Congressman Posey Introduces Bill Requiring Study of Autism Rate in Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated
Congressman Posey won lots of applause from the autism community late last year during the Congressional hearing on autism. He grilled Dr. Boyle of the CDC on the issue of why there had never been a study conducted comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated children. He was also highly critical of the CDC's use of public funds in studying the issue, and the fraud of Dr. Poul Thorsen over grant money. The Refusers is now reporting that Congressman Posey is taking the further step of introducing a bill requiring the study of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children. It is H.R. 1757, and Representative Carolyn Maloney is a co-sponsor at this point. I encourage everyone to contact their representative in Congress and have them co-sponsor and support this bill.