Vaccines Cause Severe Cardiorespiratory Harm to Preemies: Study

One of modern medicine’s routine practices is vaccination of virtually all infants on a schedule—even if they’re premature. This study clearly documents the likelihood that preemies are being subjected to severe harm by the practice. Yet, health agencies and doctors won’t even slow down in the rush to jam needles into the weakest among us.

Yeast in Vaccines Tied to Autoimmune Diseases

Yeast is associated with the staff of life, bread—not to mention being the basis pleasure-inducing beer. So why should we be concerned about its presence in a large number of vaccines? A new study reveals that injecting yeast may be the cause of the autoimmune disease epidemic, which is devastating the lives of millions.

Vaccines: Can You Trust Your Doctor’s Knowledge?

We have become so ingrained to believe what our doctors tell us that it's sometimes hard to go beyond these doctors when our health is on the line. Take an in-depth look into the potential risks and detrimental effects on your health when taking your doctor's word without having conducted personal and independent research looking beyond your doctor's recommendations. We each must stand up and be the advocate for our health, and the health of our children, despite what mainstream medicine tells us.

Vaccines Can Cause Infertility

I have been investigating whether there is a proven link between vaccines and infertility. What I have uncovered will shock many readers because I have discovered that innocent women and girls in developing countries have been deliberately experimented on, with the use of infertility vaccines, for many years. They are not the only victims. Recently several vaccines used worldwide have also been found to cause infertility, including the HPV vaccines and many of the swine flu vaccines. I believe it is high time that we took back the control of our own lives and researched all vaccinations thoroughly before we agree to be vaccinated. Ultimately, it is each person’s decision whether or not they should be vaccinated, and the only way that we can make an informed choice about vaccinations is to be fully informed of the facts before agreeing to be vaccinated. I have proven, by referencing documents, articles and scientific papers, that a series of vaccines are being developed that are known to cause infertility. These vaccines have been and still are being administered to innocent people without their knowledge or consent. Surely, this practice is not only unethical, it is criminal.

CDC ‘Disappears’ Page Linking Polio Vaccines To Cancer-Causing Viruses

The CDC recently deleted a page on their website admitting that as many as 98 million Americans received polio vaccine contaminated with the cancer-linked monkey virus SV40. Of course the CDC would want to flush this information down the 'memory hole,' as any indication that vaccines actually cause disease, especially as terrible as cancer, is a public relations nightmare for an agency aggressively expanding its immunization schedule under the auspices of their bulletproof 'safety' and 'efficacy,' as well as looking for public support for legislation that would further limit and even ban vaccine exemptions. The deleted page was cached, however, and is still available on the Internet to view.

Fraud Exposed in CDC’s HPV Vaccine Effectiveness Study

An oncology dietitian has pointed out significant discrepancies in a new HPV vaccine effectiveness study that claims the vaccine’s effectiveness is “high”. Recent reductions in HPV infection prevalence among young women in the US cannot be said to be due to introduction of Gardasil vaccine in 2006 and use of HPV vaccines by pre-teen and teenage girls since then; the data clearly shows that unvaccinated girls had the best outcome.

Vaccine Developers, Heroes or Villains?

Vaccination has been declared as one of the Top 10 Public Health Achievements of the Century and vaccine developers (researchers) have been heralded as the heroes of the 21st century. But are they truly protectors and defenders of our health? Or, should we be more suspicious of their intent? Board-Certified physician and internationally renowned advocate for informed vaccination choice, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny responds to these questions and more in her newest ground-breaking documentary Vaccine Researchers: Heroes or Villains?

Vaccines: Why are informed consent laws being ignored?

Throughout the 20th century, countless medical consumers have battled to obtain the right to informed consent. Although the U.S. Constitution does not specifically address the issue, multiple court cases have upheld the premise that the constitutionally guaranteed right to privacy insures that people are protected from governmental interference when deciding private matters, such as when they make decisions about accepting or refusing medical care. Every medical consumer now has the legal right to participate in their health care decisions via the doctrine of informed consent, but when it comes to vaccinations, these laws are being ignored. Vaccines are a medical intervention. As with any medical procedure, there are risks involved to certain individuals. Under the informed consent doctrine, you have a right to know these risks and alternative treatments prior to granting your consent. Remember, informed consent is the law – not simply an option.

