interests or other relationships with the manufacturers of commercial products." This news does not come as a surprise to those of us in the alternative media, but it is significant that the report was published in one the world's most respected medical journals, the British Medical Journal. Lenzer explains why this is so significant: "The CDC’s image as an independent watchdog over the public health has given it enormous prestige, and its recommendations are occasionally enforced by law." She goes on to quote Marcia Angell, former editor in chief of the New England Journal of Medicine: "The CDC has enormous credibility among physicians, in no small part because the agency is generally thought to be free of industry bias. Financial dealings with biopharmaceutical companies threaten that reputation."

Vaccine Injuries and Deaths Continue to Increase in Federal Vaccine Court

The Department of Justice issues a report on vaccine injuries and deaths every quarter to the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (Click on "Meeting Book - PDF - 12 MB" for June 4 meeting). There were 163 cases for vaccine injuries and deaths for the period 2/16/2015 through 5/15/2015. 103 of the settlements were listed in this report, giving the name of the vaccines, the injury, and the amount of time the case was pending before settlement. Four of those settlements were for deaths linked to vaccines, with three deaths related to the flu shot, and one death for the Hepatitis B shot, typically given to newborns. 74 of the 103 settlements were for injuries and deaths due to the flu shot, and the majority of flu shot injuries were for Guillain-Barré Syndrome. These quarterly reports on vaccine injuries and death settlements from the U.S. vaccine court are seldom, if ever, reported in the mainstream media. We report them here at Health Impact News.

How to Protect Yourself and Your Children from Medical Kidnapping

It is common for people to spend more time deliberating over what type of cable TV package they will purchase than over who will provide their family with primary health care services. Making the right choice of health care provider may be one of the most important decisions that you make for your family. It may determine whether your family stays together or is broken up and destroyed by Child Protective Services. Are you a parent who believes that you have the right to make decisions for your children regarding the medical care they receive? Are you a parent who believes that you have a responsibility to control what your children eat? Are you a parent who believes that you should be able to determine how your children should be educated and what they are taught? If you are such a parent, then beware, your freedom to raise your children and make decisions for them may be threatened by Child Protective Services in the state where you live. The security of your home and family could be destroyed by those who do not support your rights as a parent to raise your children according to the values that you cherish. This article will help you protect your family from unwanted intrusion by those who think they know more about parenting your children than you do. To protect your family, it is necessary that you make wise decisions about the healthcare providers that you choose. The wrong choice of a physician can lead to dreadful consequences for every member of your family, because there is a legal connection between your physician and Child Protective Services.

UK Mainstream Media Prints the Truth About HPV Vaccine – Will Story be Retracted?

Sources outside of the U.S. continue to publish concerns about the HPV vaccine, documenting how thousands of lives of young women have been ruined by it. The Independent in the UK has run a Sunday story on the HPV vaccine, daring to suggest that there are problems with the vaccine that is ruining so many lives. Late last year, the Toronto Star published a similar story on their front page, but pro-pharma forces convinced them to remove the story from their website. It is still available on archive.org. Will the same fate happen to The Independent? Or will they stand strong against efforts to censor their investigative report?

Vaccines: The Battle for Informed Consent to Medical Procedures

As we have previously published, the current vaccine debate in America is not a debate between extremists positions, pitting extremist anti-vaccine doctors (doctors who do not give any vaccines at all) against extremist pro-vaccine doctors (all vaccines are good, and should be given to all people, all the time, by force if necessary.) Most medical professionals do not hold either of these extreme positions, but fall somewhere in between. No matter what your views are on the vaccine continuum, and whether you lean towards pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine, everyone should be concerned about giving up our rights to "informed consent" to medical procedures. If we give up this basic human right for "the greater good" of society on vaccines, where will it end? How will our country be any different than Nazi Germany and the atrocities committed by German doctors that horrified the world, and was the center of prosecution in the Nuremberg Trials? Is the American public going to allow a handful of politicians tied into the most extreme view of the vaccine debate set policy for all the citizens of the United States? Norma Erickson of SaneVax.org addresses the subject of "informed consent" and the dangers represented by proposed California vaccine bill SB277.

Maine Legislator Compares Forced Vaccination to “Horrors of Nazi Germany”

Rep. David Sawicki, R-Auburn, is asking Maine lawmakers to approve a bill that would make it illegal to discriminate against any person who decides to forgo certain vaccinations. Sawicki is the sponsor of LD 950, An Act to Prohibit Discrimination against a Person Who Is Not Vaccinated. Sawicki said Monday that his bill is simple, in that if a person or the parent of a child decided against vaccinations for any reason, he or she could not be discriminated against by a school, employer or any other entity.

Reports of HPV Vaccine Injuries Outside the U.S. Continue to Mount – Victims Speak Out

While most countries around the world are now starting to question the safety of the HPV vaccine, with reports of injuries and auto-immune diseases pouring in, the U.S. continues to censor any negative information regarding the HPV vaccine, and instead is continuing to promote the Merck HPV Gardasil vaccine as safe. Therefore, much of the news we are reporting is from outside the U.S. Three different women from the Czech Republic speak out regarding their problems with the HPV vaccine.

Parents Should Demand the Truth About Vaccination Studies

Many of us are aware that much of the research that we read today regarding the safety of vaccinations has been funded by the pharmaceutical industry. Whilst this satisfies many parents researching the subject, others are beginning to question the validity of these studies. They are asking themselves whether or not the information that is being provided could be biased in any way. Did you know that the majority of the vaccine studies being used by professionals to prove that vaccines are safe and effective are actually being written by scientists who have a vested interest in the pharmaceutical industry?