As we have previously published, the current vaccine debate in America is not a debate between extremists positions, pitting extremist anti-vaccine doctors (doctors who do not give any vaccines at all) against extremist pro-vaccine doctors (all vaccines are good, and should be given to all people, all the time, by force if necessary.) Most medical professionals do not hold either of these extreme positions, but fall somewhere in between.
No matter what your views are on the vaccine continuum, and whether you lean towards pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine, everyone should be concerned about giving up our rights to "informed consent" to medical procedures. If we give up this basic human right for "the greater good" of society on vaccines, where will it end? How will our country be any different than Nazi Germany and the atrocities committed by German doctors that horrified the world, and was the center of prosecution in the Nuremberg Trials?
Is the American public going to allow a handful of politicians tied into the most extreme view of the vaccine debate set policy for all the citizens of the United States?
Norma Erickson of addresses the subject of "informed consent" and the dangers represented by proposed California vaccine bill SB277.