MMR Vaccination’s Abject Failure in Measles and Mumps

Those who suggest that the unvaccinated are responsible for people with weak immune systems ignore the fact that even the vaccinated succumb to the diseases. They ignore the fact that their vaunted herd immunity has never been shown to work. It’s nothing but a theory, and the goal posts for it keep getting pushed farther out. They presume to have the ethical right to force the risk of harm on some to protect others. But they never explain why those others are more deserving of protection than the innocent child who is sacrificed on the altar of herd immunity.

Rotavirus Vaccine Deceit: Textbook Example of What’s Wrong with the Vaccine Industry

The rotavirus vaccine is a textbook example of what’s wrong with the vaccine industry. It works for only a limited number of rotavirus types, causes severe adverse effects including death, was approved via corrupt agencies & officials with financial ties to the manufacturer—and it results in far more cases of a far more deadly disease.

Study: HPV Rate Lower Among Unvaccinated versus Vaccinated

While the mainstream media recently became the mouthpiece for Big Pharma and the HPV vaccine by covering a study published by the CDC reportedly showing that the HPV vaccine lowered HPV infections, the facts of the actual study point in a different direction, showing that unvaccinated girls had a lower rate of HPV infection.

My Daughter and Cervarix: Suffering I Cannot Take Away

At one point or another, every parent in the world makes a decision they regret. Who could have predicted that an attempt to protect my daughter from cervical cancer via HPV vaccination would turn our lives into a constant battle to regain her health and maintain her right to an education?

A Pox on the CDC’s Vaccination Agenda: The Rise of Herpes Zoster (Shingles)

Despite the largely politically- and economically-motivated immunization agenda of the CDC, there is a growing body of clinical research establishing that vaccination does not effectively 'improve upon' or 'replace' natural immunity in the way that the masses have been made to assume; to the contrary, there are now hundreds of diseases that have been linked to commonly administered childhood and adult vaccines; and when we say "linked" we don't mean anecdotally, but in the biomedical literature itself. It is therefore no surprise nor secret that the chickenpox vaccine has failed to live up to its promises. Even the CDC's Manual for the Surveillance of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases admits that "As vaccination rates have increased, the majority of varicella cases now occur among vaccinated persons." Wouldn't an effective chickenpox vaccine result in the majority of varicella cases occurring in non-vaccinated persons?

A Doctor’s Awakening on Flu Vaccines in Pregnancy

The flu vaccine is now being pushed on pregnant women, supposedly to protect their babies. As this doctor explains, nothing could be further from the truth. Skip the vaccine. Protect yourself and your baby with good health and a healthy immune system. You can’t fake it with a vaccine.

Dangerous Vaccines Found to Cause Symptoms of Shaken Baby Syndrome

Could vaccinations cause the “triad” of injuries associated with SBS? Parents have been blamed of child abuse if their child is diagnosed with the “triad” of injuries associated with Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) after receiving a vaccine. The “triad” includes bleeding inside the brain, bleeding behind the eyes and swelling or inflammation of the brain, but are these brain injuries really due to the vaccination and not to abuse?

Crack Down on Those Who Don’t Vaccinate? A Legal Response

Despite the fact that vaccines are neither completely safe nor completely effective, there are those who argue that people who contract infectious disease should be able to recover damages from unvaccinated people who spread it. This desire to hold liable families who are lawfully exercising religious freedom, while letting industry have almost complete liability protection seems peculiarly asymmetrical and unjust.

American Medical Association Opens The Flood Gates For New Vaccines and Drugs By Officially Declaring Obesity A Disease

The move by the American Medical Association board means that one-third of the U.S. adult population can now officially be diagnosed and treated with a flood of new drugs and vaccines which have been years in the making.

Japan Health Ministry no Longer Recommending HPV Vaccines due to Dangerous Side Effects

Earlier this year it was reported that Merck was bribing college girls to complete all three doses of the Gardasil vaccine (story here).

Cervix vaccine issues […]

Polio Vaccine Fails in India due to Polluted Drinking Water

A Bloomberg article reveals that the polio vaccine is a failure in India. The vaccine is ‘failing to work’ in kids getting as many as 15 doses of Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) in one of the most expensive public health campaign flops in history ($9 billion).

Attorney Refutes Dr. Offit’s Vaccine Exemption Criticism

Pediatrician and pro-vaccine advocate Dr. Paul Offit, who once said a child can safely receive 10,000 vaccines at once, has spoken out repeatedly against vaccine religious exemptions, implying that his opinion is more important than the fundamental moral tenets of a variety of world religions.