Has California Sold Out to Big Pharma to Lead the Nation in Medical Tyranny?
Dr. Richard Pan of California is the author of one of the most tyrannical bills currently being proposed in the U.S. to take away the right to informed consent for a medical procedure. SB277 is a proposed California bill that would remove all personal belief exemptions to vaccines and prevent children from attending school unless they are fully vaccinated. A hearing on SB277 was held at the State Capital on April 15, 2015. The support was overwhelming opposed to the bill, with only 53 people present supporting the bill, and 743 present opposing it. The Senate Education committee did not take a vote on the bill that day, as several members of the committee had reservations about it. A vote was put off until April 22nd, one week later. At the April 22 meeting, after 13 minutes of discussion, the committee passed the bill by a vote of 7 to 2. What happened? How could the committee pass a bill with so much opposition from their constituents?