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Editor - Health Impact News

California Wants to be First State to Classify Unvaccinated Adults who Work with Children as Criminals

SB 792, would eliminate an adult's right to exempt themselves from one, some, or all vaccines, a risk-laden medical procedure. This bill would make California the first state to require mandated vaccinations for all childcare workers, including all private and public school early childhood education programs (Headstart, Private preK and preschools), family daycares, and daycare centers. ALL employed adults must be up-to-date on each vaccine listed on CDC's adult immunization schedule (except HPV) or be denied employment. To work with children in these situations without complying with the full CDC recommended vaccine schedule would become a criminal act.

European Parliament Addresses the Gardasil Scandal in Europe

What is the justification for using HPV vaccines? What is the benefit/risk profile? What place do HPV vaccines have in the cervical cancer prevention strategy, and at what cost? Is Gardasil a cervical cancer vaccine or a cancer of policies? Where are medical ethics in cervical cancer prevention plans? More than 200 European doctors signed a letter to parliament asking for a moratorium on the use of HPV vaccines until these questions are resolved. On April 9,2015, Michelé Rivasi, European Ecology MEP, delivered a presentation to the European Parliament on behalf of more than 200 European physicians demanding answers to these questions. Ms. Ravasi calls for a parliamentary mission to provide those answers.

Babies in the U.S. Being Force Vaccinated by Relatives behind Parents’ Backs

KS95 radio in Minneapolis Minnesota talked to a woman calling into their show recently who admitted that she took her 18 month old nephew into a doctor to have him vaccinated because her sister and brother-in-law did not believe in vaccines. She admitted that her sister did not know she had done this. So fair warning to all parents in the United States who choose not to vaccinate your children: if you have relatives who disagree with you, and they have control of your children for a given length of time, apparently they can find a doctor to vaccinate your children without your consent.

Patriot Nurse Speaks out on Vaccines: Medical Rape or Personal Choice?

She calls herself the "Patriot Nurse." Addressing the issue of vaccine choice in this video, she explains how the term "herd" in "herd immunity" very subtlety suggests that we are livestock that are "owned." The question then is: "who owns us, if not ourselves? Does the medical community own us? Does the State own us?"

Merck’s Sales Soar on Measles Vaccine After Disney Outbreak

Bloomberg announced this week that Merck's MMR vaccine sales more than quadrupled after the California Disney measles outbreak. Of course, there is no single measles vaccine currently on the market, and one has to purchase the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine which is a 3 in 1 combo vaccine. Merck has been involved in a long federal lawsuit with allegations of fraud over the mumps portion of the MMR vaccine, in a case filed back in 2010 by two whistleblowers, virologists who worked for Merck. There is also evidence that the MMR vaccine is killing more people than the measles virus, as there have been no deaths associated with measles according to the CDC, while there have been 108 deaths reported after the measles vaccine in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). In addition, reports show that between 50% and 86% of those who came down with measles in the Disney outbreak were actually already vaccinated. None of that matters to Merck, obviously, as sales of the measles vaccine grew by over 24% during the first quarter of 2015.

Gardasil: When Will our Nightmare End?

My daughter, Abbey, was a healthy happy 13 year old when she started secondary school. On the 22nd September 2014 she received her Gardasil vaccine along with the Tdap vaccine in school. She had an adverse reaction straight away. For over an hour, she was left lying on a mat on the floor while the rest of the girls were being vaccinated. During this time she had seizure-like jerking, rolling eyes, blurred vision, headache, nausea etc. Eventually after an hour and twenty minutes we were called to the school to pick her up. No ambulance was called. The school administrators were not informed this episode had happened until the next day. When I arrived at the school and asked why an ambulance wasn’t called, I was told I was OVERREACTING and this would wear off. The next day, her mother and I thought Abbey was suffering withdrawals. Little did we know our nightmare was only getting started.

TV2 Denmark Documentary on HPV Vaccine Shows Lives of Young Women Ruined

TV2 Denmark has done something no mainstream media network in the United States will dare to do: look into the controversial HPV vaccine that many have claimed has ruined the lives of so many young women, and publish an investigative report. In December of 2013 Katie Couric did a show on the HPV Gardasil Vaccine where she dared to interview the mother of a young woman who died shortly after receiving the vaccine. Couric's program was hardly pro-vaccine, as she gave both sides of the controversy, with a huge emphasis on the pharmaceutical side claiming the vaccine was safe, but she was viciously attacked by the mainstream media anyway and forced to apologize for even asking questions about the possible risks of the HPV vaccine. With such censorship so obvious in the U.S. mainstream media, it is refreshing to see the Danish media make this documentary available with English subtitles for the rest of the world to watch. Families and doctors are interviewed, and the tough questions are not censored. Similar to the U.S., these vaccine damaged girls can find no help from their government since the vaccine injuries are vigorously denied by their government, leaving them and their parents feeling "betrayed."

Cardiologist Comments on New Study Linking HPV Vaccines to POTS

POTS, like most diagnoses, does not have an identifiable cause according to most cardiologists. Until now. A new study linking the HPV vaccine to POTS has just been published in the very pro-vaccine journal Vaccine. Perhaps even more concerning than POTS is the observation that "irregular periods were reported by all patients not on treatment with oral contraception." Previously published case studies have shown a link between the HPV vaccines and “Primary Ovarian Failure,” or premature menopause.

Study: Whooping Cough Epidemics Related to Failed Vaccine, Not Unvaccinated

News continues to spread regarding the fact that the current pertussis vaccine is ineffective. Health Impact News first reported on this in 2013 after several studies, including studies the FDA and CDC participated in, confirmed that the vaccine was no longer effective. Earlier this year a school in Salinas California reported a whooping cough outbreak among students who were fully vaccinated. And yet, the U.S. mainstream media keeps blaming unvaccinated children for these whooping cough epidemics, and keeps on encouraging everyone to get the failed vaccine. ABC in Australia, however, is publishing the truth after a new study was published this month where researchers claimed the failed pertussis vaccine is to blame for recent whooping cough outbreaks, and not unvaccinated children.

One Texas Physician and Legislator Who Does Not Bow To Pressure on Mandated Vaccines

With so many physicians-turned-legislators siding with Big Pharma to strip away the rights of U.S. Citizens to informed consent of medical practices such as vaccines, it is a breath of fresh air to listen to one State Senator who is also a practicing physician oppose medical tyranny. Texas Senator Donna Campbell, M.D. spoke out against forced vaccinations on the Senate Committee on Education. Senator Campbell is certified in both emergency room medicine and ophthalmology.