Two Lawsuits Accuse Merck of Lying about Vaccine Effectiveness

By Dr. Mercola

Things aren’t going so well lately in the litigation department for Merck, which stands accused of lying according to not just one, […]

Federal Judge Orders CDC to Produce Secret Documents in Vaccine Autism Case

by Tim Bolen

This article is the sixth in a series about THE MOST IMPORTANT COURT CASE ABOUT AUTISM currently being litigated – the Hooker […]

Italian Court Rules MMR Vaccine Caused Autism: Why is this story blacked out of the US Media?

UPDATE: Dr. Andrew Wakefield challenges U.K. medical officials to open debate on T.V. over MMR vaccine, and reveals the truth of the measles outbreak in the U.K. in this video

Merck is sued by former virologist employees for deliberately falsifying mumps vaccine efficacy studies

by Michael Belkin

This is a legal filing by former Merck virologists who claim they were pressured by Merck management to participate in fraud by falsifying […]

Are Vaccines Creating Superbugs?

by SaneVax
[SaneVax: A research team from the University of Georgia is working on the development of a new vaccine for mumps because there are […]

Vermonters Defend Health Liberty & Vaccine Choices

by Barbara Loe Fisher
 “I never thought this would turn into the mess it turned into.” – State Senator Kevin Mullin (R-Rutland), co-sponsor of a […]

Oregon parents reject government vaccine schedule – Pediatrics Journal

by Michael Belkin
A new Pediatrics journal study laments the growing number of Oregon parents who refuse to follow the CDC-recommended childhood vaccine schedule. The percentage […]

Italian Court Rules that MMR Vaccine Caused Autism

Health Impact News Editor Comment: Since the Supreme Court in the US upheld the law giving pharmaceutical companies complete immunity against lawsuits due to […]

Is Your Doctor Being Bribed to Increase Vaccination Rates?

By Dr. Mercola

Ever wonder why your child’s pediatrician—or your own physician for that matter—seems to be pushing vaccines on you every time you walk […]

O Canada! HPV Vaccine May be a Medical Experiment on Older Women

by Leslie Botha
It appears that women ages 27 to 45 in Canada are being subjected to the same type of Gardasil® advertising campaign adolescents […]

There Has Never Been A Single Study of the Current Vaccine Schedule

by The Chalkboard Campaign

There has never been a single study of the current vaccine schedule

Think combined doses of vaccines have been tested? They haven’t. […]

Pneumonia Vaccine Shown to Actually Increase Bacterial Infections It Is Supposed to Prevent

by Dr. Mercola
It’s estimated that nearly one in 7 U.S. adults have been diagnosed with sinusitis in the past 12 months, which occurs when […]

Anthrax Vaccine Trial Ethics? Science?

by Alliance for Human Research Protection

A strong case for the anthrax vaccine trial would be made “if the community that’s most supportive of moving this […]

Obama Spending Your Tax Dollars to Develop an Alzheimer’s Vaccine in Colombia

Health Impact News Editor Comments: Fox News reported this week that the Obama administration is investing your tax dollars to develop an Alzheimer’s vaccine. […]

Monkeys Get Autism-like Reactions to MMR & Other Vaccines In University of Pittsburgh Vaccine Study

By Catherine J. Frompovich

Someone did perform safety studies the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration […]

Contact Congress to Attend Congressional Hearing on Autism!

Contact Congress to Attend Autism Presentation
Congress is Listening!

Last weekend we sent a request for you to comment on the Facebook pages of the House […]

Huge Victory for Vaccine Rights in Vermont

Autism Action Network
Citizen Activists Stop Pharma Cold
S 199 was introduced by State Senator Bill Mullin, the Vermont Chairman of the American Legislative Exchange Council […]

Vermont Legislature Battles over Vaccines

by Alliance for Natural Health

The philosophical exemption will likely be revoked if we don’t take action.
As we reported in March, a bill threatening a […]

Do Nurses Have It Right About Vaccinations?

Why would nurses, who vaccinate infants and children, refuse to get vaccinations for themselves even when a directive went out that all nurses must be vaccinated against pertussis?

NY Bill Would Give Children The Right To Consent To Vaccines Without Parental Consent

by Alan Phillips, J.D.

New York’s A343[1] and S384, if enacted into law, will give children the right to consent to HPV and Hep B […]